GTS is seriously realistic...

  • Thread starter MIE1992
This might sound bloody obvious, but I find the easiest way to win more, is simply to get better at the game. Easier said than done however. Luckily, there are also plenty of little tricks to make it a little easier.

My top 5 top tip for those trying to farm wins (also for getting that elusive Platinum):
1) Tank your DR (preferably while keeping SR 99 so you don't get as many 1st corner griefers)
2) Put all your eggs in one basket. Just focus on running one race for the whole week. I recommend Daily A because usually this is a road car combo, and the fastest drivers all flock to Gr.3/4 combos to get more practice for FIA.
3) Make sure you get as good qualification time as you can. Your chance of winning goes up considerably the closer you are to front.
4) Race late night or early mornings. Less people and less aliens are on. Obviously this is dependent on your work/school schedule.
5) Enjoy the racing itself. Many times when I have been focused too much on winning, that's when I make silly mistakes. If you just focus on running your lines, the results will come eventually. Trust me, once you win a few, the rest gets easier 👍

There are lots of fast drivers but you gotta remember that the normal distribution curve means most people will be in the middle. Relatively speaking, it is much easier to move from, say 50th percentile to 90th, than 95th to 99th. If you are slow, count it as an opportunity. There's still a LOT of room for you to get faster. Take me, I've been sim racing 20 years, and it has taken me 10 years just to gain 1 second, and I'm STILL 2-3 seconds off the top times on most tracks :lol:
I've just picked this game up and regret being so late to the party. It's been quite surprisingly competitive since the first race. After 15 races I've reached SR rank S and DR rank D but being matched with DR ranked A/B drivers. So far am having fun racing against people that know what they're doing.

Nice humble brag...
I'm a loser in real life and in GTS! Wow! It's sure fun losing virtually every single race. Pole position? What's that? And what's a "race?" All I see before the race starts is a prediction of who's gonna place where once it's over, and it's very accurate, especially when every race lasts for around 10 minutes and twenty at most! What sort of algorithm do they use for these amazingly accurate predictions? It's like a fortune telling! Plus, it's very nice having all week to qualify - once you've set your best time, you can just enter a race and probably get poles/wins (let's be honest, what's the bloody difference?) every time without every needing to qualify again until next week's races, wherein the process repeats.

I should just grab some morphine from a university lab and OD. I already am frustrated with my life as it is at 27, I don't need meticulously consistent reminders. I'm not asking to win every race or grab pole every time, but this is ridiculous and un-fun. There is a difference between "getting good" - and learning more about a game's mechanics, or reading player behaviors - and being in an absurdly high percentile of skill to even have a shot of winning/being on pole, which furthermore has little difference given the length of the usual races. I had thought the FIA races and championships would be where the more advanced players would want to really test their mettle, but as far as the Daily Races go, I haven't seen this much curb-stomping since I watched American History X! I often feel like I'd have better odds of winning the local lottery than being on pole these days, FML.

If you want wins, just have a dirty race or two to tank your DR/SR and race against the bums and get easy wins while you climb back up.

It seems to be for me I can win against most guys until those S class guys start appearing (although I've beaten maybe one or two of those guys just from elbows out racing). So at that point I dont mind dropping down and doing it all again.

The only time I'm content with being in S lobbies and finishing 3rd - 7th is when its FIA time for the big points... but outside of that, **** it, im on a controller and most of those guys are on wheels so im not gonna try compete with them unless I get dirty af
but outside of that, **** it, im on a controller and most of those guys are on wheels so im not gonna try compete with them unless I get dirty af

Wheels aren’t faster than a controller, though. What you’re really saying is, I don’t want to compete against people more dedicated than myself. Which is exactly the mentality I would expect from someone who crashes into low level players, ruining their races, just so he can lower his own SR — because that’s the only way he can win a race.

The real problem with Sport Mode ... it’s not the penalty system, lack of tuning, or anything else. It’s players such as yourself.
I am still at Rank D and I am having the fun of my life with this game!
Really, don't take the game too serious.
It is just a videogame afterall!

When people have nothing to do, they race 24/7, hotlapping the same tracks for 1000 times.

Thats the kind if people you are against of gts.

Mortal people like us is better joining a league
I would love to join a league.
I guess I should look at the leagues and ladder subforum!
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I’m almost tempted to ruin races out of frustration alone - with both my lack of success in GTS and with my life. Like that last chicane on most courses. Not even just to tank SR but out of spite and frustration.
@MIE1992 Hey man ! don't by so hard on yourself you surely are better than me :) at 20 im disable meaning i have to play with a Controller using 4 fingers max , also due to my disability (mostly anyway) im staying about 6700 hours at home that resulted at me getting fat , having the physical endurance of a 100 year old man and having 0% chance of getting laid dispite going through 5 surgery's that improved nothing i also have hypetonia (which dispite sounding like an amazing super power) it means that any noise above a certain volume can make me jump as high as a WRC car (which is realĺy embarrasing ) and quite high miopia but dispite all of that im staying positive pushing through life. So take a moment calm down and try again. (Bonus) and unlike me yet again you can keep trying but i had a bug deny my access to online races since last november so i canceled my PS+ and there is no way im paying sony just to check if they fixed it.
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@MIE1992 Hey man ! don't by so hard on yourself you surely are better than me :) at 20 im disable meaning i have to play with a Controller using 4 fingers max , also due to my disability (mostly anyway im staying about 6700 hours at home that resulted at me me getting fat , having the physical endurance of a 100 year old man and having 0 chance of getting laid dispite going through 5 surgery's that improved nothing i also have hypetonia (which dispite sounding like an amazing super power) it means that any noise above a certain volume can make jump as high as a WRC car (which is realĺy embarrasing ) and quite high miopia but dispite all of that im staying positive pushing through life. So take minute calm down and try again. (Bonus and unlike me yet again you can keep trying but i had a bug deny my access to online races since last november so i canceled my PS+ and there is no way im paying sony just to check if they fixed it).

Loving your attitude man. A true example to anyone who may think they're up against it :cheers:
Sorry to scare everyone. I've been having these radical mood swings lately, and my doctor and I have determined it's likely due to a change in my scripts from last December, where we tried to see if I could stop taking a medication after having gradually lower doses over the years. So it turns out that while I'm taking what's arguably the lowest dose, I do still need to take it.

I'm really sorry to scare you all like this.
Sorry to scare everyone. I've been having these radical mood swings lately, and my doctor and I have determined it's likely due to a change in my scripts from last December, where we tried to see if I could stop taking a medication after having gradually lower doses over the years. So it turns out that while I'm taking what's arguably the lowest dose, I do still need to take it.

I'm really sorry to scare you all like this.

Good to hear from you and hope you feel better soon 👍
Sorry to scare everyone. I've been having these radical mood swings lately, and my doctor and I have determined it's likely due to a change in my scripts from last December, where we tried to see if I could stop taking a medication after having gradually lower doses over the years. So it turns out that while I'm taking what's arguably the lowest dose, I do still need to take it.

I'm really sorry to scare you all like this.

You are still ok there buddy ?

Drop by here and say hi sometimes, just so we get news from you...

GTPlanet is the best forum on Earth (IMHO) :gtpflag:
This community will give you the moral support...

Keep things fun in everything you do and you will be alright.... ;) :cheers:
You are still ok there buddy ?

Drop by here and say hi sometimes, just so we get news from you...

GTPlanet is the best forum on Earth (IMHO) :gtpflag:
This community will give you the moral support...

Keep things fun in everything you do and you will be alright.... ;) :cheers:

Yeah. I'm feeling a bit better, thanks. I've been meeting with a therapist lately, and we've been quickly diagnosing some issues/goals I can work towards at the moment, mostly the meeting of social needs, yeah. Thanks for asking, too. :)
Wheels aren’t faster than a controller, though. What you’re really saying is, I don’t want to compete against people more dedicated than myself. Which is exactly the mentality I would expect from someone who crashes into low level players, ruining their races, just so he can lower his own SR — because that’s the only way he can win a race.

The real problem with Sport Mode ... it’s not the penalty system, lack of tuning, or anything else. It’s players such as yourself.
His reaction was exaggerated, but wheels are demonstrably faster than a controller on the long run. I would love to have smoother controls in an endurance. You have less discrepancy in qualifying but I still think I would be 2 or 3 tenths quicker with a wheel. I have trashed tens of laps at Kyoto trying to go below 1:33 because I missed the turning by one tenth, by this time I would've been in the top 100.
His reaction was exaggerated, but wheels are demonstrably faster than a controller on the long run. I would love to have smoother controls in an endurance. You have less discrepancy in qualifying but I still think I would be 2 or 3 tenths quicker with a wheel. I have trashed tens of laps at Kyoto trying to go below 1:33 because I missed the turning by one tenth, by this time I would've been in the top 100.

Demonstrably isn’t the word you’re looking for, it’s empirically - because this isn’t something that’s demonstrable. On paper, there is nothing about a wheel that lets you brake later or throttle earlier, which is where the benefit would come from. So how could a wheel be faster on an observable level?

Claiming there’s a near half-a second (3 tenth) discrepancy between the 2 is just wrong. All things being equal this just couldn’t happen. Smoother, yes. More consistent? Sure. but, claiming that wheel users are beyond competing with (which was stated in the post I quoted) is blatantly wrong.
I'm a loser in real life and in GTS! Wow! It's sure fun losing virtually every single race. Pole position? What's that? And what's a "race?" All I see before the race starts is a prediction of who's gonna place where once it's over, and it's very accurate, especially when every race lasts for around 10 minutes and twenty at most! What sort of algorithm do they use for these amazingly accurate predictions? It's like a fortune telling! Plus, it's very nice having all week to qualify - once you've set your best time, you can just enter a race and probably get poles/wins (let's be honest, what's the bloody difference?) every time without every needing to qualify again until next week's races, wherein the process repeats.

I should just grab some morphine from a university lab and OD. I already am frustrated with my life as it is at 27, I don't need meticulously consistent reminders. I'm not asking to win every race or grab pole every time, but this is ridiculous and un-fun. There is a difference between "getting good" - and learning more about a game's mechanics, or reading player behaviors - and being in an absurdly high percentile of skill to even have a shot of winning/being on pole, which furthermore has little difference given the length of the usual races. I had thought the FIA races and championships would be where the more advanced players would want to really test their mettle, but as far as the Daily Races go, I haven't seen this much curb-stomping since I watched American History X! I often feel like I'd have better odds of winning the local lottery than being on pole these days, FML.

When reality kicks in and you find out you not the special one ^^
The real problem with Sport Mode ... it’s not the penalty system, lack of tuning, or anything else. It’s players such as yourself.
daaaaaamn :) that roast!
I wonder how old these babies are who can't have fun playing a game unless they will be beating all the others.