Is Extreme Racism a Mental Illness?

I was watching an episode of Law & Order on TV and this is the issue that came up. I'm curious as to what others think about the subject.
I would have to say yes, I think everyone is a little racist but those whites who lynch black, the Arabs who kill Jews (and vise versa), the black guy who kills the white guy because he "came into the wrong neighborhood", and so on do have an issue. If you hate someone or a group of someones so much that you have the desire to kill them I can't see that as being mentally healthy.
Are racist beliefs based on a delusion? If so, why wouldn't that be enough to make extreme racism a legally-recognized mental disorder?
I wouldn’t say so – I’d say racism is pure ignorance. Racism hasn’t decreased in the US in the past 200 years because we’re more “mentally healthy” – it’s decreased because we’re not as ignorant.
Racism isn't caused by ill health such as disease or pathogen.
You could argue that it might be a form of delusion in some instances, but again, that delusion is likely to arise from opinions and prejudices instilled by others/ experiences in life- not arising from a lack of physical health in any way.

In short- racism comes from ignorance, typically fuelled by lies, hate, distrust, etc.
Racism isn't caused by ill health such as disease or pathogen.
You could argue that it might be a form of delusion in some instances, but again, that delusion is likely to arise from opinions and prejudices instilled by others/ experiences in life- not arising from a lack of physical health in any way.

In short- racism comes from ignorance, typically fuelled by lies, hate, distrust, etc.

Normal racism is, but Brian is talking about extreme racism, like the kind that makes you kill someone of another race because you don't like them.
Any reason why you think that way?

Racism has to be taught. You're not born a racist.

Not to mention I actually saw that episode of Law and Order(one of the few decent shows on TV). :sly:
Racism has to be taught. You're not born a racist.

Not to mention I actually saw that episode of Law and Order(one of the few decent shows on TV). :sly:

Yeah, I'd say racism is not, but xenophobia can be.
Normal racism is, but Brian is talking about extreme racism, like the kind that makes you kill someone of another race because you don't like them.

Racism is racism.- descrimination on the basis of race.

What you are calling "extreme" racism would have to be born out of pretty severe circumstances, that often have nothing to do with race itself.

Take a hypothetical:
eg. if an asian guy kills a black guy's family- that black guy might hate all asians, branding them killers.
He really should hate that particular man, regardless of his race.

It gets a lot more complex when you expand it out:

In the case of a war that has been going on for several generations for instance. The hate and distrust between the two races would be so deeply entrenched that they claim to hate each other because they are a different race. Race can become the scapegoat/ motivator and even the reason for conflict, regardless of why the war began in the first place (usually over a resource of some type)

But at the end of the day, regardless of the circumstances leading to racism, or how sever/ extreme the racism is, "Swift" hit the nail on the head:
It's learnt behaviour, a product of environment.
Yeah, a racist child usually comes from racist parents. Like when some people say the N word, or cracker. I am half black, half spanish, and I really wish racism would stop. I don't like being called a "guala n_ _ _ _ _" even my friends called me that. :( I haven't called anyone a uhh, how can I say this... Ritz or Graham thingies, even though that word sounds funny IMO. No need to go against someone, because they are a different color. I don't care if you are black, white, green, or purple, I have nothing against you. (Except Barney. :mad:) Please stop racism, if anyone is a racist here, it's just wrong. Do you judge a basketball by it's color? Do you judge a cable modem by it's color? I think not.

Sometimes I think it is a mental illness, because there is no "knocking sense into them." We try to explain how theres no need to go against someone, even if they are pink. I would post all of it but it's time for me to go, so I will post more later.

EDIT: This isn't a rant, it's just voicing my thoughts about the related topic. So no need to go into fantastic 4 mode... "FLAME ON!"
Mental illnesses are not always something you "contract" in the physical means. There are depressed people who don't have a chemical imbalance, their are people who came back from war screwed up, and so on. If you witness a horrific even (like a murder) something might just click in your brain and cause you to have a hate for that race that was not there before. Hence a mental illness.

And yes I judged my cable modem by it's colour. The previous one was gray and I hate neutralness so I killed it and got a black one.
I agree with Sage, I think it's ignorance. As for the "extreme" portion, I get the feeling that for those types of people, if it weren't the blacks, it might be the bums, or the people who cut other people off in traffic, etc., etc. So yeah, that violent portion might be caused by some kind of mental illness.
Racism is not listed on any current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (aka: DSM-IV-TR).

I think the experts have answered this one, although back in 1952 (when the original DSM was published), they thought homosexuality was an illness.
No need to go against someone, because they are a different color. I don't care if you are black, white, green, or purple, I have nothing against you. (Except Barney. :mad:)

I hate barney too...I think he has an unhealthy liking for little kids...And those goddam Teletubby things...:mad: Kill all teletubbies!!
Unfortunately, it's not. Like most others have noted here, it's born of circumstance and ignorance.

Hey, racism is a biological imperative... just ask Hitler... :lol:
Racism has to be taught. You're not born a racist.
Although I agree with your second sentence, I, however, disagree with the first one.
I have friends, who are somewhat racist towards a particular race; now, I know their parents, and I can tell you that they did not teach my friends to be racist, nor did any other person.
Racism/discrimination, is something that IMO, is developed according to your experiences with other races in general.

For example: One of my friends, has acquired this tough resentment against colored people, mostly African Americans.
He was talking to me and another friend the other day, saying that back in Italy, teachers, parents, and everyone pretty much, taught him that racism was a horrible thing, something that shouldn't exist, something that only the stupid ignorant ones practice. Furthermore, he learned what had happened to the Africans when they were brought to this country, he learned how badly they were treated by their white owners, he also learned how hard they fought for their rights all throughout the 40s, 50s and 60s. This caused an inevitable sympathy from him toward this race (black).

However, when he moved back here, he had the chance to interact with these people that, he once admired so much for their strength throughout this time; and he says, it didn't take him a long time not only to understand the "idiotic racism" from the non-black people, but to start thinking like one of them. He had probably dealt with the wrong people, people who had been racist with him, for being white. People who, regardless of their history, would have made anyone a racist.
He says he's been trying very hard to be "cool" and friendly with them, but some or most of them don't return that attitude...

I'm not saying that parents don't teach their kids to be racist; some of them do, but from what I've seen and heard, the level of racism in you, is controlled by your own experiences. Not by what someone told you when you were little.

I have to be honest here, I have too gone through this racism in my life; and again, it's for the same reasons, but I've got over it by least I think so.
And it's not a racism against color or physical constitution! not at all, in fact, many of my friends are from Ghana, Jamaica, France, Brazil etc, where almost everybody tends to be "black"; it's a racism against a general attitude that many of the people have towards others....I don't even know if that can be called "racism"
Although I agree with your second sentence, I, however, disagree with the first one.
I have friends, who are somewhat racist towards a particular race; now, I know their parents, and I can tell you that they did not teach my friends to be racist, nor did any other person.
It was learned from somewhere. We're constantly being bombarded with information (mostly negative), which we may or may not choose to tie to a particular race, whether it be from personal experience, second-hand knowledge, or the media. A jackass is a jackass, whether he be white, yellow, brown, green, or periwinkle. Those incapable of realizing this are those who become racist.

Racism is not a mental illness. If it were, there would be a medication for it; side effects would include drowsiness, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and decrease in sex drive.
Ask a sociologist, and they will tell you that race does not exist.

A race is a socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important.

...Thereby, race is a construction of people themselves, as genetically people who are Anglo-Saxons or Asians, or Afticans really aren't different on the basic Homo Sapien level.


Scientists invented the concept of "race" int he nineteenth century as they tried to organize the world's physical diversity, identifying three racial types. They called people with relatively light skin and fine hair Caucasoid, people with darker skin and coarse hair Negroid, and people will yellow or brown skin and distinctive folds on the eyelids Mongoloid.

...So, thank our ancestors for creating these initial perceived definitions of race. But the question of racism itself leads to later in the chapter...

A powerful and harmful form pf prejudice, racism is the belief that one racial category is innately superior or inferior to another. Racism has existed throughout world history. Despite their many achievements, the ancient Greeks, people os India, and the Chinese all considered people unlike themselves inferior.

...And thusly the pretext for war and 'racial cleansing' was created, mastered, and put to use by peoples around the world for thousands of years. However, this begins to split in some past, and indeed current times, with race not necessarily being the question, but religion being a part of it as well... However, further definition of racism:

Scapegoat Theory: Prejudice springs from frustration among people who are themselves disadvantaged. (See Nazis and Jews, Ed)

Authoritarian Personality Theory: ...People who express strong prejudice toward one minority typically do so to all minorities... See moral issues as clear-cut matters of right and wrong... See society as naturally competitive... "Better" people inevitably dominating those who are weaker.

Culture Theory: ...Although extreme prejudice may be found in some people, some prejudice is found in everyone... Prejudice embedded in culture.

Conflict Theory: ...Prejudice is used as a tool by powerful people to oppress others. Also leads to race consciousness to win greater power and privileges ("Race Card," Ed).

Like it or not, Racism is a part of every one of us. Taking it to extremes is likely a demonstration of one's self control, not a mental handicap... And the excuse of calling it a mental handicap is utter rubbish, and certainly is a byproduct of these new ways of "I'm sorry, I'm inept" laws that give a free-ride to so many criminals.

Although many of us may have our doubts about a particular group of people (you may say you don't... You do... You aren't going to like someone), thats up to our own personal opinions, beliefs, whatever. But we aren't likely going to go kill Apu down at the Kwick-E-Mart because he is an Indian, and we just don't like Indians... Its more or less a matter of how you were raised, and what events likely defined your life to lead you to that moment where you A) Just buy a Slurpee or B) Kill Apu.

Personally speaking, I think we've got less to worry about race, and more to worry about Religion and other Religious indifferences... But that is for another topic in another thread...
Racism is not listed on any current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (aka: DSM-IV-TR).

I think the experts have answered this one, although back in 1952 (when the original DSM was published), they thought homosexuality was an illness.

I might add though...
Homosexuality is still in the DSM under a different name. The qualifier the condition is whether or not it causes the homosexual distress.
So basically, if the person is uncomfortable with their homosexuality the condition can fall under ________ from the DSM (assuming the other conditions set forward by the DSM are met).

That said, Racism will probably never go into the DSM because of the fact that it is usually a rational choice that leads an individual to hold racist views.

That said, I would be willing to bet there is indeed a condition listed in the DSM that covers racism although it is probably somewhat removed from our standard concepts of racism. :confused:

None the less, very interesting question. 👍
(btw, thanks for giving me a reason to be happy I took "abnormal psych: a study of the DSM" about a year or two ago) :lol:
Although I agree with your second sentence, I, however, disagree with the first one.
I have friends, who are somewhat racist towards a particular race; now, I know their parents, and I can tell you that they did not teach my friends to be racist, nor did any other person.
Racism/discrimination, is something that IMO, is developed according to your experiences with other races in general.

For example: One of my friends, has acquired this tough resentment against colored people, mostly African Americans.
He was talking to me and another friend the other day, saying that back in Italy, teachers, parents, and everyone pretty much, taught him that racism was a horrible thing, something that shouldn't exist, something that only the stupid ignorant ones practice. Furthermore, he learned what had happened to the Africans when they were brought to this country, he learned how badly they were treated by their white owners, he also learned how hard they fought for their rights all throughout the 40s, 50s and 60s. This caused an inevitable sympathy from him toward this race (black).

However, when he moved back here, he had the chance to interact with these people that, he once admired so much for their strength throughout this time; and he says, it didn't take him a long time not only to understand the "idiotic racism" from the non-black people, but to start thinking like one of them. He had probably dealt with the wrong people, people who had been racist with him, for being white. People who, regardless of their history, would have made anyone a racist.
He says he's been trying very hard to be "cool" and friendly with them, but some or most of them don't return that attitude...

I'm not saying that parents don't teach their kids to be racist; some of them do, but from what I've seen and heard, the level of racism in you, is controlled by your own experiences. Not by what someone told you when you were little.

Actually no, you very much agree with my statement. You just gave a few good examples of how people learned to be racist. I never said it's only taught through parents. But it is a learned behavior.
Oh...I understood wrong then. Because you just said "racism has to be taught", with that I'm thinking taught by someone. You didn't say "racism is a learned behavior", that's slightly different.
Oh...I understood wrong then. Because you just said "racism has to be taught", with that I'm thinking taught by someone. You didn't say "racism is a learned behavior", that's slightly different.

I'd say it was more of a miscommunication. I should've spelled out my thought more thoroughly. :)
I find racism stems more or less from events then experiences.

Today in my science class we must of had the most racist discussion i've ever heard before. It started out with mexicans (because of mexicans jumping the border), then went on to middle eastern people (Because of the war), and then on to black people (not from an event, theres a couple redneck kids)

I just don't think its a mental illness, it comes out of extreme hatred towards anothers way of life, appearance, or actions.
I hate barney too...I think he has an unhealthy liking for little kids...And those goddam Teletubby things...:mad: Kill all teletubbies!!

You should see Booh-Bah. They are even worse! :yuck: I'm stuck watching it when I am watching my baby sister. :(

The news said something about stopping the "Chubby Tubbies." They say that they are raising kids to be dim-witted and homosexual.

EDIT: Mods, is it okay to use the word homosexual here? :scared: If not, I will be glad to edit this out. Just restating what the news said.