Indy 1/4 Drag - How to Tutorial

  • Thread starter DLR


United States
Under the Hood
This thread is for those completely new to the drag racing world and have no idea how to "Drag". Since drag racing is not an official event in GT5, us draggers have had to improvise a system to fairly race cars against each other. This thread will hopefully answer most of your questions.

Step one: Go to the online lobby and select the track "Indianapolis Motor Speedway".

Step two:
You will be greeted with many different rooms to join. Avoid the ones that say "drag anything" or "have fun" as these are most likely the rooms full of people in X1s who's version of drag racing is smashing into everyone at 100,000,000mph. Choose one with something along the lines of "DRAG BS=KICK". Also make sure to make friends with the good, fair draggers as they are few and far between.

Step three: Upon entering the lobby, look and see which cars everyone else are driving. Try to choose a competitive car (This might be useful) as no one likes that one guy coming out in his Veyron to race Supras and Muscle cars. Turn all assists off and enter the track.

Step four: When you enter the track, you will see most of the people in the room on the back straight driving up and down. Go ahead and make your way there.

~ Tips:
- There may be people on the front straight as you leave the pits, but that is not the real 1/4 mile. But it is useful to quickly check your tune after to made some adjustments.
- I like to drift while I'm driving to the strip as to warm up my tires.

Step five:
Upon coming to the last corner of the back straight, your will see cars leaving, coming back and lining up preparing to leave. Find someone you choose to race against and go ahead and line up on the striped yellow area next to him. Wait your turn until the cars in front of you have left before pulling up. IMPORTANT!! When lining up, make sure to have your car COMPLETELY off the striped yellow area. Have your rear wheels about a foot or so away. One of two things can happen now. Most of the time, there will be a car in front of you and the person your are racing. He will be the "tree". When he ghosts, or presses start and goes transparent, that's your sign to go! The other thing that can happen is the person you racing says or types a number. Ex, "45". This means you go at the "45" second mark in the total time on your top right corner. Make sure to rev the engine as to get the best launch possible.

~ Tips:

- The Yellow striped area is VERY slippery. Be careful as to not come in to fast because you will not be able to stop and most likely hit everyone........ which is bad :lol:
- When launching, the best way is to press and hold the e-brake after you've lined up, mash the gas, then release the e-brake when you need go.

Step six: Race until you pass the shadow (Which is our finish line, genius, isn't it? :lol:) before the left turn at the end of the straight, then BRAKE!! You will usually be able to tell who won but if you can't, look right at the list of drivers on the track. They are displayed in order of whoever is ahead. Turn around and head back. BE CAREFUL NOT TO HIT OTHER CARS COMING DOWN THE STRIP!! If the "ghost" is not there anymore, usually the loser of the previous race needs be the new ghost.

~ Tips:

- To ghost, wait until the cars are lined up and you hear both if their engines revving. Then, when you want to, press and hold e-brake and press start (While holding e-brake). The two racers should then take off passing through you. Don't ghost right as the they pull up but don't wait 10 or 15 seconds either. Keep em' guessing ;)
- When racing, try to stay in your own line and not hit your opponent.

Step seven:
Rinse and repeat! Find someone else or race the same person if it was close.

Well, that's it. I think I covered it all but you are free to post any other questions you may have. Have fun!! :D
Very good guide for totally newbies to drag racing. Hopefully this will eliminate some threads. Now we just need a "Here's how to tune your car" type of thread.
Very good guide for totally newbies to drag racing. Hopefully this will eliminate some threads. Now we just need a "Here's how to tune your car" type of thread.

+1 wish I had this when I first started. Keep up the good work. Now if we could just keep people from trying to ruin the experience by driving down the track the wrong way or parking beside track ramming people when they go by. Losers:tdown:
Nice guide. anyway what is a BS, i saw a few rooms states it. But i dare not to join the room, because i dont know what it means. Lol.
^Yup. Usually if someone repeatedly rams into the line up, that would be considered BS and they would get kicked.
Nice guide. anyway what is a BS, i saw a few rooms states it. But i dare not to join the room, because i dont know what it means. Lol.

Those are the rooms you want to be in, you can actually race without being taken out by some clown blowing donuts in the middle of the tunnel or cutting you off when your about to pass them
please polyphony DRAG TRACKS organized Drag would be nice

The is one MAJOR FLAW in this whole thing we do, regarding GHOST DRAG

PING it takes depending were you are in the world atleast under best conditions
30-60milliseconds to see what the other player is doing, this is only if the other players are atleast within your general area.

Since 90% of servers are with players from different gereal areas and countries,
or with the wrond ports open or not enough open.

Using Wireless doesn't help, i'ts not slow. However the PS3 Wireless NIC sucks.

So my educated guess I'd say it takes 100-300ms atleast for a Canadian player to communicate with an Amarican player who is GHOSTING. Highly depending on Host capabilities and other players in server.

However the American player seeing the other American player who's Ghosting atleast half that 50-125ms. if a few states away. At best the two American players are communicating a whole 200milliseconds faster then the Candadian player.

So right away you have one player with a huge advantage at launch. Now I know you dont wanna hear this but FORZA has it down I have been in DRAG races in that were the other player lags ahead of me like crazy and appears to win. However at the end of the drag I see the times and I have won.

I hope in my late night attempt I have put some perspective in GT5 DRAG
very odd that I'm not sliding an you both are. Because I also have the lowest traction tires on the front of my car, yet I don't slide.
I usually bring out my favorite cars like the x1 veyron gtr etc and everyone starts to yell and talk bad about me but I don't know why. Can anyone help me?
I usually bring out my favorite cars like the x1 veyron gtr etc and everyone starts to yell and talk bad about me but I don't know why. Can anyone help me?

Wow, I've never heard of that happening before? How weird...
Wow, I've never heard of that happening before? How weird...

I know, it all seems fair to me. I don't know why everyone kicks me. Every room I join, I get kicked after I bring out my favorite cars...

I know, it all seems fair to me. I don't know why everyone kicks me. Every room I join, I get kicked after I bring out my favorite cars...

Hmm. I guess I will have to try that out!

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