I have no sound after installing update 1.12

  • Thread starter D1gitaL
BeasT D1gitaL
I have no sound after installing update 1.12. When I say no sound, I mean that literally. No menu sounds when navigating menus, no music, no car sounds — nothing. I have checked all of the sound settings in the options menu, and they are all as should be. I have checked that the sound problem is a GT6 problem by playing media on my PS3 — all good there.

My questions are: Is this a known issue? Has anyone else experienced this problem with this, or any, GT6 update? If so, how did you fix it?
I had no sound during my first Quick Match race, but has worked normally otherwise. GT6 sound isn't great, but it's better than nothing.
I have no sound after installing update 1.12. When I say no sound, I mean that literally. No menu sounds when navigating menus, no music, no car sounds — nothing. I have checked all of the sound settings in the options menu, and they are all as should be. I have checked that the sound problem is a GT6 problem by playing media on my PS3 — all good there.

My questions are: Is this a known issue? Has anyone else experienced this problem with this, or any, GT6 update? If so, how did you fix it?

I tried two races in online mode (no quick match) and in both of them the sound of the tire squealing dissapeared in the middle of the race and in the second one, the engine sound also was gone a corners after the tire sound had gone.

I gave up after that because it ruined my race.
Hapend to me while i was in a freemode room. All i did was i pressed start and went to options and changed the sound option and after that it worked.
They have just about ruined the entire gt experience. No tire or engine sounds in online races, also no friends rooms show up. And don't even get me started about that useless quick race b.s. I just want good old fashioned SHUFFLE racing.
I couldn't hear my car for the first 3/4 of the first quick match race I had. Gonna try again later
I must be lucky or something.

My GT6 is fine, never had a single problem after 1.12 (apart from some slower loading times and Quick Match being Quick Match) when it comes to sound.
In the first online lobby I joined after the update I had no sounds from my car, but I could hear the others' cars. After switching to another lobby everything worked again.
Last night I joined a room, entered the track an could hear no sounds from my car (though I could hear the other cars). Left the room and rejoined, still no sound. Later I was in another room and had sound, we did a race and after the race finished I went back on track and my sound had gone on holiday again. This is a rather serious issue, I can somewhat deal with the nerfed FFB but I can't race without sound.
Same here, sometimes all sounds are there, sometimes engine only, sometimes no tyre sounds, sometimes I hear my car but nothing around me on track. This happened all while racing online, as participant and host as well.
At first, I thought rejoining and clear cache data might help, but it doesn't.
I'm sure PD is aware of this by now and will fix it soon.
^^^same on me...
i changed my sound options from 2channel stereo to 5.1 and livingroom to smal cinema,
after this no more fails on sound...maybe coincidence
No problems with sound for me*

I wonder if it's related to screen resolution; I avoid a lot of the issues others have with track-related slowdown / screen-tearing and sound drop-outs that have affected the game since release, and I play in 720p only.

The different resolutions balance the computational loads differently, and I wonder if sometimes sound processing loses out in some way.

*Although I did get locked to the track preview camera rotation when I should have been "warming up" for the next race in quick match... I could drive the car (not that I could see what I was doing, but I could hear it) and I got a limited pause menu where the AI took over driving, but the exit option didn't work, so I had to XMB-quit. The FFB worked, too, as I could feel (as well as hear) the other players abusing my limp corpse. I've had the menu freeze on me once before in GT5 online, during shuffle. All good fun!
No problems with sound for me*

I wonder if it's related to screen resolution; I avoid a lot of the issues others have with track-related slowdown / screen-tearing and sound drop-outs that have affected the game since release, and I play in 720p only.

The different resolutions balance the computational loads differently, and I wonder if sometimes sound processing loses out in some way.

*Although I did get locked to the track preview camera rotation when I should have been "warming up" for the next race in quick match... I could drive the car (not that I could see what I was doing, but I could hear it) and I got a limited pause menu where the AI took over driving, but the exit option didn't work, so I had to XMB-quit. The FFB worked, too, as I could feel (as well as hear) the other players abusing my limp corpse. I've had the menu freeze on me once before in GT5 online, during shuffle. All good fun!

I have all three of mine set to 720 and had the lack-of-sound issue happen to me in both of the rooms I was in last night.
Average gtplanet user:


Well no, It's a glitch that can occur with the update. Just fiddle around in the sound settings menu or reset.
I too heard this issue last night and when people complained that their car wasn't producing sound, I could not hear their car either (i could still hear mine). This only lasted for seconds it seemed though..
I dealt with this issue all day today while racing. At first I lost only tire sound then I lost both tire and engine sound. Oddly enough, my horn still sounds and I can hear other racers engines, tires, horns. My engine sound would return momentarily only to go away again shortly afterwards. Hoping a patch for this issue shows up soon!
Okay, the solution to my problem (which seems to have been a different problem to those of you who experienced sound 'drop-outs') was to delete my game data and re-install the update. However, after doing so, I no longer have sound coming from my headset, and I'm forced to use my surround sound speakers. I can't think why that would be.

Anyway, at least I have sound again.
First off I was at Bathurst and a couple of people kept reporting "no car sounds" when entering the track. Typical, I thought, Bathurst is still buggy. I thought nothing of it as after they left and re-joined a couple of time sand then they just left.

I then joined two different lobbies at Sierra run people on my friends list and I had the same issues. No car sounds once on track.

Now it gets interesting. I stormed off and played in the time trials for an hour or so and then joined another friend's lobby at Sierra who always has a very stable connection.

At first, I had cars sounds for two or three races and then after changing to another different car they stopped. So one race they were there and the next they were gone. Interesting. I swapped to a couple of different cars until I found one that had car sounds and then swapped back to my car of choice and I had car sounds again.

So this seems to be quite random. Funny, at first, the theory I had was that the sound only didn't work with yellow cars (all my un-modded cars are yellow) ;-)

So after finally getting back into the car of choice (BTW Ferrari 458) with car sounds as soon as the race was finished and I re-entered the track the sounds ceased again. I must say this became very tedious after a while. I should say that all my friends in the lobby found it hilarious :-(

I race regularly with all these guys (about 6 of us) we all have stable connections and there was no lag in the room what so ever. One other person also experienced similar sound drop outs and leaving the room, resetting modem, PS3, clearing cache etc, etc, etc did nothing to solve it. All of which I had previously done as well.

So swapping cars until you find one that has sound and then swap back to the car of choice sorta solves the problem in the short term. Or did last night. I should say that at one stage I swapped to about 5 different cars until I found one with sound. I should state that the same cars do not necessarily work the next time you try this trick and it is very random :-(

I believe this is not an isolated issue and has only come to light since 1.12

Come on PD get your faecal matter together!
Although this was discovered yesterday here; I do find it useful to have a thread specifically for this.

I've experienced these problems too, along with a lot of other people. From what I've found there is no pattern, it just happens whenever. They do need to fix this, this should have been discovered in testing, before release.
I too have been affected by this glitch, as well as a few others I met in lobbies.

It happened on Sierra for me, my BMW M Coupe and my M3 both decided to go the way of the electric car. Car sound worked when I changed to my Punto and also worked in my S2000. Even after it worked in these cars, when I went back to the BMW's they were still silent.

Leaving and re-entering the room didn't seem to fix it either as these cars still had no sound, so I can't really see a pattern to it. Random, just like the Universe we live in.
Although this was discovered yesterday here; I do find it useful to have a thread specifically for this.

I've experienced these problems too, along with a lot of other people. From what I've found there is no pattern, it just happens whenever. They do need to fix this, this should have been discovered in testing, before release.

Yes I have seen some other posts on this but I considered this was enough of a major issue to give it it's own thread. I do think we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg here too.

Other people are so used to intermittent sound glitches (did I here someone say Bathurst) that they do not realise (yet) that it is a major issue that needs addressing straight away.

Hopefully this tread will gain some traction and just maybe, someone from PD, will notice it and actually do something about it in the near future.

They jumped on the FFB issue with the Logitech wheels pretty quick so it can be done *IF* they really want to ;-)

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