Guess that Car (GTA IV)

  • Thread starter Legendary
Thats true but whats done is done, cant change it now. I do agree with Phil though Eric, you probably should have asked, Phil has an even more valid excuse and that is, as he said, his PS3 died.
Thats true but whats done is done, cant change it now.

Exactly, I'm not attached to my turn or anything, and I was considering passing it on anyway, but I can foresee someone doing it again at a later date and then others will wonder why they couldn't have taken the turn, or why they lost their turn and such. Though not many people use this thread often, I've seen a fair few viewing before. Granted I should have posted something, anything, but I just forgot I hadn't already.
I apologize Phil, you can take the turn. Sorry about your PS3 breaking down. If I had at least $300, I'd purchase you a new one.
Yeah, I will have it up some time this weekend.

Exactly, I'm not attached to my turn or anything, and I was considering passing it on anyway, but I can foresee someone doing it again at a later date and then others will wonder why they couldn't have taken the turn, or why they lost their turn and such. Though not many people use this thread often, I've seen a fair few viewing before. Granted I should have posted something, anything, but I just forgot I hadn't already.

I apologize Phil, you can take the turn. Sorry about your PS3 breaking down. If I had at least $300, I'd purchase you a new one.
Excuse me? He said he didnt care that he lost his turn and I have already claimed the next turn, can you run stuff by people first?

I apologize Phil, you can take the turn. Sorry about your PS3 breaking down. If I had at least $300, I'd purchase you a new one.

This :
Excuse me? He said he didnt care that he lost his turn and I have already claimed the next turn, can you run stuff by people first?

I'm not fussed about my turn, and I'm not angry that you took it, I just think from now on we should post asking whether to move on or not in the absence of the member who currently has control of the picture posting. Purely so in the future someone doesn't come along who does care about who has the turn doesn't throw a hissy fit because they weren't there for a couple days.

Side note: I did manage to get my PS3 replaced but then had a couple of exams the last few days and didn't want to spend my free time taking pictures of cars when I could have been playing actual games, but I should have posted something here anyway telling those to wait a day or 2 and I apologise for not doing so.
Ugh, sorry, I have had too many assignments so I havent gotten around to it. Feel free to take my turn if I havent posted by the time you have a picture ready.
Well, you didn't have to do that Legendary. Croooow, if you had looked, Stav pretty much confirmed that Legendary got it right.
Oh, I'm sorry. I must have clicked on page 17 then posted, except of page 18 then posting. I am terribly sorry.
Well, you didn't have to do that Legendary. Croooow, if you had looked, Stav pretty much confirmed that Legendary got it right.
Well, mate, to be honest, he always seems to post without looking.

Oh, I'm sorry. I must have clicked on page 17 then posted, except of page 18 then posting. I am terribly sorry.
Ok, I believe you, its a common mistake but if you had of checked your post after you would have seen it was on a new page or at least new replies above it.
Hint, dont put such an obvious picture in. Those headlights are probably the most unique in the game...