GTS Save Issue, Help Please!

  • Thread starter hugh honey
United States
United States
I recently encountered an issue where my GTS network save synched with an older save of my game when starting GTS from my old PS4.
I have a PSN cloud save with all my data that was lost, I downloaded it, and I can open the game offline with all my cars etc., everything's still there. However, you cannot replace the data on the GTS server with that system save data. Once I connect to the GTS server, it immediately replaces everything, without giving me any options.

I have tried to recreate the mistake with each update to no avail, and I really don't want to lose an entire year of gameplay.

Has anyone else encountered this issue and figured out a way to replace data on the GTS server, with data saved on your Playstation?

Thank you very much!
I recently encountered an issue where my GTS network save synched with an older save of my game when starting GTS from my old PS4.
I have a PSN cloud save with all my data that was lost, I downloaded it, and I can open the game offline with all my cars etc., everything's still there. However, you cannot replace the data on the GTS server with that system save data. Once I connect to the GTS server, it immediately replaces everything, without giving me any options.

I have tried to recreate the mistake with each update to no avail, and I really don't want to lose an entire year of gameplay.

Has anyone else encountered this issue and figured out a way to replace data on the GTS server, with data saved on your Playstation?

Thank you very much!
You can not replace the Save Data on the GT Sport server it only works if you start a new game. Contact Playstation Support and tell them, I can not overwrite my online GT sport server save "why". I be saying that to them "why" if I ever have an issue with my online save.
I recently encountered an issue where my GTS network save synched with an older save of my game when starting GTS from my old PS4.
I have a PSN cloud save with all my data that was lost, I downloaded it, and I can open the game offline with all my cars etc., everything's still there. However, you cannot replace the data on the GTS server with that system save data. Once I connect to the GTS server, it immediately replaces everything, without giving me any options.

I have tried to recreate the mistake with each update to no avail, and I really don't want to lose an entire year of gameplay.

Has anyone else encountered this issue and figured out a way to replace data on the GTS server, with data saved on your Playstation?

Thank you very much!
GT Sport and its game saves. :boggled:

It's been a long time since I experimented with all of this, but I just finished giving it another go.
I have a secondary PSN account which I can use that has save data on the GTS servers, and don't care if I kill it in the name of science, so I used that for testing.
I do have extra PS4's along with a digital copy and disc copy of the game, so I could play around with this whole 'second console' thing too I guess.
Although, it would take lots of time and 10's of GB's to update the other console and the game data, so I haven't gone that route.

But I did just succeed in updating what was quite an old GT server save with an new 'updated console' save to the server (as per the instructions on how to do so) so I'll just go through that with you and see if you can do the same and get the same result.

I'll try not to turn this into an essay, but please excuse what may become a rather lengthy post.
And apologies if what I'm about to say is exactly what you've already tried without any success.

So ... firstly I want to mention something which may or may not have any influence here, but it's worth noting with regards to the '2 consoles' situation.
You can only have one PS4 activated as your 'Primary' console.
Everything I did was done on my Primary PS4.
I don't know which of your consoles is registered as the 'Primary PS4', but you can find that out by going to 'Settings > Account Management > Activate as your Your Primary PS4'.
I suggest using that console as the one to try and update the GTS servers.

I also don't know the current status of your consoles regarding GT Sport.
But if your older console is the one registered as the Primary (and it would be quite interesting to know if it is or not), ensure that console's firmware and also GT Sport's software are both fully updated.
(Alternatively you can deactivate one console and then activate the other as the Primary. Perhaps look into that if you feel that's a better option, but I'ld rather not introduce too many new factors if it can be avoided.)
I will assume your newer console is already fully updated.

Then you would also want to have your best/latest console save on the Primary console.
If that means copying the save from the PSN Cloud to the old console, perhaps consider making a USB copy of your old save (if it still exists) before overwriting it.

So ... Primary console, fully updated, best/latest save on console, older save on GTS servers.
(Also, now completely power off the other console, because ... why not)
You're essentially where I was before I started my tests.

Firstly, with the PS4 fully powered down (ie. not just Rest Mode) I unplugged the ethernet cable from my modem to disable the internet to the console.
Hopefully you can do the same, or turn off the WiFi on your modem.
Then I started the console and checked GT Sport's console save files before starting the game offline.
I wanted to change the dates of both files to the 3rd Aug. so I started by making a small adjustment to the display settings in the Display Settings Assistant.
Next, I thought that I would also be able to change the details of the other file (ie. Days Played, Credits, Current Car) by doing a quick Arcade Race and change cars in my Garage, but that failed.
Well, when I say failed, I couldn't check if any details had actually changed without closing GT Sport, and I couldn't save before closing the game either.
Closing the game and checking that save file showed no change, and starting the game offline again proved it hadn't.
Back to the same amount of Credits I had before the the Arcade Race, no increase in game days played, and back into the car I was in originally.

So, nothing proven there.
I again fully powered down the PS4 to start testing again.

The console still has no internet, and I again started the console and then the game offline.
Once again I did an Arcade Race (earned some Credits and Mileage points, and added another Day Played) and also changed cars in my Garage.
Then, without closing the GT Sport App., I put the PS4 into Rest Mode.
I waited for that process to finish, and then reconnected the ethernet cable back to my modem.
Waited a few minutes, then restarted the PS4.
I confirmed the console was online by checking my Friends list, then 'started' (recommenced) GT Sport.

Server synced, save updated.
It showed the offline changes I had made such as the extra Credits and the current car change.
Good to go.

Now, you and I aren't in exactly the same position.
My situation isn't all that far removed from someone who last played GTS 3 months ago but decided to play again today. So, big deal.
You have an influencing second console and an old save overwrite on the GTS severs.
What 'worked' for me may not work for you.
There was a period some time ago when IMO PD made some changes to the save system.
And at one stage I had one PSN account save file doing one thing, while another account's save file was doing something different.
Essentially one worked how I wanted it to, while the other refused to do the same.
I've no idea why.

But perhaps try getting your situation as best aligned with mine by doing the steps I've suggested above before trying the server save sync, and see how you go.
Certainly no promises, and I suspect you'll be talking to PS Support about the issue because this hasn't worked, but it's the best I've got.
Good luck.
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I am going to give this a try today, thank you so much. I had tried multiple version of reconnecting to server after doing races offline, but none using rest mode. I will update you once attempted!
Quick update:
First, I really appreciate your help! I truly feel like your method is 100% the correct way to go about it, but the functionality seems to be turned off.

I tried it a few times, sometimes right after a race before getting my rewards and exiting to the home screen. It just seems like the game will not replace what is on the GTS servers. The game appears to be able to let you do this, and posts the same "turn PS4 to standby and then turn it back on with the game running" message...I just don't think they know the function does not work. I have been trying to find a customer service number for Polyphony or something, an email...anything.

You are correct, there was an update along the way where it stopped working, after previously working. It's a total bummer, I haven't played the game in a while because of it. I am going to just start fresh with a new account at this point, and try calling PS support for some guidance on Monday.
Quick update:
First, I really appreciate your help! I truly feel like your method is 100% the correct way to go about it, but the functionality seems to be turned off.

I tried it a few times, sometimes right after a race before getting my rewards and exiting to the home screen. It just seems like the game will not replace what is on the GTS servers. The game appears to be able to let you do this, and posts the same "turn PS4 to standby and then turn it back on with the game running" message...I just don't think they know the function does not work. I have been trying to find a customer service number for Polyphony or something, an email...anything.

You are correct, there was an update along the way where it stopped working, after previously working. It's a total bummer, I haven't played the game in a while because of it. I am going to just start fresh with a new account at this point, and try calling PS support for some guidance on Monday.
Please let us know what PS support tells you about, why you can not overwrite the server side save for this game.
So if the server save always overwrites local save, does that mean even having backups are pointless if the server save is corrupted?
Yes just call your local Playstation support team for help if your save gets corrupt, and then you will have a nice day ;).
Yes just call your local Playstation support team for help if your save gets corrupt, and then you will have a nice day ;).

I can't tell if this is meant to be sarcasm.

From my experience with PS customer service, they are utterly useless. And since my save isn't completely corrupted (only library data), I doubt there is anything they can do.
From my experience with PS customer service, they are utterly useless. And since my save isn't completely corrupted (only library data), I doubt there is anything they can do.
If it library data you lost, well it gone forever.
MotogamesTV has the same issue.
So if the server save always overwrites local save, does that mean even having backups are pointless if the server save is corrupted? And if you then try to restore backup (from USB/PSN cloud) it will just get overwritten by the server save anyway. What a joke.

See my other thread on losing my library data:
Well, I'm a bit 50/50 with answers there.
I'm not sure it's correct to say "the server save always overwrites the local save".
But Yes, IMO it does seem almost pointless to have a backup copy of your GTS console progress save file.
Essentially, the GT server save is the backup.
If I delete the the console save file completely and start the game, the server file will become the new console save file.

And yeh, I've fallen foul of the library bug too.
A post of mine in the Bug report thread from March this year ...

I know some people really like their replays, photos, etc. but for me personally it wasn't a huge loss, so I didn't worry about it.

Quick update:
First, I really appreciate your help! I truly feel like your method is 100% the correct way to go about it, but the functionality seems to be turned off.

I tried it a few times, sometimes right after a race before getting my rewards and exiting to the home screen. It just seems like the game will not replace what is on the GTS servers. The game appears to be able to let you do this, and posts the same "turn PS4 to standby and then turn it back on with the game running" message...I just don't think they know the function does not work. I have been trying to find a customer service number for Polyphony or something, an email...anything.

You are correct, there was an update along the way where it stopped working, after previously working. It's a total bummer, I haven't played the game in a while because of it. I am going to just start fresh with a new account at this point, and try calling PS support for some guidance on Monday.
I don't understand why it doesn't work, and yet at the same time I'm not surprised to hear that it didn't.
Weird but true.

I don't agree that "the functionality seems to be turned off."
I basically proved yesterday (and again today with some more testing) that it works as intended.

I'm at a loss, so I've been trying to work out what the game doesn't like about the 'backup' console save file.
Here's my line of thinking.

I believe stats. such as DR and SR are held server side (proven by it still holding your old rankings even when starting a 'new' game), so a change there should not effect anything.
I believe replays, photos, liveries, etc are held server side, so I'm discounting them.

So what can be done/earned offline, as opposed to online, that alters a console save file that the server may not like when comparing the two?
Offline you can earn Credits, Mileage Points, and Experience.
Days Played doesn't seem to be an issue, as proven (at least on the the surface) by what I did yesterday.
Experience can only go up, so no issue here.
You can spend Mileage Points offline by upgrading cars in your Garage, so a higher or lower value here shouldn't matter.
Credits are interesting.
You can earn Credits offline but you cannot spend any, so I feel your 'offline backup' file would need to have at least as many or more Credits than the server file to not flag as an issue.

And now the area where I think most problems may lie ... your Garage.
Offline you have access to Arcade and Campaign, and therefore Circuit Experience, etc. where you can win prize cars.
I tested this today offline and was awarded a prize car.
So Gift Cars are okay? Probably.
Offline doesn't seem to record 'distance driven', so Daily Workout prize cars could be an issue.
But I've noticed people still complain somewhat recently about being bored when in a situation of the game catching up and going through day after day of awarding Daily Marathon cars on the wheel of mis-fortune.
So I suspect that excessive 'Days played' and gift cars comparing the server save to the console save does seem okay.

But you certainly have no way to purchase cars offline with Credits.
So I can see an issue with trying to load a 'backup' file that has Brand Central cars in it that the server save file does not.
Now, you can 'sell' cars from your Garage offline.
Earning Credits by doing so shouldn't be an issue.
So a suggestion here would be to load the server save file, go to the Garage, sort by Date Acquired, and note the latest car on that list.
Offline, load your best/latest save, sort you Garage by Date Acquired, and sell all cars bought after the last car bought on your list according to the server save file.
I'm going to assume all Gift Cars are okay, just the cars purchased from Brand Central need to go.
So you'll lose all of those cars purchased, but gain 30% of their Credit value back. Life sucks.

I can't think of much else, so in a nutshell, IMO ...
DR, SR, replays/photos/etc.,Days Played, Driver Level/Experience, Mileage Points, Gift Cars, and 'Campaign' progress can all be ignored.
But ensure your 'backup' save has at at least as much or more Credits than the server file.
And ensure you don't have any Brand Central purchased cars in you 'backup' file that aren't in the server file.

Whether you wish to try that or not will depend on your circumstance, and if you can be bothered to spend the time to try it.
And I don't know if anyone else can add to that or wishes to correct something there.
But I think that's about as far as I can take it.
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I just got hit again and this makes the second time its happened to me.
The first time it happened was early on and not to long after the games release. I was able to load in my backup saved data from the PS4 Cloud the and it worked great.
That's not the case anymore since PD stopped everyone from doing that.

This time I just lost almost 2 years of game progress, cars, livery's, replays... I have lost everything on PD's servers this time.
If anyone has had any success at getting Sony or PD to load in your saved data from the PS4 cloud please let me know. Because unless there is some hope to have everything fixed then my GTS days have just came to an end.
I just got hit again and this makes the second time its happened to me.
The first time it happened was early on and not to long after the games release. I was able to load in my backup saved data from the PS4 Cloud the and it worked great.
That's not the case anymore since PD stopped everyone from doing that.

This time I just lost almost 2 years of game progress, cars, livery's, replays... I have lost everything on PD's servers this time.
If anyone has had any success at getting Sony or PD to load in your saved data from the PS4 cloud please let me know. Because unless there is some hope to have everything fixed then my GTS days have just came to an end.
Ring Playstation Support tell them about, you can not use your PS4 cloud save in GTS why.
Ring Playstation Support tell them about, you can not use your PS4 cloud save in GTS why.

I will try giving them a call.

The PS4 cloud save worked around 2 years ago or at least it did for me the first time I had corrupted data.
I knew PD had changed this since the first time it happened so it was just wishful thinking that someone may have found a way to get around it.
Wish I had better news but as one might have guessed that by deleting the game and reinstalling it did not work. So for anyone who loses their game data/content/progression just understand that your stuff is gone for good and your probably never getting it back online.
For a game that makes you work your ass off to obtain it's locked content this is by far the single most Idiotic thing any game company could do to it's players.

I spent 4 hours on the phone with Sony trying to resolve this issue with no luck because you can't reach PD and that's where the problem is coming from on their end.
That's 2 years of game play gone in an instant and Polyphony Digital has nothing in place to help all those who have lost game data.

If anyone has a legitimate way of getting PD on the phone in the US or has found a way to load in the saved game file from your PS4 because of corrupted game data on PD'S end please let me know because I desperately need help.

It sucks this issue has brought me to the point of quitting Gran Turismo Sport.
2 year of game play/stats/content/Livery's is a long time and not something that can quickly be replaced. I just can't continue supporting PD or any company that refuses to take care of their customers when they caused the problem.
To put a little bit of life again in this thread, I also unknowingly made the mistake of booting up my gtsport on another ps4 and losing a couple of months worth of saved data. I did however back up all my data from the primary ps4 before doing so, so I guess I got lucky in that aspect.. Anyone got any new info on this problem and maybe a solution, or is it still a lost cause :(
That problem (uploading an old save and overwriting the server save) shouldn't exist given that the usual problem is the exact opposite - the server save overwrites the local back-up save.

It hurts my brain to think about.
That problem (uploading an old save and overwriting the server save) shouldn't exist given that the usual problem is the exact opposite - the server save overwrites the local back-up save.

It hurts my brain to think about.
I can't get my head around it either, why update the server save file with a file that is older than the one it's already using. Even worse is that from that moment it's the newer server save file, and by that logic it should update to the newer console save file it had overwritten, but nope, just anger and sadness instead..