GTP_WRS Week 26 : Mazda is as Mazda Does

  • Thread starter EDK
Submitted with what's on the board. Not at all happy with my last sector but try as I will just cannot keep up with myself anywhere on the track so it has become futile to try any longer.

Looks like the Moff came in late and put up some great times. If I can muster a third place podium, I'll be tickled pink. If not, at least I think I can get another negative handicap and that will be rather pleasing.

On another note of inconsequential value I have noticed something peculiar in the timing when running this trial. It goes something like this: My posted time for the first sector is 27.700. This was taken directly from the replay. It doesn't matter if you stop the replay before and arrow to the point or stop the replay after and arrow back to the point. It always shows 27.700. But when driving in the trial using the replay as the ghost, if for example, I crossed the first sector point at 27.884, it shows on the screen that I am .169 behind my ghost time. This would indicate that my sector time would have been 27.715 not 27.700. Should it not indicate that I am .184 behind? Should I be using the new common core math instead of traditional math? Strange!
Another 7 tenths at the line
In serious BANZAI territory now.
Splits and will submit this in case I can't go quicker in next 20 mins or so...
On another note of inconsequential value I have noticed something peculiar in the timing when running this trial. It goes something like this: My posted time for the first sector is 27.700. This was taken directly from the replay. It doesn't matter if you stop the replay before and arrow to the point or stop the replay after and arrow back to the point. It always shows 27.700. But when driving in the trial using the replay as the ghost, if for example, I crossed the first sector point at 27.884, it shows on the screen that I am .169 behind my ghost time. This would indicate that my sector time would have been 27.715 not 27.700. Should it not indicate that I am .184 behind? Should I be using the new common core math instead of traditional math? Strange!
That's actually present on most if not all weeks. Since we do not have complete splits in the live timing screen, we're forced into this workaround. The splits, therefore, are not exact in my opinion. My T3 times are typically slightly slower than the one we grab using this method, and I assume that would be the case for most drivers.
File this one under Arrrrrrrgghhh! Got to what I believed was my "best I could do" time. It was a respectable .35ish under my best prior to that. It took me about 2 hours to wring that out. I was happy as I got under the second I was flirting with. Turned in my time to Fetchy and .....REJECTED...Active Steering setting is invalid..... Hubba Wha!? I never use Active Steering on any event, ever....except......I played around with it on the Mt. Panorama 500pp seasonal to try to get as much feedback as possible on a tune on the GSX. It transferred back to TT on the Mazda that I pulled from Favorites. I am sure all of my fellow WRS'ers are too smart to not check their settings every time they enter a track...Lesson learned...Anyway, looking forward to watching some replays to get some schooling on Laguna Seca....Great Combo @EDK!
The deadline is not for another ~48 minutes, don't forget about summer time, while GMT is based on non-summer time. ;)

Also, I can see your submission in the Admin only list that's visible in the Fetchbot.

Also, so everyone can be assured of competing on a level playing field, I NEVER look at that list until I've sent my final submission.

Oh yeah always forget about that. Ok good stuff just because i normally get a reply within 10-15mins. Thanks!
Submitting with these splits (with the wipers going - didn't think that was possible with standards):

I just submitted my banzai Time about 10 mins ago, but yet to have a confirmation message back?
Doubt I'll be competitive, looks like this has been a very popular one indeed
Also, so everyone can be assured of competing on a level playing field, I NEVER look at that list until I've sent my final submission.
Mmmmhmmmm :P I'm actually kind of curious how they show up on your end. Is there some sort of file that fetchy generates of all the times submitted? Probably none of my business, but I think things like that are fascinating.

I understand the concept of the mysterious last sector and how it denies people from getting .001 ahead and quitting.. I'm also a believer that it really doesn't matter if a person knows the time, its still up to their skillset to achieve that time. As in, if I knew anyones time above me this week, I still can't go beat it :lol:
Not trying to start a debate, question your ways or any other along those lines. Just saying, even if someone knew a time, its not guaranteed to be achieved. I understand how it would effect the podiums and such though

Ya know,just ignore the bottom 2/3 of this post.. I've had like 3 hours sleep and I ramble when I'm tired about stupid stuff. Keep on keeping on Kevin
My last submission was 33 ms faster than the previous one. While I did a big gap upto T3, it shrunk a lot due to my wrong approach to the left after the corkscrew.

The splits, therefore, are not exact in my opinion.
Methinks since we view the replay, which is 60 frames per second, it cannot stop between frames. So it stops where "during this frame, we hit the marker". GT5 was probably 50 / 60 depending on region or so.
Didn't get the confirmation PM from Fetchy, but since my slow time is on the results leaderboard, I guess it got accepted. :cool:
I know I didn't spend much time on it, but even with the limited time I had i didn't think a 1.45 would come in. I though my best would prob be another second or so, a 1.48!
Amazing times guys.
Will try and get to some replays
Well done to all and my division buddies
Maybe I should spend a little longer than one hour next time. :P
I could have spent every waking hour on this track and I'd still have been a solid 2 seconds behind you.

Told you that you were a better driver than me. :bowdown: You'll be in D1 before you know it, great job my friend. Congrats to everyone else also, some impressive times on the board this week. :bowdown:

On another note, I'm still having problems uploading and checking replays. Could someone give me the exact steps to go through to get this done, my retarded ass seems to be missing something. :dunce: There used to be a step by step guide somewhere, but again, my dumbass can't seem to find that either. :lol: Thanks, and again, great job everyone....its an honor to compete with such an elite bunch of people. :bowdown: :cheers:
On another note, I'm still having problems uploading and checking replays. Could someone give me the exact steps to go through to get this done, my retarded ass seems to be missing something. :dunce: There used to be a step by step guide somewhere, but again, my dumbass can't seem to find that either. :lol: Thanks, and again, great job everyone....its an honor to compete with such an elite bunch of people. :bowdown: :cheers:

It's essentially the reverse of sending your replay to Fetchy:
  1. Download the zip file.
  2. Unzip the contents to the \PS3\SAVEDATA folder on your thumb drive.
  3. Use the PS3 save data utility to copy the replay to your PS3.
  4. Use the "Load file" feature in the Gallery section of GT6 to import it into the game.

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