GTPlanet Hunger Games Simulation 4: Tokyo Drift

  • Thread starter Jimlaad43


GeoGuessr God
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The ultimate game of survival returns to GTPlanet!


The :gtplanet: Hunger Games, simulated with this website, it simulates a custom Hunger Games. For those that haven't participated before, basically tell me you're in, I'll take care of everything then wait to die. :lol: I need 48 participants so get signing up!

I am going to Dall-E generate a picture for every user based on their username. I'll put your username into the AI Generator and then pick one of the 9 pictures as your avatar for the game.
If you want to save me time and do your generation and post it in the thread, that would be appreciated.
Previous winners:


Kill Log
  1. @Sprite - Slice slice, baby.
  2. @TB - If he doesn't make an appearance later as a Yoda-esque ghost mentor to anyone except for @Dylan, this entire game was rigged from the start.
  3. @BKGlover - Ditto.
Updated to post 53
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I have no idea what's going on but I guess I was already voluntold to die.

Confused Harry Potter GIF


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♫H-U-N-G-E-R G-A-M-E-S says I♫

Round 4! Give it up for round 4!!


I'll be back with the Craiyon pic since they DO know playa means beach..

EDIT: After some trial and error, I'll just use the only appropriate representation in my shortened username if that's okay, because..

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Put me down if there is room, please. This has always been a good bit of fun in the past.

Screenshot 2022-09-09 at 06-23-49 Craiyon formerly DALL-E mini.png
Sounds fun, I'd like to join.


Can't say these images are what I had in mind when I made this account, but I think I'll go with the one on the top left. He looks like a no-nonsense professional guy. Definitely a winner.
I'm in.


Dall-E knows I've been watching Game of Thrones and thinks I'm something from days gone past. :lol:
I'm totally in on this!

download (6).jpeg

EDIT: Yay, I get to be a 🤬 building. ☹️
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We are at 20 people so far.

I can run this with 24, 36 or 48 people. I need 4 more signups before we would be ready if interest does not pick up much further.

Who else wants to join in the fun?
This seems fun, I want to die join in on the fun :cheers:
Now, for the all-important pic:

It's all boxes! I should've expected it but oh well.