improve engine sounds

  • Thread starter Mercury7
I don't see it. Hell I play the game muted half the time. or I turn the music up and the cars down. I want real features.

Then you have either never heard an actual car in real life or are simply a troll.

Maybe both.
The sounds are accurate to where your sitting in the car. No one drives a car from 5 feet behind the exhaust. In car footage of the Aussie V8's and you only hear transmission whine and road noise. What everyone wants in this game is unrealistic sounds. Change the title.

You are 100% incorrect.

The sounds of many if not all of the cars are NOT accurate for where you are sitting, unless you are tone deaf and suffer from tinnitus and cannot actually hear anything at all other than a whooshing rush of wind.

When I sat in my stock Corvette and drove it on track it sounded nothing like the ingame Corvettes in GT4, then when I modded my car it again sounded nothing like the utter tripe in GT5 - finally GT6 arrive and still not 1 of the Corvettes sounds remotely like any real Corvette on the planet.

Even the C7 taht PD was given early access to by GM sounds NOTHING like the real car at any stage of modification.

In short - your opinion is wrong.

These are not our 'feelings' - these are facts - the sounds used in GT4/5/6 are INCORRECT.

As a Corvette owner, driver and enthusiast whose very close friend owns and runs a Corvette tuning/engine building facility and who has access to and drives has driven in many stock and modded C4, C5, C6 and now even C7 Vettes or all kinds - there is no type of Corvette modded or stock that even sounds anything like the semi racing exhaust in GT4/5/6 or the racing exhaust or even the stock exhausts for that matter.

The sounds are simply wrong.
I didn't claim the semi racing exhaust was the same sound as the real Corvette. I just said it sounds good, compared to the racing exhaust. It sounds more like a true V8 anyways.
I didn't claim the semi racing exhaust was the same sound as the real Corvette. I just said it sounds good, compared to the racing exhaust. It sounds more like a true V8 anyways.

Does not sound anything close to a LSx or even an LTx GM V8 in any stage or form of stock or tune status.


The sound is simply incorrect.
How could this not be important dont we like to here real engines when playing a simulator thats what makes the game in some ways the roar or sound of an egine
Well that video on Gt6 talking about the that came out ont 2-5feb His comment on engine sounds says alot of cars sound like vaccum cleaners and are horrid i hope Kaz saw the video by GO Racing intersting.
Granturismo if they don't start doing worthy updates to this game I'm moving on to Sforza people buy this game in good faith if you're not going to invest in this game why would I buy GT7 it is actually more fun to play 5 why did they even bother to put this game on the PS3 :(
Gran Turismo has always been about the experience of virtual driving, improving with each version.

We receive the experience mainly via 3 senses...... Visual, Sound, Touch

Engine Sound is one of the most important parts of the experience, yet by comparison it has had very little improvement by Polyphony Digital, falling well short of expectations.

I am convinced that Polyphony Digital are losing sales due to this oversight.

If Polyphony Digital read these threads (they most likely do - it's a business feedback tool); we need vast improvements in the engine sounds department.

The "WOW" factor would skyrocket if we had engines that roar, back-fire, throb and purr, making your hair stand on end.

Take note Polyphony Digital; Our pleasure is your business
Better engine notes, real engine sounds and turbo flutters and doses... In gt this would be beast
How was BMW okay with the sounds PD put in for their new M4? They would've been better off recording it themselves with the mic on a laptop and putting it in the game, really. Also I think GT4 even had better sounds or GT3, but now with the new technology PD SHOULD be having it doesn't sound any better.
I was going to speculate as to how they could go wrong with so many engine sounds, like guessing that they didn't check the audio until they got back to the studio, then realized it was garbage and un useable so they had to improvise...but thats just speculation. Instead I'll just ramble based on my experience in sound design and audio production.

First they should identify where things go wrong during the recording process, or where things go wrong in the sampling / manipulation process. The sounds guys need to go back to the drawing board on this issue.

Perhaps they should take a page from the Need for Speed series approach to audio, in which they record an entire RPM range of a car (under full load), then half throttle through the rpm's, then light, and then mix between the layers on the fly depending on how much you apply the throttle. I'd volunteer to program this myself. Its NOT a hard concept to put in action. They just need to get over the fact that they CANNOT replicate engines based on synthesis, which sounds like they are trying to do, and failing miserably at it. In other words, they need to use longer audio samples, and rely less on adding synthesis techniques to compensate for their poor recordings / samplings of any given engine.

Most of the cars in the game sound like a generic / muffled mid rpm sample, which is then getting pitch shifted up or down based on the users input, hence the vacume cleaner effect. What they STILL FAIL TO REALIZE is that engines are much more dynamic. They don't simply increase pitch. They scream, roar, sputter, click, bang, choke, vibrate based on surface movement, and their character evolves often through the rpm range, like awakening monsters only at specific RPM's. The sound guys need to be recording every car under different loads, both On and OFF the track, and implement the sounds properly. No shortcuts. No BS. If GT7 doesn't deliver epic engine noises later this year / next year, I'll begin to lose faith in the series.
You'r making some good points there, I'm not sure I'll give up on the series just yet, we still got 1,000 more cars than forza and lots more tracks, (don't forget we got rain, snow, night, time change, dirt, snow tracks,) I would play forza just for the graphics and sounds...only if they had what we had. The problem is with PD is that their only taking a year, other games take at least 2 years in the making or more, all that is going into the visualization and sounds and stuff. But don't forget this people, GT6 is still only on the ps3! Once PD can get there hands on the ps4 (which they are) everythings gonna change, they almost got no limits here with the ps4, im sure graphics and sounds are gonna improve a lot since the ps4 has more space to offer for that stuff. Don't give up hope just yet!
Better engine notes, real engine sounds and turbo flutters and doses... In gt this would be beast
That's my beef too. No turbo noise. A highly tuned car with a good size turbo makes the most beautiful noise in the world, and it non-existent here. I cant stand to have the sound up.
I have driven race cars, rode in race cars, and tuned cars. Most of us who play are car people and own the very cars that we race in GT. I cannot fathom that anyone thinks that this is satisfactory. We have played the "lesser games" and sound quality is good. What happened to OUR game? 6 versions, 3 platforms, millions of dollars spent by loyal fans and the end result is this. The only complaint I wanted was not enough cars. You can never have enough cars. BUT LACKLUSTER SOUND! COME ON ALREADY! I don't want to have to spend another $800-1000(PS4+GT7) to see any improvements.
So many of you want better engine sounds, when it's the drivetrain sounds that need to be toned down. Sure shorter gears and a custom transmission are going to make noise, but PD, why do you think we want to hear that?
Couldn't agree more. I don't understand why they haven't got it sorted by now, it's by far GTs biggest problem.
The cars just sound dead.

This is how good the cars should be sounding.

They nailed the sound flying up through the gears
The audio can be a bit disappointing especially the interior driving view. Oh well its something that maybe could be fixed in the future with updates.
Actually I have a small objection...I played GT6 again the other day and drove in some of my favourite cars, now most of those cars (and others i've driven) actually sound pretty good, and accurate. But of course not all of them and thats disappointing.
Improved sounds, and no bugs where they half the the time bugs out and play only part of the engine sounds (like only turbo is audible nd nothing else)
All I can say....If GT7 does not have great sounds, not good and not okay, but great sounds only then will I get PS4 and GT7, otherwise I am not wasting my money on GT again. I have had GT6 since the release date and I have not even touched it in over 2 months I don't think.

The ugly sounds just put me off from racing and the dark cockpits! What a total Cock up PD..

I'll just leave this here

"When I feel or see 3 cars or four cars zip by I want to hear four cars not a blur of sound" PD learn from this,even though this is a movie and not a game it's still very important to have the right sound.