Hacked car reverted

  • Thread starter Gonales
I'm fairly certain than a thrustmaster doesn't get more lock than a g27. All controller inputs in the game can only achieve a fixed maximum lock unless it's modded.
Just going by what fastfox said, and what happened when we applied the amount that I used last (I hope you remember what I said I last used)
I'll get with fox, see what you are on about, I race in a league with him. However, I am completely skeptical on this as well. I mean, this is something you have to hack your saved file to achieve with any other wheel. Further I am skeptical because this isn't a mod you even perform on a race car. The only places you see steering knuckle mods is in drifting, rally racing and maybe dirt track cars.
The bit in bold, not true in the slightest. Seen it for myself. Bluntified is making a valid argument but some of you just seem to be trying to dodge his points.

You keep saying over and over that you do not need it at all, so why do you use it then? Surely their must be a reason to use it.

The bit in bold is very true. Every very good drifter that uses angle hacks (like I said so many times before), can drift without them, just as well. Every bad drifter that struggles when drifting with angle hacks, will also struggle without. It's nearly like you are driving a very, very different but still capable car.

The reason why I use it? Simple... Can you go lock to lock, full throttle in fifth gear? You never will be able to, because it takes too long for the wheel to get in the (as I call it) Green Zone of drifting. When drifting without angle mods, mid corner you will most certainly be in the last 90 degrees of lock, on the wheel. It takes too long to get there, when going lock to lock.

BUT! When using angle hacks, the car already starts responding and weight shifting when you're only starting the steering movement. Which is, like I said before, way more realistic. And I can drift a lot less FFB, which is a lot better for the wheel as well.
Need more reasons? ;)
NASCAR have a lot lower steering angle somewhere just over 10 degrees to mid 20s for road course. It varies from car to car - setup and purpose dependent. GT5 should have changeable steering angle from the beginning. I set most of my replicas at 35 degrees, some older cars at 27 degrees. When I have the accurate info from the real car, I used that, no matter what the value is ( one of my drift replica had just over 60 degrees ). I made one NASCAR with around 15 degrees, allowed one of the avid NASCAR racer in GT5 to test it, and he said it's miles better than default 40 degrees.
Hmmm? Gonales, it sounds like you are saying the tires turn faster in relation to steering wheel input? I guess I can see that, since the amount a tire needs to move increases, but steering wheel locks doesn't.
However, so does switching the g27 from 900° to 650°. I can tell you right now that this one change, a valid, in game, no hack done change, had made it so that people who couldn't drift before, can drift now. It is also a common mod done in real life as well, quick ratio steering boxes. With this in mind, I can only imagine that adding more steering angle will effectively do the same, with the added effect that they can now save themselves from what would normally have been a spin out.
So, I find it fully plausible that the angle hack could make it so someone who can't drift within the normal parameters of the game can now drift.
Hmmm? Gonales, it sounds like you are saying the tires turn faster in relation to steering wheel input? I guess I can see that, since the amount a tire needs to move increases, but steering wheel locks doesn't.

However, so does switching the g27 from 900° to 650°. I can tell you right now that this one change, a valid, in game, no hack done change, had made it so that people who couldn't drift before, can drift now. It is also a common mod done in real life as well, quick ratio steering boxes. With this in mind, I can only imagine that adding more steering angle will effectively do the same, with the added effect that they can now save themselves from what would normally have been a spin out.

So, I find it fully plausible that the angle hack could make it so someone who can't drift within the normal parameters of the game can now drift.
Very true to that part about it making it easier to SOME. But also you have to remember when adding any amount will also make it very difficult to be smooth. Like me for example, I am a very smooth drifter. When I first tested this modification it was very hard to do so. I ended up working my way from being somewhat twitchy (with a "wisefab" range amount). After I mastered veing smooth with it I worked my way down to the default number. As a result of seeing what the cars should feel like and learning the advanced movements of the car, I have even more car control without the modification.

Sure I could learn it without it, which I had already been doing. Mainly I had used it to study the car movements even more. To tell you the truth, it made GT5's lack of high FFB feel a lot better.

Also keeo in mind what I have said about adding too much gibing you wheel bind. It can make or break your feel period

I'll get with fox, see what you are on about, I race in a league with him. However, I am completely skeptical on this as well. I mean, this is something you have to hack your saved file to achieve with any other wheel. Further I am skeptical because this isn't a mod you even perform on a race car. The only places you see steering knuckle mods is in drifting, rally racing and maybe dirt track cars.
My apologies to the subject about the amount of steering angle on certain wheels. I got to talk with a few other friends of mine and they told me he was mistaken.

However, what was getting confused was how the steering modification affected different degree wheels.

Here is what happens.
When applying the steering modification to a Thrustmaster vs G27 (with the same number on the modification), this is when it affects the steering angle.

When the same number is applied to both wheels, for some reason the Thrustmaster has a extra amount. The only reason we could think that this would happen is because of the extra degrees of steering rotation. So basically it acts like it has a higher number applied.
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To your first part. I can't fully comment. My experience with hacking saves is limited to duping and the car borrow glitch. I do know that in real life, the steering angle and steering ratio do get changed.
Now, to clear confusion, let us be sure to define these two things. Steering angle refers to the angle of the wheels themselves the higher the number the more angle that is possible.
steering ratio, the amount it takes to turn the steering wheel, from lock too lock, and the distance the tires move. Ie. To go from 40° to -40° in steering angle, in a car set to 40° of steering angle, in comparison to how many times it takes to turn the steering wheel. In sim racing, this ratio is fairly consistent, since, as we see with GT5, steering angle is set to a default. so the steering ratio is turned into degrees. Which is controlled by the wheel. So we make the distinction "900°" or "1080°."
Now, going by your statement Lock. You are stating that when set to default, both wheels, the g27, and the t500 had the same steering angle correct? But when you start modifying the steering angle value, the t500 actually applies more angle then the set value? Sorry if I'm taking this off topic, just more interested in the fact you may have found the reason that PD left this adjustment or of the game.
When the game save is not modded Steering lock is steering lock. It only begins to change at different intervals when Steering mod is used with a T500. It is something kooky that has happened with the newest coouple of updates. I still cant explain why

@Lock2Lock When we where talking about this we were strictly talking about modded games saves. Not box stock junk.

@Rallywagon Yes when using a T500 I have seen more lock established than when using a G27 only when the steering mod has been used. It was small but was still noticable.
Hmmm? Gonales, it sounds like you are saying the tires turn faster in relation to steering wheel input? I guess I can see that, since the amount a tire needs to move increases, but steering wheel locks doesn't.
However, so does switching the g27 from 900° to 650°. I can tell you right now that this one change, a valid, in game, no hack done change, had made it so that people who couldn't drift before, can drift now. It is also a common mod done in real life as well, quick ratio steering boxes. With this in mind, I can only imagine that adding more steering angle will effectively do the same, with the added effect that they can now save themselves from what would normally have been a spin out.
So, I find it fully plausible that the angle hack could make it so someone who can't drift within the normal parameters of the game can now drift.

- Yes, you are right on the bolded part.
- However, on the second bolded statement: I definitely disagree. if people can drift with 650 degrees and understand what they are doing, they can drift 900 degrees.
- Yeah, but the thing is... With more lock, people will just push further. Until at some point they start spinning again because they're pushing too hard. Just logic really. :)
- However, on the second bolded statement: I definitely disagree. if people can drift with 650 degrees and understand what they are doing, they can drift 900 degrees.
Maybe they can eventually make it up to thai point with practice. But it's the same principle behind using a ds3. The time it takes to counter steer puts 900° beyond some peoples abilities. Yet give that person 650° or smaller wheel, or just give them a ds3 and they suddenly can do it. Seen it happen when the g27 ratio change was found.
Maybe they can eventually make it up to thai point with practice. But it's the same principle behind using a ds3. The time it takes to counter steer puts 900° beyond some peoples abilities. Yet give that person 650° or smaller wheel, or just give them a ds3 and they suddenly can do it. Seen it happen when the g27 ratio change was found.

The only reason someone cannot drift with more lock, is because they don't anticipate what the car is going to do. Without anticipating, they will never reach a decent level of drifting, in my opinion.
The only reason someone cannot drift with more lock, is because they don't anticipate what the car is going to do. Without anticipating, they will never reach a decent level of drifting, in my opinion.
Feel free to reread the first sentence of my last post.
I fully disagree. Completely. I for one was that person when I ditched my momo wheel for the g27. I once could drift anything, then, when I switched, I couldn't drift a thing. I would use the ds3 because I couldn't get the wheeel around fast enough to counter steer. It wasn't until I learned about adjusting the g27's rotation that I was able to start really drifting well again. Now I can drift with the full 900°, though I use 650°. But it took a lot of time and practice.
You can go ahead and disagree. I will tell you now though. You are wrong. I know for a fact that there are others that race with a wheel and drift with a stick. And I know people that couldn't drift 900°, but drift great with less rotation. And like I said before. With practice, they would be able to move up to 900°. But they, like me, don't see the point.
I fully disagree. Completely. I for one was that person when I ditched my momo wheel for the g27. I once could drift anything, then, when I switched, I couldn't drift a thing. I would use the ds3 because I couldn't get the wheeel around fast enough to counter steer. It wasn't until I learned about adjusting the g27's rotation that I was able to start really drifting well again. Now I can drift with the full 900°, though I use 650°. But it took a lot of time and practice.
You can go ahead and disagree. I will tell you now though. You are wrong. I know for a fact that there are others that race with a wheel and drift with a stick. And I know people that couldn't drift 900°, but drift great with less rotation. And like I said before. With practice, they would be able to move up to 900°. But they, like me, don't see the point.
I agree fully with that statement. I too know plenty of people who can switch back and forth while they were learning.

However, it depends on the person if they can switch back and forth. I just hate drifting on the DS3. I just can't stand the problem with the game not letting you get to full lock when you want to.

Anyway, that's good that you found a method for gradually getting used to the wheel. I didn't find that adjustable setting until a month or two ago totally by accident. Probably would have helped me when I was on the DFGT.
It killed me man. Until I got into the SNAIL league, the only thing I did was drift lobbies and occasionally a shuffle race. it was rough when I switch to the g27 and couldn't hold or link decent drifts. The momo is a 270° wheel. So getting lock to lock was effortless. Trying the same with the g27 just wasn't happening. I have up studying at that point, other then an occasional late night session it something. Then about 4 or 5 months ago I found that post. I wish I had known when I first got the g27, but at least we figured it out in time for gt6!
In all honesty, if you are not fast enough with the wheel, and a girl with maximum FFB is... You're doing something wrong. Drifting isn't hard, it just requires practice. Everybody can drift if they practice enough...
In all honesty, if you are not fast enough with the wheel, and a girl with maximum FFB is... You're doing something wrong. Drifting isn't hard, it just requires practice. Everybody can drift if they practice enough...

You don't need to be fast. You need to be smooth ;). FFB should help alot. In transitions etc.. Learned that the hard way. Takes a lot of practice. Took me 5-6 months to be a decent drifter with wheel. I did have previous experience with a wheel. But on GT4.
In all honesty, if you are not fast enough with the wheel, and a girl with maximum FFB is... You're doing something wrong. Drifting isn't hard, it just requires practice. Everybody can drift if they practice enough...

I thought the whole point of being a feminist was to try and gain equality but what you've just done is made him out to be the superior figure and the female as a weak one. Off topic but I've come across a couple of your posts on the topic.

As Gonales said, it's all a matter of putting the time and effort in, you'll want to give up at the beginning but just stick with it and you'll slowly start to get a feel for the car. I would recommend using the Stock Standard model blitz.
I thought the whole point of being a feminist was to try and gain equality but what you've just done is made him out to be the superior figure and the female as a weak one. Off topic but I've come across a couple of your posts on the topic.

It's not that I'm not a feminist, it's just the fact that a lot of guys see women drivers as less. Was just pointing that out. (Although I have to admit, a lot of other women drifters on GT5, aren't that great. ;) )
It's not that I'm not a feminist, it's just the fact that a lot of guys see women drivers as less. Was just pointing that out. (Although I have to admit, a lot of other women drifters on GT5, aren't that great. ;) )

Just wanted your view on it since I'm studying feminists approach to society at college lol, not trying to wind you up.
Anyway, that's good that you found a method for gradually getting used to the wheel. I didn't find that adjustable setting until a month or two ago totally by accident. Probably would have helped me when I was on the DFGT.

Same here, I wish I found out about that setting 2 years ago, that could have helped the transition from DS3 to the G27. I still haven't tried it either, once you go 900 degrees, you don't go back :lol:.
I don't even see the point in bringing up the gender thing at all. Seems a bit like a low ball, childish thing to say "Well if a girl can do it..." It's sort of like the whole machismo "mines bigger then yours" thing. I also think you are missing my point, have terrible comprehension, or just like to be the last one talking. Not sure, but I clearly stated several times that with practice, they could bring themselves up to 900. I mean, I really did say that a few times right? Now, since we are both sim drifters, and by no means what would be considered "an expert in the field", at least I wouldn't call myself an expert, just well versed, anyway, we both are only talking from experience. Now, from my own experience, and that which I've gained while watching others that I race with regularly, I have to say that everything I have already posted is true. Some people just couldn't get drifting, until they did it at a lower rotational setting. This also supports, IMO, the notion that being able to adjust the lock also makes it so that people who previously couldn't get drifting are able to do so. having that extra bit of angle goes a long way in helping save what would have otherwise been a spin out.
As for my part in this debate, I'm done with it now. Disagree all you like, to each their own. Maybe I'm right, maybe you are, ehh. I'll stick to my experiences. Just do me a favor, stop talking about the practice issue, cause I did make a point of it.
BTW, if your going to be something, be an Earthling, anything else is just meant to divide and subjugate.
I don't even see the point in bringing up the gender thing at all. Seems a bit like a low ball, childish thing to say "Well if a girl can do it..." It's sort of like the whole machismo "mines bigger then yours" thing. I also think you are missing my point, have terrible comprehension, or just like to be the last one talking. Not sure, but I clearly stated several times that with practice, they could bring themselves up to 900. I mean, I really did say that a few times right? Now, since we are both sim drifters, and by no means what would be considered "an expert in the field", at least I wouldn't call myself an expert, just well versed, anyway, we both are only talking from experience. Now, from my own experience, and that which I've gained while watching others that I race with regularly, I have to say that everything I have already posted is true. Some people just couldn't get drifting, until they did it at a lower rotational setting. This also supports, IMO, the notion that being able to adjust the lock also makes it so that people who previously couldn't get drifting are able to do so. having that extra bit of angle goes a long way in helping save what would have otherwise been a spin out.
As for my part in this debate, I'm done with it now. Disagree all you like, to each their own. Maybe I'm right, maybe you are, ehh. I'll stick to my experiences. Just do me a favor, stop talking about the practice issue, cause I did make a point of it.
BTW, if your going to be something, be an Earthling, anything else is just meant to divide and subjugate.
That directed to me?
Bluntifie post: 8929665
Same here, I wish I found out about that setting 2 years ago, that could have helped the transition from DS3 to the G27. I still haven't tried it either, once you go 900 degrees, you don't go back :lol:.
Yep. I can never go back to DS3.
I don't even see the point in bringing up the gender thing at all. Seems a bit like a low ball, childish thing to say "Well if a girl can do it..." It's sort of like the whole machismo "mines bigger then yours" thing.

First tip: don't take everything 100% serious. Sometimes people make jokes.
Second: If you think it's childish, that's your call. I'm just stating the fact that if I can do something, it definitely means it doesn't have to do with physical limitations.

I also think you are missing my point, have terrible comprehension, or just like to be the last one talking. Not sure, but I clearly stated several times that with practice, they could bring themselves up to 900. I mean, I really did say that a few times right? Now, since we are both sim drifters, and by no means what would be considered "an expert in the field", at least I wouldn't call myself an expert, just well versed, anyway, we both are only talking from experience. Now, from my own experience, and that which I've gained while watching others that I race with regularly, I have to say that everything I have already posted is true. Some people just couldn't get drifting, until they did it at a lower rotational setting. This also supports, IMO, the notion that being able to adjust the lock also makes it so that people who previously couldn't get drifting are able to do so. having that extra bit of angle goes a long way in helping save what would have otherwise been a spin out.

I'm not perfect, nor am I an expert. It's just my opinion, that adding lock to a drift car, does not make it easier to drift.

As for my part in this debate, I'm done with it now. Disagree all you like, to each their own. Maybe I'm right, maybe you are, ehh. I'll stick to my experiences. Just do me a favor, stop talking about the practice issue, cause I did make a point of it.
BTW, if your going to be something, be an Earthling, anything else is just meant to divide and subjugate.

You made a point, and have never understood what I'm trying to say. I'm not talking about people that have had no practice. I'm talking about people that tried hard, for 6 months, and than genuinely believing it was right, saying they could not drift. I do not believe there are people that can't drift. Yes, some are better, some are worse. But in the end, what makes a drifter great, is the basic driving principles. Anticipation for one.
Having no steering mod is your choice. You can't go into a tandem and then complain that you can't keep up because the person in front has a wing on their supra and you don't. If you want to keep up and stay competitive, learn to be faster. There are certain ways to do that and one is adding a wing.

So, if you're tandeming with someone and they're using steering mod, tune to get more angle. A way to do that is adding steering angle. People really should stop complaining about how steering angle is for noobs or people who can't drift or can't get angle because truth is, it's gonna take your skill to the next level. Just like what a good tune will do.

I have complained about speed in the past but I've learned one thing and that is people are going to have ridiculous amounts of speed or angle. But what you need to be content with is how fast YOU are and how much angle YOU are comfortable with. But the difference between speed and angle is that you don't need to match angle in a tandem, you just need to try your best to keep up.
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