I was just discussing the most sexist person I know with
@TexRex in the George Floyd thread. It occurred to me that others might benefit from a larger discussion of her and it seemed to fit in this thread (which is getting a massive dig from 13 years back). So here goes.
I know a very sexist old lady. She once told me that women should not have the right to vote. She is deferential to men in an almost unbelievable fashion. As though she truly lives by the notion that men are superior, and should be given more courtesy, attention, and credibility than women should be. It is as though she was plucked from 200 years ago and plopped right down in to modern times, as she explains that a woman's place is in the home, raising children.
Edit: I happen to know that her parents taught her the opposite.
This sexist old lady has been the psychological victim of an extreme narcissist for many years. Her husband's narcissism is all pervasive, and would definitely be clinically diagnosed as severe if he were to seek treatment (but narcissism prevents exactly that kind of thing). She has twisted her life into support of his narcissism for her entire adult existence. Narcissists tend to like unearned superior status (which I can't stand). So he is naturally predisposed to thinking things like that men are superior to women. But from every account I can tell, it is she who cultivates this belief of his. She's more extremely sexist than he is, and she actively and forcefully advocates for it, far more than he does. As best I can tell, the reason she does this is because sexism allows her some safety from his psychological abuse. She can cultivate some competence, and even receive praise without threatening his fragile ego by confining her competence to areas where he cannot and should not compete - in "womanly" activities like cooking, cleaning, and sewing. Any and all other areas where she might demonstrate competence must be squashed, because he will immediately become abusive if he perceives a challenge to any area where he feels he should be superior.
I would not have realized the bigotry could be cultivated out of a sense of self preservation from psychological abuse, such as this. But here you have an example of someone actively seeking the confines of sexist roles and views because it is preferable to the abuse she would otherwise receive from her husband. I dunno, I find this fascinating. She says the most vile things to other people, and about other people. And I always thought it was because she was a vile person, and she is, but more and more I come to see her as a tragic victim doing everything she can to protect her self worth from an all consuming abuser, who himself is abusive because of his own particular disorder.