How many replies can we get??

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:lol:Imagine how long it would be if, instead of every other word changing color, I made every other letter change color...:eek:
The forum EDIT/QUOTE buttons just changed, and they are helluva lot cooler if I might add;)
Originally posted by Saleen Man

Don't even think about that!:eek:

Oh don't worry, it shall be done. Not tonight though, for I am wwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy too tired to do such a drastic change...:D
Originally posted by Josh
Are you talking about being picked back up by that girl?
so to speak, I just had a 30min conversation with a fresh poinr of view, thats ALWAYS refreshing, yeah, and plus it was her, that helped,(no offence, but I' d rather her her opinion any any other of my peers, shes cool)
Originally posted by Josh
The forum EDIT/QUOTE buttons just changed, and they are helluva lot cooler if I might add;)

Or is it just my imagination...? Dude, I could have swore they just changed...:confused:
[NOTE TO SELF]-Must quit smoking crack...all it does is make me think things change...
Originally posted by Saleen Man

What'd they change too?

Just changed to different color/pattern. That is, IF they even changed...:confused:

Who knows, they probably didn't..., I just don't pay enough attention to the forum buttons these days...:D
be back in 5 mins
heard a "bang" then my house like vibrated, no lie
me and my bro and dad are going for a ride. might be longer than 5 mins
Originally posted by Saleen Man
be back in 5 mins
heard a "bang" then my house like vibrated, no lie
me and my bro and dad are going for a ride. might be longer than 5 mins

WAIT , atke a gun or a really big knife:P
Hmm, the more I think about it, the more I begin to think the buttons didn't change...:confused:
Originally posted by BMW///M3

WAIT , atke a gun or a really big knife:P

And don't forget to bring toilet know...just incase you hear another loud bang & ya **** yer pants...:D
Actually I don't get on that one because everytime I do like 14 people try to IM me, and I end up tellin' 'em all to shut the hell up cause it's aggrivating...:D

I'll try to get on as mnybtlojz
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