GTP_WRS Week 29: Official Results

  • Thread starter Gravitron
Most everyone uses ABS 1 in the time trials, there are a few exceptions that do use ABS 0. What I like to do when watching replays is look at the lines the fast drivers are taking. Notice how they try to use the whole track in order to get on the gas as quickly as possible. They are putting the car in the optimal position in order to get through and out of the turns quickly. I also pay attention to how they handle throttle control. While exiting a corner the faster guys are feathering the gas waiting for when they can safely give the car full gas. Keeping that in mind has helped me with lap times, I try not to just coast waiting to hit full throttle at the apex. Someone told me the gas pedal is analog not digital, meaning it doesn't have to be all or nothing. Once you know the lines, the next thing that separates them is the ability to brake later and get on the gas quicker, which over the course of a lap adds up to a faster lap. Saying all that, sometimes I like watching a replay of someone slightly faster than me, something I feel I can attain. Lloyd and the guys at the top are really fast, and use techniques which are not easy to duplicate.

To emphasize on what Patrick said, make sure you use all the track. If it's a left hand turn, put your wheels on the white line on the right of the track(or curb if there is one). This is one of the easiest things you can do, and it will gain you time without having to spend hours practicing. Otherwise, just practice, practice, and practice some more:).