Individual Steering Rotation for Each Car on Game!!!

  • Thread starter Mirror_man
It seems that, if not for all , then for most... we have to set limits on rotation for each different car (Seems like that on PC version that is not what happens..) :(

So... If automatic is not a option for console here is the individual steering rotation for each vehicle manufacturer (Info found on ACC Kunos Official Forum!!)

Ferrari = 480 deg
McLaren = 480 deg

BMW = 565 deg

Lamborghini = 620 deg
Lamborghini ST = 620 deg
Honda = 620 deg

Lexus = 640 deg
Aston Martin = 640 deg
Bentley = 640 deg
Nissan = 640 deg
Mercedes = 640 deg

Jaguar = 720 deg
Audi = 720 deg
R-EX = 720 deg

911 GT3 = 800 deg
911 CUP = 800 deg
It seems that, if not for all , then for most... we have to set limits on rotation for each different car (Seems like that on PC version that is not what happens..) :(

So... If automatic is not a option for console here is the individual steering rotation for each vehicle manufacturer (Info found on ACC Kunos Official Forum!!)

Ferrari = 480 deg
McLaren = 480 deg

BMW = 565 deg

Lamborghini = 620 deg
Lamborghini ST = 620 deg
Honda = 620 deg

Lexus = 640 deg
Aston Martin = 640 deg
Bentley = 640 deg
Nissan = 640 deg
Mercedes = 640 deg

Jaguar = 720 deg
Audi = 720 deg
R-EX = 720 deg

911 GT3 = 800 deg
911 CUP = 800 deg

are we able to set this up in the setup of the car? Or are we supposed to change this in the FFB settings each time we change car?
are we able to set this up in the setup of the car? Or are we supposed to change this in the FFB settings each time we change car?
In the control options. It's a bit long as you have to get on track before you can go to options, but is well worth doing otherwise your steering won't be accurate.
This sort of thing should be a given really.
In the control options. It's a bit long as you have to get on track before you can go to options, but is well worth doing otherwise your steering won't be accurate.
This sort of thing should be a given really.

Lots of things are missing in this conversion... another is keyboard and button box interface... Fov settings... driving seat reposition...
@Mirror_man Thanks for the steering rotations! That made a big difference. I had it on manual and it did not really allow me to turn effectively.

A question, have you noticed that the downshifting sometimes have a slight delay. Is that by design with these cars or is that a delay in the game ?
@Mirror_man Thanks for the steering rotations! That made a big difference. I had it on manual and it did not really allow me to turn effectively.

A question, have you noticed that the downshifting sometimes have a slight delay. Is that by design with these cars or is that a delay in the game ?
By design... Have you ever played PC2?? (Project Cars 2) ???? Some cars are like that.. tooo there...
@Mirror_man Thanks for the steering rotations! That made a big difference. I had it on manual and it did not really allow me to turn effectively.

A question, have you noticed that the downshifting sometimes have a slight delay. Is that by design with these cars or is that a delay in the game ?
If the revs are too high for the lower gear they might not downshift by design. If you mean general lag, well there is a bit in the game anyway.
This is a great reference. I saved 6 profiles depending on which car I’m in then load them from the options menu before driving. Not ideal but straight forward once the presets are saved.
This is a great reference. I saved 6 profiles depending on which car I’m in then load them from the options menu before driving. Not ideal but straight forward once the presets are saved.
Exactly what I've done. Although annoying that I can't seem to save over an existing save, have to rename or replace entirely, unless I'm missing something.

Also annoying if you tweak your control settings as you'll need to resave all 6 presets
I found the same, you can’t edit then save an existing set-up. You have to create a new one :banghead:.

I’ve then been adjusting the steering ratio within the car set ups to suit my style, I’m having a blast with the GT-R down to 13 from the default 15.
On fanatec csl setting 900 or AUT or 1080 on wheel will be wrong on EVERY car EVEN if you adjust the in game.
On fw 335 you have to manually set BOTH wheel AND game EVERY TIME you change car if you want in car wheel 1-1 with the CSL.
AND those numbers can’t be set the same and work either.
Trial and error is needed.
If the steering is set incorrectly you won’t get proper ffb or car control.
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@Groundfish it may have been your suggestion from the beginning so I have been using the same number on the wheel as I do in-game on the steer lock

It feels really good to me.

The only thing I have not done is tinkered with the last two settings where the gamma is. I don't feel informed enough to know what I'm looking for.
@slthree, I think gamma is a linearity curve of what the game registers from your pedal input. I believe a gamma value of 1 would be 1:1.

Think of Gran Turismo where it registers less input during the majority of the initial pedal travel and more input at the end travel. Does that make sense?
@slthree I’ve found for the Bentley, on my wheel in game default at 560 rotation with I think 640 on wheel works well. Edit or 630, can’t remember...
I’m not up to date on firmware tho. I’m on 335 and don’t see myself changing firmware unless I’m forced to because its great in the other games too like DR2 and GTS. I fear change lol. :)
I just notice if I can be in car, stopped, and in car view and slowly turn the wheel one way to full lock in any of the cars when both steering wheels are in sync perfect the cars drive sooooo well in this game.
If both wheels are off the ffb feels weird to me and the cars harder to control.
You can immediately see if you test on my wheel for example when the two steering wheels are out of sync like if you choose sen aut or 108 or 900 on the wheel.
Far as I can tell there’s no way to get it right besides trial and error...
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@_Op: The Porche is 760º.

@_Aris: The game has no soft lock at least on the t300, so yeah thanks for your recommendation about setting the wheel to its max rotation angle, but in this case it's definitely better to create a saved profile for each car.

And you didn't even bother adding some simple text for every part of the car setup so people can understand what changing values actually does. I cannot fathom why you won't add this, too.

Oh well
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@_Op: The Porche is 760º.

@_Aris: The game has no soft lock at least on the t300, so yeah thanks for your recommendation about setting the wheel to its max rotation angle, but in this case it's definitely better to create a saved profile for each car.

And you didn't even bother adding some simple text for every part of the car setup so people can understand what changing values actually does. I cannot fathom why you won't add this, too.

Oh well
Wait, are you directing your post to Aris on a forum he doesnt visit? Also hes the physics guy not the UI guy, but yeah all of that should be in game info.
With my T150 I can change the steering angle on the wheel with the option button on the wheel. If i change it in the onscreen option menu, which one will it use? Maybe I have to do both?
Because I've asked him. He probably doesnt even visit the console section on their own forum.
In the thousands of messages in the console threads in the official forum I have never seen a single post from a dev, community manager, or any other company rep, except in their own (do not reply) stickies. The support is abysmal. I'm not even asking them to deal with complex technical issues, but just to check in and show that they're listening a couple times a week seems like a reasonable expectation, but still too much.
Would be useful if the DOR slider actually did anything on my T500rs (PS4 Pro), 0-1080 makes no difference. I can only use the stock settings on the wheel base (press mode + left or right on d pad) none of which match the actual rotation of any car in the game. the wheel sets its self to minimum rotation every time I boot the game. The FFB feels awful, almost like some of the forces are reversed. I hope they fix this in the coming update but I’ve uninstalled it for now as I don’t think they will.