GTPlanet vs. Wham! - Last Christmas

  • Thread starter RouWa
I would accept your challenge, but I couldn't remember what it is. The title sounded familiar so I youtube'd it and then I lost.
Just so we're clear on this.

Ok, fair enough. Spam sucks. But what about subtle fakes (new GT5 trailer featuring Last Christmas)?

You should update your opening post with who is taking the challenge and who has failed.

Good Idea. I will do this once a week starting this sunday.

I would accept your challenge, but I couldn't remember what it is. The title sounded familiar so I youtube'd it and then I lost.

According to the song has been covered by 88 others artists. Just serch YouTube for one of these covers.
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I always get reminded of this song when I go on the Wii when you go on the shop channel (I think) it sounds very similar to the start.

It's probably my favourite Christmas song though in all honesty...

EDIT: I was just about to post a video that autoplayed but decided against it!

AHAHA! I *just* caught it before the mopey synths started, does that count?

...and yes I have it in iTunes. I'm SORRY.
Noooooooooo, I JUST have been Wham Rolled! Damned it! I already lost. Am I the first? If so, then yohooooooo. (I like being loose:lol::lol::lol:)
I have yet to hear any Christmas songs / carols and as I no longer work in retail and i rarely venture into shops / malls I think i should be able to pull it off.
The only way I can possibly lose this is if Spotify begin advertising Christmas music, since I listen to my own music, do my shopping online and won't be spending Christmas at home where it would most likely get played, so I'm feeling somewhat confident with this.
Don't forget Wizzard. Technically Stop the Cavalry isn't a Christmas song but I doubt Jona is thinking about that when the royalty cheque turns up each year :P
Interestingly enough... my favorite pop station (which I listen to everyday in the car now because my favorite rock station went off the air, and because my cousin is a DJ and he will actually play "The Bartman" if you ask) does 80's every Friday... and I haven't heard it yet.

Just a matter of time...
I think it will be impossible to not hear it here in the UK. You would literally have to lock yourself in a cupboard for a month! :sly: Havent heard it yet though.
I still haven't heard it despite the fact I went shopping in a large shopping mall today. I'm still in the game.
Ok tomorrow, december 1st is when the radios start playing Christmas songs. I need this ice to stop me leaving the house, and the ps3 to stop me from leaving the bedroom. This would be a lot easier if I had gt5:(.
Haha... still haven't heard it! And I'm staying off the radio till the 25th!

Have to avoid malls somehow, though...
Damn and Blast.... I'll be lucky enough to hear it more than once as I work in an office and we have only one station that works.... and it's a bad one that has already started with the Christmas (oops holiday) songs :ouch:
I will post when I lose :grumpy:

Let's hope I don't have to suffer the horror of having to hear Enter the Ninja by Die Antwoord :yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck:
to me even the Lady Gaga is better...
I'm out. Someone left the station on that plays Christmas music non-stop last night at work and my ears got Wham'd!
Ok tomorrow, december 1st is when the radios start playing Christmas songs. I need this ice to stop me leaving the house, and the ps3 to stop me from leaving the bedroom. This would be a lot easier if I had gt5:(.

They've been playing non stop Xmas music on two radio stations around here for over two weeks now. :odd:
I got Wham'd before i could react to it!

On my commute from work, and while switching/changing radio station on my car, i inadvertently hit the station where they have been playing Christmas music.

I knowingly avoid that station since reading this thread, because i know for sure they would play it at least twice a day, but I got Wham'd anyway :(

I immediately switch to another station, so does it mean i am still safe??

Well It's the 1st of December and my mother had her day o birth today so we went to a semi fancy place to eat and they had christmas songs playing.
I knew I lost from the start... it was just a matter of time till they played that particular song.

Oh and imagine the surprise of my family when I said "oh 🤬" in the middle of a pleasant dinner.
Still never heard of that. I continue to win.

People haven't played christmas music here yet. All I hear is dancehall and reggae because the people that listen to that are the only ones playing it louder than I have Malignant Tumor playing in my car.
They've been playing non stop Xmas music on two radio stations around here for over two weeks now. :odd:

In Ireland they don't start playing them until December. People got sick of hearing them in November and the radio station's listened to them. I managed to get through today everyone.
Still in the game here we are all too busy with this snow to play Christmas songs, it's only a matter of time though. ;)