GTP_WRS Week 32 : Ferrari 599 @ Fuji Speedway F

  • Thread starter Sjaak
T1 21.595
t2 55.080

Sorry just looked at the Board, should I have put Controller.
I managed to go about 1 hundredth faster over the line with some faster splits to T2, a screwed up tight chicane and messed up run up the hill through that right hander after the tight chicane. Not really wort posting new splits over, I'll post when I get something worthwhile, even though my T1 and T2 aren't likely to improve from what I just did.
First run

T1 22.171
T2 56.045

Had a 55.3xx but forgot to save it. :dopey:

Nice combo 👍
This is my first WRS.Great combo sjaak68 👍


Finally, Warren G makes the WRS :cheers:

Great start man, hope you get the promotion you deserve through WRS 👍

All the best
First proper run brought these splits:

T1 21.519
T2 54.800

Great combo 👍
New ones tonight, picked up quite a bit at the line as well.

Well done to all of you going so fast in this truly difficult car at such a technical circuit.

I've tried both TLD and TZT tunes, neither of which suit me. I can;t find a single decent line around 100R and just don't get me started on T3.

All the best
First session splits. I'm the same as Maz regarding the tunes and lines, I feel better with a T2 in the 54s couldn't break that for a while! Best so far has been in the TZT tune.

T1: 21.603
T2: 54.961
A mix of tunes and gears gets me


with an average finish, not 100% sure how to pilot this through the final sector yet.
Hi superwally, nice to see you here.
Same thing here with the tunes.
Tried 3 different tunes and found one I like.

New splits after an extended session.

Still need to tidy up that t2 by a couple tenths.
Here are my first spilts of the week. I am using TLD tune.

T1:- 21.637
T2:- 54.800

I can still take more time off yet, I saw a 21.494 to T1 in a race, so I know I can do that.