Is GT Sport going to increase payouts?

  • Thread starter Benny44
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Well if you want that car , well you need to win some credits like winning races and it is not hard to do that and try all different cars in the game.
You know why players want better payouts, because they want everything in the game ASAP.
You keep saying this but your not grasping what is being said to you.

Credit payout balance is so out of wack its laughable. It is harder to win in sport mode, I have never been an offline player why because, it is too easy, there is absolutely no challenge, so I play the game in its hardest setting possible online no Aids etc, I wouldn’t waste my time racing poor, beyond poor AI, read back through my posts on this, I’m not asking to have all the cars, in fact I’ve never said that once, so what am I after, some equality in credit payout. Equality.
Well if you want that car , well you need to win some credits like winning races and it is not hard to do that and try all different cars in the game.
You know why players want better payouts, because they want everything in the game ASAP.
It is NOT ASAP. It is wanting a reasonable return for time and effort against the cost of the cars you want to buy. The current payouts are totally ridiculously under paying. The. End.

A daily log on bonus capped at 200% along with the ability to sell unwanted gift cars (not the 10 million plus cars) would be appropriate as a test.
You know why players want better payouts, because they want everything in the game ASAP.

How dare people want the content in a game they paid for

Also, even if you think that the current maximum credit per hour rate is a good rate (so approximately 1.5 to 2 Million per hour of grinding), surely you agree that the maximum rate should actually be possible through the hardest parts of the game? e.g. Sport Mode
I dont even want all the content... who has time to sort thru all the damn cars.

I just need *ONE* example of a particular class of car to compete in the defined events (not the Alfa TZ2 thanks).
I dont even want all the content... who has time to sort thru all the damn cars.

I just need *ONE* example of a particular class of car to compete in the defined events (not the Alfa TZ2 thanks).
What a nonsense answer is that. Most of the players wants all of the game content and with such economy its nearly immpossible to achive without days of grind or a month of rubber banding.

Please think other players too not only yourself.
What a nonsense answer is that. Most of the players wants all of the game content and with such economy its nearly immpossible to achive without days of grind or a month of rubber banding.

Please think other players too not only yourself.

Where did I say that my goals are the same as everyone elses?

Some people come from this as some sort of car collection game. If you want that the Forza side welcomes you. Or even GT6.

I dont feel like GT Sport is a 'collection' game.

Be that as it may I'm with you, PD should make content accessible to everyone however our wishes arent the ones driving PD.
Problem is not being hard or easy. Problem is its very boring. When i do i feel like im wasting my time just for credits.
You said you can't be clean "what so ever". That sounds to me that it doesn't matter whether it's boring or not, you struggle at being clean. That doesn't sound like a boring problem to me.
How about increasing the Credit Limit to 50 Million instead of 20 Million? That way you can get the cars you want and not have to go back to Zero Credit's. It was like that in GT6.
I don't know why so many of you are still arguing with fordlaser. Dude isn't going to budge on his (flawed) perception. It's like trying to nail oatmeal to a wall.
You said you can't be clean "what so ever". That sounds to me that it doesn't matter whether it's boring or not, you struggle at being clean. That doesn't sound like a boring problem to me.
I didnt sad that. Another guy did. Read carefully.

Where did I say that my goals are the same as everyone elses?

Some people come from this as some sort of car collection game. If you want that the Forza side welcomes you. Or even GT6.

I dont feel like GT Sport is a 'collection' game.

Be that as it may I'm with you, PD should make content accessible to everyone however our wishes arent the ones driving PD.
I paid the price of the game therefore i want all content of the game. Maybe you dont but most people here do.
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How about increasing the Credit Limit to 50 Million instead of 20 Million? That way you can get the cars you want and not have to go back to Zero Credit's. It was like that in GT6.
Yeah. Not sure why there’s a limit to the amount of credits you can have anyway.
Nah. What people don't understand is Sport is a gaas title meaning in game currency will not pay out in abundance to keep you playing longer. The positive side to this is the game already has more content the GT5/6 a least in my opinion. I mean the beginner league in GT league has more races then the main mode in GT5
I didnt sad that. Another guy did. Read carefully.

I paid the price of the game therefore i want all content of the game. Maybe you dont but most people here do.

I fully agree with you. Problem is the main franchises arent like that, they dont listen to us and further, they want to profit from their fake internal game economy.

You aint gonna change that and you'll see here that many people are absolutely fine with $20 mil. cars.

btw. if you quote someone you're directing your answer to that person. People arent going to follow your train of though to "Some other guy".
I fully agree with you. Problem is the main franchises arent like that, they dont listen to us and further, they want to profit from their fake internal game economy.

You aint gonna change that and you'll see here that many people are absolutely fine with $20 mil. cars.

btw. if you quote someone you're directing your answer to that person. People arent going to follow your train of though to "Some other guy".
I dont see anyone who fines with hours of ultimately boring blue moon speed way grind.

Uhmm no. People can easily see which comments belongs to who and i didnt say blue moon grind is hard or i meant to. Blue moon grind is very easy because of its oval layout but the problem is its extremely boring. Most exciting parts of the game pays you minimal amounts of credits while gt league pays huge compared to it. Gt sport focuses on multiplayer so economy should be focused around multiplayer modes not single player.
From reading everyone’s comments, I think it’s safe to say that unless you personally don’t care about the high end cars, you want bigger payouts. And even some who are not big fans of the high end cars would probably like a shot at driving them. I don’t play sport mode, so I can’t speak to that. I just do online racing with friends and GT mode. But yeah - PD needs to increase payouts across the board
I think it’s safe to say PD needs to increase payouts across the board

No, the payouts are fine and there is no need to increase the payouts for each event for this game.

Players want better payouts because they want everything in the game ASAP.
No, the payouts are fine and there is no need to increase the payouts for each event for this game.

Players want better payouts because they want everything in the game ASAP.
You conveniently left out the start and end of my sentence. YOU don’t think that. But you’re one of the very few. I’m curious - do you want to drive the 15-20 million dollar cars?
[...]Gt sport focuses on multiplayer so economy should be focused around multiplayer modes not single player.
This is something that could change. Give people who are perhaps not that willing to play Sport mode more incentives to do so.
No, the payouts are fine and there is no need to increase the payouts for each event for this game.

Players want better payouts because they want everything in the game ASAP.

Your a troll man,

If I did not do the reversing glitch I would not have bothered to get to level 50, because it will take you along time, so just enjoy the game.
Sadly I have not got any good way to get experience points after PD patch it the glitch.

Whilst not explicitly about credits, if the offline paid as poorly as Sport Mode I’m sure you would have something to say.

Players want things now ASAP, but without a glitch you are not bothered for level 50.

(Dont worry already know your not going to reply :))
I paid the price of the game therefore i want all content of the game. Maybe you dont but most people here do.

I paid the price of the game for Uncharted, but I'm not demanding the game provide me with every collectible from the off.

I've long argued that the payouts in GT Sport need to be rebalanced — or the 20M cars need to get 50% discounts, possibly more. Or maybe every car should be available for players to drive in Arcade Mode, but to be able to tune them and/or paint them they must own them (a la Forza Motorsport).

Five of the most expensive cars in the game cost as much as something like 150 of the cheapest, and that's an issue of balance IMO. But as someone who's played every GT game since the first, I'm not entirely opposed to having cars only available via achieving some sort of challenge. Golding all the licenses was the big one in GT1. In GT3 you could only own one Vanquish, as it was exclusively a prize car at one event.

Those were the gamey aspects of the franchise. They required a feat of skill. There's no skill involved in getting the 20M cars in GT Sport: just time sunk. Dozens upon dozens of hours sunk — more than has been required in any past GT game for the most expensive cars.

It's a balancing act. This is, at the end of the day, still a game, so some players want the gamey aspects, like unlockables and a sense of progression. But it's also heavily focused on esports, and on balanced classes.

No, the payouts are fine and there is no need to increase the payouts for each event for this game.

Players want better payouts because they want everything in the game ASAP.

Repeating it doesn't make it any more true.
I paid the price of the game for Uncharted, but I'm not demanding the game provide me with every collectible from the off.

This is in no way a valid comparison. In Uncharted, you collect the artefacts through exploration, not by repeating the same process over and over again as the quickest way to get said collectible.
This is in no way a valid comparison. In Uncharted, you collect the artefacts through exploration, not by repeating the same process over and over again as the quickest way to get said collectible.

Er, did you read the rest of my post?

I'm not arguing that the method with which players can get the most expensive cars in GT Sport isn't flawed. The grind is real. I'm pointing out the error in the "I paid for it, thus should get everything" logic.
Er, did you read the rest of my post?

I'm not arguing that the method with which players can get the most expensive cars in GT Sport isn't flawed. The grind is real. I'm pointing out the error in the "I paid for it, thus should get everything" logic.

Yes and I completely agree with how it would be good for cars to be earned through skill and that payouts also aren't correctly done.
If you earn 1 million credits a day for 20 days, you will get 20 million credits in 20 days. If you earn over 1 million credits a day, you get to 20 million credits well before 20 days and it is so simple, so there is no need to increase the payouts.
If you earn 1 million credits a day for 20 days, you will get 20 million credits in 20 days. If you earn over 1 million credits a day, you get to 20 million credits well before 20 days and it is so simple, so there is no need to increase the payouts.

See, that would be fine, if the best ways to earn 1 million credits per day were through skillful challenging aspects of the game, but it isn't is it. It is through tedious methods.

Anyway, you really need to stop with the whole 'people are lazy, they want everything now without doing anything themselves' talk when you yourself rubber band your controller so the game gets credit for you.
If you earn 1 million credits a day for 20 days, you will get 20 million credits in 20 days. If you earn over 1 million credits a day, you get to 20 million credits well before 20 days and it is so simple, so there is no need to increase the payouts.
If you play 6 sport mode races a day and win without the clean win bonus (its much harder to obtain)(using this weeks race C winnings 80,000 credits) that is three hours of game time that will give you 480,000 credits a day, rounded up its going to take 42 days to make 20,000,000(it’s unlikely you will every race entered and 3 hours of game time a day is a lot).

So over twice as long and that is unlikely to be achieved. So yes sport mode payouts need to be a increased, to be able to match your offline maths.
If you earn 1 million credits a day for 20 days, you will get 20 million credits in 20 days. If you earn over 1 million credits a day, you get to 20 million credits well before 20 days and it is so simple, so there is no need to increase the payouts.

Really, just earn 1 million credits a day! What percentage of players have the time to do this everyday? It isn't like there is a good menu of events which will reasonably offer interesting ways of achieving this. If you mean rubber banding - are you suggesting that PD set out the game design to include this as a viable way to play the game. Do think the game designers set out to get players to rubber band?

In principle, players who play the game, should be able to complete the game - which includes a reasonable way of obtaining all of the content. I do not considering excessive grinding nor rubber-banding to be a reasonable way to obtain all of the content.

Anyway, I have won a just over 77 million credits since the game was released. I've bought the XJ13. I now have 10 million credits and I suppose the Ferrari P4 is what I should get to provide more variety for the Le Mans race. I have done a little grinding repeating BMB and Le Mans. But generally, i bought the game for entertainment. Mindlessly repeating the same event, in the same OP car to be entertaining. I have a family and a busy job and so when I get to GT Sport, I want to enjoy it. So I do Sport races.

I've entered more than 600 sport races, and have 12 wins. This is because: a. I am not fast, maybe 2 - 4 seconds from the alien times, and b. I find sport races more interesting to start from the back of the grid. When I used to qualify, more often than not I found the race to be frustrating. Either running around not able to catch those in front, but comfortably ahead of those behind. Or, far far far too often, getting smashed into as I was trying all I can not to hit other drivers in the first corner. In sport mode, increasing credits for positions gained sounds awesome - but only if done so without a time penalty. I already am the victim of so much immaturity from other racers.

I think a mix of credits for qualifying position, positions gained and a clean race multiplier based on SR rank is a viable solution. The clean races should based on penalties. Okay, more often than not, when I get a time penalty - I haven't actually done anything wrong. And we can easily point to incidents where it is wrong - but overall, it works more than if we didn't have any penalty system. It should be improved, but players who think that they are anonymous will always try to take advantage, game the system or just act like immature idiots, and maybe even make genuine mistakes.

Having driven over 36,000 miles, whenever a new update comes, I think I should be able to use in-game credits to buy that content. I think I've been active enough to have won sufficient credits to access the new content. I don't think I'm being entitled, I think I've been more active than many players. What is the point of adding content if so few can use it? That doesn't make sense to me?

I also expect that the daily spin would be my friend (actually I think it hates me! - either gifting cars I don't want because I already have 3 of them or at least allow me some benefit. Just how many Group B Fords, Group 4 Meganes does anyone actually need? Please let me sell these cars I get in the daily spin that I don't want. It cannot have been coded to make the player happy (isn't that odd?).

The rewards need adjusting. Rubber-banding & mindless grinding should not be required for a very active player.
Increase the payout in Sport mode for racing well.
Amend the coding for the daily spin - increase the probability of winning a car not owned in the players garage, and allow players to sell cars won that they don't won't.
This is a game, it should be designed to be entertaining.
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