How do you take your coffee?

  • Thread starter shadow0460
United States
United States
Just what it says on the tin. My answer: in the trash. As someone with a very refined taste for quality caffeinated beverages (such as Red Bull), I fail to understand why anyone would happily introduce such a vile tasting substance into their body.
In order to correct this failure, I must acquire input.
So, how do you take your coffee?
The last time I had coffee was probably 1997 I think and that's because the meeting I was at didn't have anything else to drink with breakfast. I had to put so much sugar and cream in it it hardly resembled coffee anymore.

But I do love how it smells but hate how it tastes.
I haven't drank coffee since 2011. Me and my family drank so much of it over the past 2 decades that we got tired of the same old taste, and even putting cream in it, it didn't make it that much better.
Usually with just a couple spoonful's of Splenda. I really only drink it if I'm going to be working in an unheated house during winter though as having a thermos full of hot coffee helps the day be a little more manageable (I've tried tea, I wasn't happy with the results).
With sugar and a bit of milk. Though I must laugh at calling coffee a vile tasting substance while calling Red Bull a quality beverage. I would imagine Red Bull has more vile stuff in it than coffee, as well as tasting very artificial.
Usually I take it creamer and sometimes a couple of packets of Stevia or some Skinny Syrup in the morning.
I finally decided to quit about one year ago, as it made my throat very sore. Pitch black coffee was my preference.

How people can become addicted to this stuff, I will never know.
It’s not so much about the taste. It’s the effect and its ability to make dull moments feel a bit more interesting. That’s the addictive part.
Usually with a splash of Hazelnut creamer. And if we're out of that then it's a spoonful of stevia.
With all your random questions, I can't help but feel like you're trying to stockpile information on everyone.
Double Ristretto normally with the occasional long black thrown in.

Milk, sugar or any additive is a big no no for me. If it needs that it's probably crap coffee.
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Normally black (1:15) or a bit of cinnamon thrown into the grounds. Never creamer. Never sugar.

They both make the coffee taste "awkward" if that makes any sense. Its just run-of-the-mill drip coffee.
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Black with a pinch of sugar if it's good quality. If I'm getting it from some fast food joint out of desperation, then it's 1 cream, 1 sugar to cover the horrible taste.

For those of you looking for the caffeine but don't like coffee, green tea is where it's at. Try it cold with lemon aid or iced tea. (Sweet tea for those of you from the U.S.) Or hot with honey for those cold days. Good stuff.
Large cappuccino, 2 sugars.

Americans don’t know how to coffee. You need to dilute it down with frothed milk, then you can drink more of it.
I nearly put myself in hospital after drink 4 pints of Relentless over a short period.
Caffeine-based canned "energy drink" beverages are to coffee as paint thinner is to a 16-year old Lagavulin.
I like my coffee how i like my women, weak and milky.
And in a plastic cup.

I like my coffee made by hand and served to me by a 17-year old virgin slave. Which is why I go to Starbucks.
If I'm making it myself, I drink it black cuz I'm too lazy to add stuffs like sugar and cream myself. I have an aeropress I've been using for quite a while now.

When I'm at a shop though I'll drink the most extravagant and tongue-shrivelingly sweet stuff there is.
Depends on a lot of things, actually.

If I'm having a dark roast, I'll take it black. Might as well enjoy the texture. Even more so when it's cold. I try to avoid the extra calories if possible. This is my go-to 75% of the time.

If some average-ish weaker brew is made, or it's 80+ degrees outside, or my stomach has been doing barrel rolls, then I'll take it with cream (about 1 tbsp) and maybe a little sugar, though not enough to turn the stuff and lighter than a medium beige. Or perhaps if I need to drink a cup and be done with it very quickly (like right before the airplane takes off).

Exceptions for the really dank stuff; something that's been on the warmer too long and starts to smell like burnt road tar. More sugar and that awful powdered creamer which looks like ground-up drywall might be necessary on long nights.

At that point, I'll just pop for an energy drink. Same if it's just nasty hot outside and I need a pick-me up. Or look for some tea.
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I enjoy the odd iced cappuccino here or there in the summer, but honestly? I only have an actual hot cup of coffee two or three times a year, usually after a night where I've had literally no sleep (even then, the caffeine does nothing for me). Always have it with loads of milk and two sugars since I'm not really a fan of the taste; ironic, because I love coffee flavoured things like chocolate and ice cream.
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Caffeine-based canned "energy drink" beverages are to coffee as paint thinner is to a 16-year old Lagavulin.
I think you have never experienced paint thinner.

I can’t believe nobody has quoted Sting yet.
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