"Invitations" to buy overpriced cars need to go

  • Thread starter GleepGlop
I got one of these invitations on the roulette wheel and at first I assumed it was a voucher for a free car from that make, but it was a limited time invitation to spend millions of credits I don't have on a car that was locked away from being purchaseable normally.
This just adds to the insult of PD treating us like we're playing an F2P game instead of a game we paid full price for.
I hate the Hagerty collection thing, the invitations, the number of multi-million credit cars in the game, and everything else about this game that tells us we're just too low-class to be able to afford these exquisite virtual cars that are only attainable by the upper crust of Gran Turismo playing whales.
If PD doesn't pull their caviar eating heads out of their buttocks I'm done with this series.
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Hum... Sorry for my deep ignorace... But...what is the Hagerty auction thing?? Please clarify me on this!!
I got one of these invitations on the roulette wheel and at first I assumed it was a voucher for a free car from that make, but it was a limited time invitation to spend millions of credits I don't have on a car that was locked away from being purchaseable normally.
This just adds to the insult of PD treating us like we're playing an F2P game instead of a game we paid full price for.
I hate the Hagerty auction thing, the invitations, the number of multi-million credit cars in the game, and everything else about this game that tells us we're just too low-class to be able to afford these exquisite virtual cars that are only attainable by the upper crust of Gran Turismo playing whales.
If PD doesn't pull their caviar eating heads out of their buttocks I'm done with this series.
I wish it wasn't just a "pull the invitation out of thin air" type deal. Real manufacturers like Ford and Ferrari personally select clients and give them an option to purchase said car. I'd like it more if, to buy a LaFerrari, I'd actually have to complete some sort of objective first. Like they could've made it to where, to buy it, you'd need to complete the
Ferrari Menu book that appears towards the end of the Cafe

Make it so I have to earn the ability to get them. Getting them through random roulettes is not earning them.
the invitations just seem to exist to drive credit expenditure in an economy where it’s difficult to earn credits through game play alone. hopefully this is something which will be looked at in the near future and they will become more useful, discount tickets for example - 50% off a Zonda is gonn be a bit more special for the player than ‘you may now buy a Zonda but only until this date’
Well I don‘t think a thread was necessary but absolutely agree. PD can also view it from their perspective - we spend less.
Your first car for each manufacturer should be easy to obtain. Entry level **** boxes. Better cars should cost credits. The best cars or in this case invitations should be given out for winning races driving manufacturers vehicle.

If a manufacturer only has one vehicle in game it should always be available for purchase.

Winning races should also give you roulette tickets.

I've had 1 roulette ticket per day + all the menu ones. Got 5 invitations two were dupes, citron and pagani. I received the pagani car before as a reward. So only 2 "useful" invitations. I should be able to earn them.
I don't mind the invitation thing, but agree there should be more to it than a random drop. When I first heard of it I thought it would be along the lines of owning x amount of cars from that manufacturer. I like the idea of it being an objective as suggested above. Maybe if PD were to add Manufacturer events, and winning them gave you an invite or something like that would be more interesting.
Has anyone actually received an invitation, not used it, and then got that same offer again yet? Because people keep saying they'll come back around soon but I've yet to see evidence if that is actually soon, or PD "soon".
I wish it wasn't just a "pull the invitation out of thin air" type deal. Real manufacturers like Ford and Ferrari personally select clients and give them an option to purchase said car. I'd like it more if, to buy a LaFerrari, I'd actually have to complete some sort of objective first. Like they could've made it to where, to buy it, you'd need to complete the
Ferrari Menu book that appears towards the end of the Cafe

Make it so I have to earn the ability to get them. Getting them through random roulettes is not earning them.
A perfect example of how to make single player more interesting.
What's the point of an invitation to buy a car in the same price as before? 😕😵 PD's choice was some of most awkward....
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My problem with the invitational cars (and majority of the legendary dealership cars) is - are they actually useful?

You could get an invite, spend 1.6mill credits on a legendary car to win a WT800 race, or you could just buy a car for 450k credits and win all the same.
A perfect example of how to make single player more interesting.
Actually IRL you get an invittaion to buy some models if you already own a few cars by the brand. The game could do that too. You got 3 collectable Ferraris then they'd offer you to buy a new model. But that would require actual planning and forethought, not just an RNG like the current implementation.
I’ve bought them all now thanks to the blanket invite a few updates ago, however it’s a horrible idea for the game. At least expensive cars in legends rotate, you could quite realistically never win all the invites. They should ditch it or guarantee invites through manufacturers events or other relevant content.
I’ve bought them all now thanks to the blanket invite a few updates ago, however it’s a horrible idea for the game. At least expensive cars in legends rotate, you could quite realistically never win all the invites. They should ditch it or guarantee invites through manufacturers events or other relevant content.
Same here. Purchased all of the invite cars once we were given them all for a month.
What I found annoying was: After we got all of the invites, I managed to "win" my first 2 legit invitations in that time.. felt like PD was trolling me.

Im on board with the other suggestions and have thought the same myself.

Feel free to lock the cars behind a few tasks : IE

Purchase all other Ferrari's to unlock this one - it stays unlocked forever
Win this manufactures series to unlock this car - it also stays unlocked forever.

Im doubtful PD will change this mechanic though.
They have made several obvious design choices within GT7 that have been made to steer users towards purchasing credits, this is just another one of them. PD have already been forced to make changes to limit this push and I doubt they will remove anymore unless their hand is forced once again.
i already bought all the invitation cars... but that was only because they made it available for a month and of course the tokyo race... but i agree the invitations are not a great idea... especially since most of the cars are overly expensive... the legend cars have an even worse price tag smh... some of the cars not all you cant even use in a race unless you play arcade mode so why even splurge all your money on one car..
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Well, I made a thread, deal with it.
Im ok with car cost.Onlne races dont pay enough.Invites for cars i already own just so stupid.Colect invite once,car unlocked forever.No further wasted drops.Engines too, why keep giving me the same engines.Game needs to realize you dont need 10 engines the same.
PS sorry im a GT whale 255 cars owned.Own all invite cars and some 20mil legends.
Just make the invitations permament and tied to a tough manufacturer race.
Or dependant on the number of other cars from that manufacturer you own or have bought, you are a good client ? you get some goodies.

But I like the idea of dedicated events to get the invite too.

Roulette is too much random, some invites could never popup in months or more. In one year I had only 4 different brands (and some of them twice or more). If you are unlucky you may never be able to get some cars.