GTP_WRS Week 2: Results (Official)

  • Thread starter Vaxen


GTP Race Admin
United States
Sunnyvale, CA

:: GTP_Weekly Race Series ::


Week 2 (Official): Rosso Corsa


Time Trial in Arcade Mode


Ferrari F50 '95


Autodromo Nazionale Monza

Steward's Comments:

Good job everyone!


OLR Team.

Sharing Your Replay:
  • Go to Your Library, locate your Submitted Best Lap Replay, and share it using the in game menu features.
  • Be sure to share your replay PUBLICLY for verification, so that any member may find it.
  • When sharing your replay this week, please use the following share tags to make your replay easy for other members to locate
    • gtpwrs002, essentials, pineapple
This thread will be listed as "Provisional" and will become "Official" once all posted replays have been verified.
Disqualification isn't taken lightly within the WRS.

Drivers who do not have a submitted lap posted in the results are not to post any information related to a laptime they might have achieved in the results thread. Any such posts will have the times removed.

Division 1:

1---1'55.757-R-RFLX_Niop (Verified)

2---1'56.158-R-mistersafeway (Verified)

3---1'56.252-R-Hasnain282 (Verified)

4---1'56.287-R-GTP_Animera (Verified)

5---1'56.372-R-GTP_billyjoebobx (Verified)

Division 2:

1---1'56.774-R-GTP_Jammy (Verified)

2---1'57.119-R-GTP_Roamer2629 (Verified)

3---1'57.122-R-GTP_tzracer (Verified)

4---1'57.154-R-Chrome_PuPXD (Verified)

5---1'57.332-R-RuddRacer (Verified)

6---1'57.381-R-Munch2112 (Verified)

7---1'57.672-R-tarnheld (Verified)

8---1'57.790-R-mrmattsly (Verified)

9---1'58.059-R-Ruzinvincible (Verified)

10--1'58.150-R-Sureshot-83 (Verified)

11--1'58.368-R-MAD_Mires (Verified)

Division 3:

1---1'58.573-R-colinnola (Verified)

2---1'59.197-R-Allibubba99 (Verified)

3---1'59.462-R-shoenboggie (Verified)

4---1'59.983-R-stibbz (Verified)

Division 4:

1---2'00.988-R-GTP_Eggstor (Verified)


Overall Results:

> Division 1: Par: 1'55.649 Gold: 1'55.983 Silver: 1'56.354 Bronze: 1'56.763
1---1'55.757-R-RFLX_Niop r=1.108 (d1/-0.681)
2---1'56.158-R-mistersafeway r=1.491 (d1/0.346)
3---1'56.252-R-Hasnain282 r=1.575 (d1/0.036)
4---1'56.287-R-GTP_Animera r=1.606 (d1/0.236)
5---1'56.372-R-GTP_billyjoebobx r=1.681 (d1/0.017)

> Division 2: Par: 1'56.764 Gold: 1'57.265 Silver: 1'57.821 Bronze: 1'58.434
6---1'56.774-R-GTP_Jammy r=2.007 (d2/0.075)
7---1'57.119-R-GTP_Roamer2629 r=2.236 (d2/-0.512)
8---1'57.122-R-GTP_tzracer r=2.238 (d2/-0.768)
9---1'57.154-R-Chrome_PuPXD r=2.259 (d2/-0.024)
10--1'57.332-R-RuddRacer r=2.374 (d2/0.052)
11--1'57.381-R-Munch2112 r=2.403 (d2/-1.452)
12--1'57.672-R-tarnheld r=2.577 (d2/0.000)
13--1'57.790-R-mrmattsly r=2.648 (d2/0.000)
14--1'58.059-R-Ruzinvincible r=2.796 (d2/0.914)
15--1'58.150-R-Sureshot-83 r=2.846 (d2/-0.111)
16--1'58.368-R-MAD_Mires r=2.964 (d2/0.725)

> Division 3: Par: 1'58.435 Gold: 1'59.103 Silver: 1'59.846 Bronze: 2'00.663
17--1'58.573-R-colinnola r=3.069 (d3/-0.313)
18--1'59.197-R-Allibubba99 r=3.376 (d3/0.001)
19--1'59.462-R-shoenboggie r=3.494 (d3/1.237)
20--1'59.983-R-stibbz r=3.723 (d3/0.000)

> Division 4: Par: 2'00.664 Gold: 2'02.836 Silver: 2'05.250 Bronze: 2'07.906
21--2'00.988-R-GTP_Eggstor r=4.050 (d4/0.272)

Q---(No Replay)---CC_on_GT7

Q---(No Replay)---Sjokkomoes

Q---(No Replay)---dalie999

Q---(Off Track)---DonNerazzurri666


Handicapped Results:

(Settings: Weight = 1.000 Squeeze = 1.941 Scoot = 0.016)

shows that the replay has been posted and verified.
shows that the submitted lap turned out to be dirty or doubtful.
shows that the replay has was found to be invalid.

Replay Checking:

  1. It is customary for all participants of the WRS to verify each others submitted replays
  2. Once you have checked the replay, post in this thread to say that you have checked it and whether it's clean, dirty or doesn't meet the required race specifications
  3. When verifying a replay, check against this weeks race specification, check that the tyres are the correct compound and that the power and weight is correct for example
  4. If you are unsure about a replay, always seek a second opinion before posting
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GTP_Animera :greenflag:

GTP_Jammy :greenflag:

Replay shared. Week 1 lost time by not using 1st gear in hairpin, see now I lost time using lower gears in a few corners. :banghead:

@Animera very surprised to see you used TC
Thanks for checking.
Yeah, I leave TC on 1 so it can kick in when my right foot doesn't do its job properly.
I've tried it on 0 and found it doesn't make much of a difference sometimes.
However, for week 1 and 3 I found TC0 better.
Replay shared.

@tarnheld :greenflag:

@JoostBaksteen I can't see the leaderboard updating with the green flags?

@Vaxen Can we have a fifth replay checking note in the opening post to warn people to not speed up/rewind time in replays as it breaks the timing.

@Hasnain282 :greenflag:
Thanks, yeah the thread title is different from last week and fetchy only parses known formats, a fix will be up tomorrow so flags should appear tomorrow.
Thanks for checking.
Yeah, I leave TC on 1 so it can kick in when my right foot doesn't do its job properly.
I've tried it on 0 and found it doesn't make much of a difference sometimes.
However, for week 1 and 3 I found TC0 better.
Last time I used TC in a time trial was in a FF event GT 5 or G6.

Not ever using TC may have been more of an ego thing than analysis but in the GT 7 endurance events with rain (before update) I got tired of throwing away the lead due to a spin so I reluctantly turned it on. It made me question if TC in GT 7 was as big a burden as previous games.

In week 4 I saw @mohitraina91 said he was using it. I need to remember my #1 rule, learn from those who are faster that you.

So in the never-ending pursuit of lower lap times I tired TC in our week 4 event and was immediately was faster in sector 1.
IMHO TC is basically a very fast throttle lifter -- i would turn it off to accustom with the car and the track since it will hide the grip loss and the feel of the car. Once you feel that you will never be able to react fast enough to catch a spin out i would turn it on. But as you said it hurts the ego and it feels wrong for some cars -- i don't think the F50 had any traction control in real life. The Shelby on the other hand has traction controls galore in real life, so it doesn't hurt to turn them on. And in the rain it's a real blessing... :lol:
Well I guess despite Fetchy processing my removal request, I seem to have ended up on the results anyways. :lol: Been a bit of a weird week so I can understand all the technical issues. Would I need to share a replay then?
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Well I guess despite Fetchy processing my removal request, I seem to have ended up on the results anyways. :lol: Been a bit of a weird week so I can understand all the technical issues. Would I need to share a replay then?
No, if you would prefer I can remove you. I black flagged my own lap already. He even took my 1 minute sub.
No, if you would prefer I can remove you. I black flagged my own lap already. He even took my 1 minute sub.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could remove me. :)
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Well I guess despite Fetchy processing my removal request, I seem to have ended up on the results anyways. :lol: Been a bit of a weird week so I can understand all the technical issues. Would I need to share a replay then?
Exactly, as EDK said, let us know what you prefer!
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