Israel - Palestine discussion thread

It's weird to see the "genocide" argument levied against Israel and NOT Hamas.
Genocide has a clear and distinct meaning but when people decide to distort the meaning to push their own agenda the word loses the impact it once had. Hamas STILL has the language of genocide in its charter yet people ignore that because the group does an embarrassingly poor (but inappropriately popular) execution of said charter.
I think part of the problem is that Netanyahu is opposing any chance at Palestinian statehood:

This could fit into genocide depending on how he wants to accomplish it since one way would be to eradicate Palestine completely. Even if that's not his end goal, it's not a good look because the way I see it is that Netanyahu can't distinguish between legitimate terrorists and militants that need to be dealt with and the average Palestinian just trying to live their life.

Israel has every right to wipe out terrorists that are threatening its land and people; it does not have the right to take away a state. Ideally, Israel should work on getting rid of Hamas, preventing other groups from taking over the country and pushing for free and fair elections in the state of Palestine.
I think part of the problem is that Netanyahu is opposing any chance at Palestinian statehood:

This could fit into genocide depending on how he wants to accomplish it since one way would be to eradicate Palestine completely. Even if that's not his end goal, it's not a good look because the way I see it is that Netanyahu can't distinguish between legitimate terrorists and militants that need to be dealt with and the average Palestinian just trying to live their life.

Israel has every right to wipe out terrorists that are threatening its land and people; it does not have the right to take away a state. Ideally, Israel should work on getting rid of Hamas, preventing other groups from taking over the country and pushing for free and fair elections in the state of Palestine.
Which I am fully fine with. Netanyahu after the war SHOULD be removed from office. It happened 50 years ago after the Yom Kippur war, and it will probably happen again. One of the bigger issues is who will be running for "free and fair" elections in the Palestinian territories? The PA hasn't had an election in over 20 years because they fear (rightly so) that they will lose any election. Some of the other options are different versions of Hamas which makes them unappetizing for Israel at best and at worst, a repeat of what happened with Hamas and Gaza.
It's weird to see the "genocide" argument levied against Israel and NOT Hamas.
Genocide has a clear and distinct meaning but when people decide to distort the meaning to push their own agenda the word loses the impact it once had. Hamas STILL has the language of genocide in its charter yet people ignore that because the group does an embarrassingly poor (but inappropriately popular) execution of said charter.
I think the difference is that Hamas explicitly has the intent to inflict genocide on Israel*, but clearly lacks the means. They've been trying hard, but it's like saying that New Zealand is going to invade the continental US. It's just not a plausible outcome, even if they could maybe inflict some damage in the attempt.

Israel seems to have the intent to inflict genocide on Gazans (and potentially all Palestinians, depending on how you read the situation in the West Bank) and they definitely have the means to do so. They have the military capability and the strategic position to make it happen.

Add in that while the history of the conflict is very complex, the most boiled down version tends to end up somewhere in the vicinity of "Israel tries to force Palestinians off their land so that they can take it for themselves". We're multiple generations deep at this point so it's not that simple, but there is a certain element of Palestinians trying to defend lands that were historically theirs and Israelis trying to "defend" lands that they've occupied.

And I think that's where the both sides stuff starts to break down. Yes, both sides have committed atrocities and killed a lot of people, but when you start looking at the bigger reasons why these conflicts exist at all and the justifications for them the situations start to look less and less equivalent.

*It has come up in past negotiations that they were at least at one point in time willing to accept a two state solution, so I think the "genocide to Israel" thing is at least partly propaganda and at least some of the people in power are aware that it's neither possible nor particularly desirable. At best they end up a pariah state like North Korea, at worst the rest of the world turns up and stomps them into dust. It's a very serious thing to have in your charter, but at the same time given some of what has happened over the last 70 years it's at least understandable from the perspective of "we commit ourselves utterly to the eradication of this threat to our very existence". If Jews had a charter in 1949 that called for genocide to the Nazis, everyone might find that very uncomfortable but at the same time understandable given the history.
I think part of the problem is that Netanyahu is opposing any chance at Palestinian statehood:

This could fit into genocide depending on how he wants to accomplish it since one way would be to eradicate Palestine completely. Even if that's not his end goal, it's not a good look because the way I see it is that Netanyahu can't distinguish between legitimate terrorists and militants that need to be dealt with and the average Palestinian just trying to live their life.

Israel has every right to wipe out terrorists that are threatening its land and people; it does not have the right to take away a state. Ideally, Israel should work on getting rid of Hamas, preventing other groups from taking over the country and pushing for free and fair elections in the state of Palestine.
Yeah, and this is sort of the problem. I sort of suspect that in the eyes of the Israeli government, the only way to make sure that Hamas is totally eradicated is to make sure that there are no Palestinians to form Hamas or something like it.

Which is kind of correct, you can kill everyone who is currently a part of Hamas but that doesn't do anything to change the conditions that led a group like that to form and rise to power. As long as there are Palestinians and the current conditions remain, there will be a Hamas or something like it. But it also makes it clear how little Israel cares about fairness and freedom for Palestinians. All Israel sees is an enemy to be destroyed, not a population of people who have been backed into a corner and feel like they're fighting for their existence.
Because the atrocious assault of Hamas killed a few hundred people.
The attacks of Israel are supposedly directed at Hamas, but mostly kills women and children and has also flattend Palestinia.
They also opened so called safe spaces, where people can go, and subsequently bomb that region.
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I think the difference is that Hamas explicitly has the intent to inflict genocide on Israel*, but clearly lacks the means
Would you say that New Zealand lack the means to perform genocide on Americans if they totally wipe little American city with 30.000 population?

One of the bases of modern Israel is zero tolerance to racial hate. Main goal of HAMAS is to wipe all jews, its indoctrinated since kindergarten.
Unpopular opinion:

At this point just bring back the Muslim Caliphate, the Umayyads and the Abbasids because they've managed to do a better job at keeping the peace in the region.
Unpopular opinion:

At this point just bring back the Muslim Caliphate, the Umayyads and the Abbasids because they've managed to do a better job at keeping the peace in the region.
So what happens to all of the Jews in the region? Are they allowed to stay? Are they forced to leave? Are they all killed?
So what happens to all of the Jews in the region? Are they allowed to stay? Are they forced to leave? Are they all killed?
Dumb question:

Is there any fringe movement for Jews in Israel to be repatriated to Europe, "back where they came from"?

Dumb question:

Is there any fringe movement for Jews in Israel to be repatriated to Europe, "back where they came from"?
Not really. Half of the Jewish people in Israel came from Arab counties who expelled them, and about half came from Europe a lot of them after the holocaust. Most Israelis today were born in Israel, and so were their parents and sometimes their grandparents (in British Mandate Palestine) and great grandparents.

Most Israelis have never been to “their countries of origin”, only speak Hebrew (or English as well) and don’t speak the language of their “counties of origin”.

In general Israelis have very loose connection if any to the place their grandparents came from.
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Not really. Half of the Jewish people in Israel came from Arab counties who expelled them, and about half came from Europe a lot of them after the holocaust. Most Israelis today were born in Israel, and so were their parents and sometimes their grandparents (in British Mandate Palestine) and great grandparents.

Most Israelis have never been to “their countries of origin”, only speak Hebrew (or English as well) and don’t speak the language of their “counties of origin”.

In general Israelis have very loose connection if any to the place their grandparents came from.

I am pretty sure my father would never be welcomed into his country of birth, Austria, as they never even recognized him as being an Austrian despite living there for the first 3 years of his life.

Not really. Half of the Jewish people in Israel came from Arab counties who expelled them, and about half came from Europe a lot of them after the holocaust. Most Israelis today were born in Israel, and so were their parents and sometimes their grandparents (in British Mandate Palestine) and great grandparents.

Most Israelis have never been to “their countries of origin”, only speak Hebrew (or English as well) and don’t speak the language of their “counties of origin”.

In general Israelis have very loose connection if any to the place their grandparents came from.
I wasn't expecting an answer about a serious group but whether some fringe lunatics believe so.

Thanks for your insight.
I wasn't expecting an answer about a serious group but whether some fringe lunatics believe so.

Thanks for your insight.
The only immigration movement out of Israel I was aware of was due to the high cost of living or disagreement about internal politics in Israel (imagine democrats leaving the US if Trump wins the election). Those immigration movements aren’t “back” to the country of origin because the concept is basically nonexistent in Israel. It’s just immigrating to somewhere else as I’ve described above.

Those were definitely fringe and are even less popular now because of increased commitment, solidarity and patriotism since 07/10.

Source: am Israeli
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So what happens to all of the Jews in the region? Are they allowed to stay? Are they forced to leave? Are they all killed?
Tell me you have a phobia for Muslims without telling me you have a phobia for Muslims. The only people who managed to sustain a peace treaty with Jews for a millennium were the Muslims. That's simply a historical fact.
I know my history but here's an abstract of the history of the region:
Tell me you have a phobia for Muslims without telling me you have a phobia for Muslims. The only people who managed to sustain a peace treaty with Jews for a millennium were the Muslims. That's simply a historical fact.
I know my history but here's an abstract of the history of the region:

Peace treaty or tolerance?
Tell me you have a phobia for Muslims without telling me you have a phobia for Muslims. The only people who managed to sustain a peace treaty with Jews for a millennium were the Muslims. That's simply a historical fact.
I know my history but here's an abstract of the history of the region:

I am pretty ignorant of the entire history of Islam, as well as naive about most politics. With these disclaimers, the video appears to express a continual degradation by Islam of the rights of "The People of the Book". Current world events appear to take this even further, i.e. "The First Arab-Israeli War", "The Second Arab-Israeli War", "The Yom Kippur War", "The Six Day War", "From the River to the Sea". Can you explain in small words to me (and anyone else interested), why this is, what the real Islam position on "The People of the Book", and whether or not people who appear to behave in ways contrary to Islamic positions are really followers of Islam? Examples from history include Nazi Germany not really being Christian by their actions, The Crusades not really being a Christian movement, but a political and anti-Muslim movement. The Hindu extremists trying to rid India of Christians is not really Hindu (or Indian for that matter according to their constitution). Thank you for your time and attempt(s) to enlighten me.
I am a Christian.
Peace treaty or tolerance?
Err it's more like a peace treaty that flourished into tolerance. If you want to know the entire story you must read more about the life of prophet Muhammad and the Jewish tribes of the Arabian peninsula: Banu Qu-rai-tha, Banu Al-Nadir and Qai-nu-qa, whom have fought alongside the pagan tribe of Quraish (the greatest tribe in the Arabian peninsula) to kill prophet Muhammad and end the message of Islam. It's an interesting read.
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I am pretty ignorant of the entire history of Islam, as well as naive about most politics. With these disclaimers, the video appears to express a continual degradation by Islam of the rights of "The People of the Book". Current world events appear to take this even further, i.e. "The First Arab-Israeli War", "The Second Arab-Israeli War", "The Yom Kippur War", "The Six Day War", "From the River to the Sea". Can you explain in small words to me (and anyone else interested), why this is, what the real Islam position on "The People of the Book", and whether or not people who appear to behave in ways contrary to Islamic positions are really followers of Islam? Examples from history include Nazi Germany not really being Christian by their actions, The Crusades not really being a Christian movement, but a political and anti-Muslim movement. The Hindu extremists trying to rid India of Christians is not really Hindu (or Indian for that matter according to their constitution). Thank you for your time and attempt(s) to enlighten me.
I am a Christian.
I'll do my utmost best to answer your questions but give me some time to do a bit of research and compile everything in an abstract.
I'll do my utmost best to answer your questions but give me some time to do a bit of research and compile everything in an abstract.
I appreciate your time, but I really didn't envision you putting an effort into this. I thought it was something that would just fly off your fingers. I would certainly be interested in anything you put together, but don't feel obligated. Thanks.
I appreciate your time, but I really didn't envision you putting an effort into this. I thought it was something that would just fly off your fingers. I would certainly be interested in anything you put together, but don't feel obligated. Thanks.
I appreciate your patience, and I hope this reply is sufficient enough to answer your query.

Before I begin I will quote an amazing verse from the Quran regarding the 'People of the Book'. In Chapter 3, Verse 199, God says:

'And indeed, among the People of the Scripture are those who believe in Allah and what was revealed to you and what was revealed to them, [being] humbly submissive to Allah. They do not exchange the verses of Allah for a small price. Those will have their reward with their Lord. Indeed, Allah is swift in account.'


●Let me begin with the etymology of the word 'Islam'. The word 'Islam إسلام' is derived from the word 'Salam سلام' which translates to 'Peace', and the word 'Islam' translates to 'Submission'. Thus Islam is a religion of Peace and Submission to the one God. The word 'Muslim مسلم' translates to 'The one who submits'.

The Protected Tablet

●In order to get the full picture of things I must talk about the 'Divine-protected Tablet'.

The Protected Tablet is one of the first creations of God which He wrote everything in from the beginning of time to the end of time. The creation of mankind, space, planets, holy books, prophets, messengers, etc, are all mentioned in the Tablet long before everything was created.

Adam's Creation

●Before God created Adam, He said (Quran 2:30):

30. And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know."

●After their creation, Adam and Eve lived in heaven for 43 years according to Muslim scholars before they sinned and were expelled from heaven. This was already arranged by God, the all knowing, as we've understood from God's conversation with angels in the aforementioned verse.

●Since Adam was the first human being he was therefore the first Muslim.

●Prophet Muhammad said in the creation of Adam (A well-documented hadith):
"When Allah created Adam, He wiped his back and every person that He created among his offspring until the Day of Judgment fell out of his back. He placed a ray of light between the eyes of every person. Then, He showed them to Adam and he said: 'O Lord, who are these?' He said: 'These are your offspring.' Adam saw one of them whose ray between his eyes amazed him, so he said: 'O Lord, who is this?' He said: 'This is a man from the latter generations of your offspring called Dawūd (David).' He said: 'O Lord, how long did You make his lifespan?' He said: 'Sixty years.' He said: 'O Lord, add forty years from my life to his.' At the end of Adam's life, when the angel of death came to him, Adam said: 'Do I not have forty years remaining?' He said: 'Did you not give them to your son Dawūd?'. Prophet Muhammad said: 'Adam denied, so his offspring denied; Adam forgot, so his offspring forgot; and Adam sinned, so his offspring sinned.'"

The First Murder

●In Islam, the story of Cain and Abel serves as an admonition against murder promoting sanctity of human life and its events are virtually the same as the Hebrew Bible narrative.

Adam's Death and his Offspring

●Prior to his death Adam commended his children to worship the one God, but as years passed some strayed away from worshipping God and had to be guided back by their brethren who thus were deemed prophets and messengers.

●God says in the Quran 18:55-56:

55. 'And nothing has prevented the people from believing when guidance came to them and from asking forgiveness of their Lord except that there [must] befall them the [accustomed] precedent of the former peoples or that the punishment should come [directly] before them.'

56. 'And We send not the messengers except as bringers of good tidings and warners. And those who disbelieve dispute by [using] falsehood to [attempt to] invalidate thereby the truth and have taken My verses, and that of which they are warned, in ridicule.'

●Prophet Muhammad said (A neither well nor poorly documented hadith according to Muslim scholars) when asked about the number of prophets: 'I said, O Messenger of God, how many are the number of prophets? He said: One hundred and twenty-four thousand, of which the Messengers were three hundred and fifteen.'

The Prophets and Messengers

●The exact number of prophets and messengers is unknown as God says in the Quran (4:164):

'And [We sent] messengers about whom We have related [their stories] to you before and messengers about whom We have not related to you. And Allah spoke to Moses with [direct] speech.'

●There are 5 'Determined Messengers' whom had carried the message of submission to God, and had suffered a lot throughout their lives to deliver the message, and those are: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and lastly Muhammad.

*You can look up the names and lives of prophets and messengers we know about on the web as I will only talk about prophet Muhammad.

Prophet Muhammad's Birth and Early Life

●There's a dispute about when exactly prophet Muhammad was born, however he was born in Mekkah in 570 or 571 A.D. Prophet Muhammad was raised by his grandfather and later on by his uncle, and worked as a shepherd like all previous prophets as he said in a well-documented hadith: "Allah did not send a prophet except that he tended sheep." His Companions said: "And you?" He said: "Yes, I used to tend sheep for the people of Makkah in return for some Qirāts."

●Prophet Muhammad then worked in trade under Khadijah as she entrusted him with going out to trade with her money with a boy of hers called Maysara in exchange for a reward. So he went out as a merchant to the Levant, and sat under the shade of a tree near a monk on the road. The monk told Maysara that whoever went down under that tree was nothing but a prophet. Later on, Prophet Muhammad married Khadijah.

The Beginning of Revelation

●Prophet Muhammad used to go to a cave in a mountain every Ramadan to pray and think about God's creation. When he turned 40, and while he was praying in the cave during Ramadan, the angel Gabriel descended down on him and said: 'Recite' and the prophet replied, saying: 'I am not a reader', and the request was repeated three times, and Gabriel said on the third time (Quran 96:1-5):
1. 'Recite in the name of your Lord who created -'

2. 'Created man from a clinging substance'

3. 'Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous -'

4. 'Who taught by the pen -'

5. 'Taught man that which he knew not.'

So he returned to Khadijah while he was in a state of extreme fear about what had happened to him. Then she took him to her cousin Waraqah ibn Nawfal, who was a Christian, and prophet Muhammad told him about what happened, and Waraqah said: 'This is the same angel God sent to Moses.'.

*You can read more about prophet Muhammad's preaching of Islam, the Mekkan Era, the Medina Era and the wars with the pagan Arab tribes and Jewish tribes of Banu Quraytha, Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Al-Nadir on the web.

Islam is a Universal Message

●Prophet Muhammad said in a well-documented hadith: "I have been granted five things that none of the prophets before me was granted: I have been made victorious with the awe from a one month distance; the earth has been made a place of worship for me and a means of purification; so, anyone of my Ummah (roughly translates to 'People') should pray wherever he may be when the time of prayer is due; the spoils of war have been made lawful for me, whereas it was not lawful for anyone before me; I have been granted (the privilege of) intercession; and all the prophets before me were sent to their people in specific, whereas I have been sent to all mankind."

●One of the final verses of the Quran which Gabriel (taught by God) recited to prophet Muhammad, is in Chapter 5. God says in the Quran (5:3):

3. '... This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.'

●Prophet Muhammad was the last messenger sent by God and the first sign of the end of times as described by prophet Muhammad in a well-documented hadith: "My advent and the Hour are like these," pointing with his two fingers.

Muslims after Prophet Muhammad's Death

There were divisions between Muslims after the death of prophet Muhammad which lead to the 'Ridda Wars' (Wars of defiance) between Muslims under the leadership of prophet Muhammad's closest friend Abu Bakir and the hypocrites lead by someone claiming prophecy. The wars ended with Abu Bakir emerging victorious and we enter the era of the 'Muslim Caliphate'.

The Muslim Caliphate

●It was also known as 'The Rashidun Caliphate' (The 'Rightly-Guided' Caliphate) and it lasted from 632 A.D to 661 A.D. It was lead by:
1. Abu Bakir from 632 to 634 A.D
2. Omar bin Al-Khattab from 634 to 644 A.D
3. Othman bin Affan from 644 to 656 A.D
4. Ali bin Abi-Taleb from 656 to 661 A.D

●A group of Muslims rejected Abu Bakir being the first Caliph and argued that Ali should have been the first one since he was the son of prophet Muhammad's uncle. This ultimately lead to the division of Muslims between Shia and Sunni and you can read more about it here:

●All Caliphs were assassinated by hypocrites, and after Ali's assassination, there was a major dispute and hostility between Muslims on whether Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan or Al-Hasan bin Ali was the rightful successor, thus, leading to Al-Hasan stepping down for the greater good. The dispute is still alive to this day between Shia and Sunni Muslims.

Will the Disputes Ever End?

●As years went by, more and more factions were emerging in Islam out of unnecessary disputes which, ultimately, lead to more disputes and division. The powers of evil are benefitting from this division by fueling wars among Muslims and with people of the book which in turn lead to the unfortunate demonization of Islam as a religion of chaos and murder.

●Prophet Muhammad said in a well-documented hadith: 'The Jews split into seventy-one sects, one is in Paradise and seventy are in Hell. The Christians split into seventy-two sects, seventy-one are in Hell and one is in Paradise. By the One in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, my nation will be divided into seventy-three sects, one in Paradise and seventy-two are in Hell. It was said, O Messenger of God, who are they (The group in Paradise)? The group, he said (i.e the ones who abide by the Quran and the hadith).'

About the People of the Book

The disputes and wars between Muslims lead to the death of many innocent Muslims, Christians and Jews. However, Christians and Jews, for the most part, lived peacefully with their Muslim brethren, conquered the land and some embraced Islam. Islam is not forced on the people of the book as long as they truly believe in God and abide by what is written in their book. In the end actions speak louder than words and whether it is a Muslim, a Christian or a Jew, we all want to be part of the sect that is going to Paradise when judgement day comes.


I will end my reply with two wonderful verses from the Quran.

Chapter 49, Verse 13:
'O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.'

Chapter 3, Verse 64:
'Say, "O People of the Scripture, come to a word that is equitable between us and you - that we will not worship except Allah and not associate anything with Him and not take one another as lords instead of Allah." But if they turn away, then say, "Bear witness that we are Muslims [submitting to Him]."'


On a side note: Christians and Jews had their fair share of wars and even provoking wars with Muslims due to disputes over which religion is right. In order to avoid wars and conflicts people should come together and choose leaders that aren't narrow-minded and bigots. But as foretold by prophet Muhammad in a well-documented hadith, there will be two men who will make peace after wars and they are: Al-Mahdi and Jesus.
I appreciate your patience, and I hope this reply is sufficient enough to answer your query.

Before I begin I will quote an amazing verse from the Quran regarding the 'People of the Book'. In Chapter 3, Verse 199, God says:

'And indeed, among the People of the Scripture are those who believe in Allah and what was revealed to you and what was revealed to them, [being] humbly submissive to Allah. They do not exchange the verses of Allah for a small price. Those will have their reward with their Lord. Indeed, Allah is swift in account.'


●Let me begin with the etymology of the word 'Islam'. The word 'Islam إسلام' is derived from the word 'Salam سلام' which translates to 'Peace', and the word 'Islam' translates to 'Submission'. Thus Islam is a religion of Peace and Submission to the one God. The word 'Muslim مسلم' translates to 'The one who submits'.

The Protected Tablet

●In order to get the full picture of things I must talk about the 'Divine-protected Tablet'.

The Protected Tablet is one of the first creations of God which He wrote everything in from the beginning of time to the end of time. The creation of mankind, space, planets, holy books, prophets, messengers, etc, are all mentioned in the Tablet long before everything was created.

Adam's Creation

●Before God created Adam, He said (Quran 2:30):

30. And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know."

●After their creation, Adam and Eve lived in heaven for 43 years according to Muslim scholars before they sinned and were expelled from heaven. This was already arranged by God, the all knowing, as we've understood from God's conversation with angels in the aforementioned verse.

●Since Adam was the first human being he was therefore the first Muslim.

●Prophet Muhammad said in the creation of Adam (A well-documented hadith):
"When Allah created Adam, He wiped his back and every person that He created among his offspring until the Day of Judgment fell out of his back. He placed a ray of light between the eyes of every person. Then, He showed them to Adam and he said: 'O Lord, who are these?' He said: 'These are your offspring.' Adam saw one of them whose ray between his eyes amazed him, so he said: 'O Lord, who is this?' He said: 'This is a man from the latter generations of your offspring called Dawūd (David).' He said: 'O Lord, how long did You make his lifespan?' He said: 'Sixty years.' He said: 'O Lord, add forty years from my life to his.' At the end of Adam's life, when the angel of death came to him, Adam said: 'Do I not have forty years remaining?' He said: 'Did you not give them to your son Dawūd?'. Prophet Muhammad said: 'Adam denied, so his offspring denied; Adam forgot, so his offspring forgot; and Adam sinned, so his offspring sinned.'"

The First Murder

●In Islam, the story of Cain and Abel serves as an admonition against murder promoting sanctity of human life and its events are virtually the same as the Hebrew Bible narrative.

Adam's Death and his Offspring

●Prior to his death Adam commended his children to worship the one God, but as years passed some strayed away from worshipping God and had to be guided back by their brethren who thus were deemed prophets and messengers.

●God says in the Quran 18:55-56:

55. 'And nothing has prevented the people from believing when guidance came to them and from asking forgiveness of their Lord except that there [must] befall them the [accustomed] precedent of the former peoples or that the punishment should come [directly] before them.'

56. 'And We send not the messengers except as bringers of good tidings and warners. And those who disbelieve dispute by [using] falsehood to [attempt to] invalidate thereby the truth and have taken My verses, and that of which they are warned, in ridicule.'

●Prophet Muhammad said (A neither well nor poorly documented hadith according to Muslim scholars) when asked about the number of prophets: 'I said, O Messenger of God, how many are the number of prophets? He said: One hundred and twenty-four thousand, of which the Messengers were three hundred and fifteen.'

The Prophets and Messengers

●The exact number of prophets and messengers is unknown as God says in the Quran (4:164):

'And [We sent] messengers about whom We have related [their stories] to you before and messengers about whom We have not related to you. And Allah spoke to Moses with [direct] speech.'

●There are 5 'Determined Messengers' whom had carried the message of submission to God, and had suffered a lot throughout their lives to deliver the message, and those are: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and lastly Muhammad.

*You can look up the names and lives of prophets and messengers we know about on the web as I will only talk about prophet Muhammad.

Prophet Muhammad's Birth and Early Life

●There's a dispute about when exactly prophet Muhammad was born, however he was born in Mekkah in 570 or 571 A.D. Prophet Muhammad was raised by his grandfather and later on by his uncle, and worked as a shepherd like all previous prophets as he said in a well-documented hadith: "Allah did not send a prophet except that he tended sheep." His Companions said: "And you?" He said: "Yes, I used to tend sheep for the people of Makkah in return for some Qirāts."

●Prophet Muhammad then worked in trade under Khadijah as she entrusted him with going out to trade with her money with a boy of hers called Maysara in exchange for a reward. So he went out as a merchant to the Levant, and sat under the shade of a tree near a monk on the road. The monk told Maysara that whoever went down under that tree was nothing but a prophet. Later on, Prophet Muhammad married Khadijah.

The Beginning of Revelation

●Prophet Muhammad used to go to a cave in a mountain every Ramadan to pray and think about God's creation. When he turned 40, and while he was praying in the cave during Ramadan, the angel Gabriel descended down on him and said: 'Recite' and the prophet replied, saying: 'I am not a reader', and the request was repeated three times, and Gabriel said on the third time (Quran 96:1-5):
1. 'Recite in the name of your Lord who created -'

2. 'Created man from a clinging substance'

3. 'Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous -'

4. 'Who taught by the pen -'

5. 'Taught man that which he knew not.'

So he returned to Khadijah while he was in a state of extreme fear about what had happened to him. Then she took him to her cousin Waraqah ibn Nawfal, who was a Christian, and prophet Muhammad told him about what happened, and Waraqah said: 'This is the same angel God sent to Moses.'.

*You can read more about prophet Muhammad's preaching of Islam, the Mekkan Era, the Medina Era and the wars with the pagan Arab tribes and Jewish tribes of Banu Quraytha, Banu Qaynuqa and Banu Al-Nadir on the web.

Islam is a Universal Message

●Prophet Muhammad said in a well-documented hadith: "I have been granted five things that none of the prophets before me was granted: I have been made victorious with the awe from a one month distance; the earth has been made a place of worship for me and a means of purification; so, anyone of my Ummah (roughly translates to 'People') should pray wherever he may be when the time of prayer is due; the spoils of war have been made lawful for me, whereas it was not lawful for anyone before me; I have been granted (the privilege of) intercession; and all the prophets before me were sent to their people in specific, whereas I have been sent to all mankind."

●One of the final verses of the Quran which Gabriel (taught by God) recited to prophet Muhammad, is in Chapter 5. God says in the Quran (5:3):

3. '... This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.'

●Prophet Muhammad was the last messenger sent by God and the first sign of the end of times as described by prophet Muhammad in a well-documented hadith: "My advent and the Hour are like these," pointing with his two fingers.

Muslims after Prophet Muhammad's Death

There were divisions between Muslims after the death of prophet Muhammad which lead to the 'Ridda Wars' (Wars of defiance) between Muslims under the leadership of prophet Muhammad's closest friend Abu Bakir and the hypocrites lead by someone claiming prophecy. The wars ended with Abu Bakir emerging victorious and we enter the era of the 'Muslim Caliphate'.

The Muslim Caliphate

●It was also known as 'The Rashidun Caliphate' (The 'Rightly-Guided' Caliphate) and it lasted from 632 A.D to 661 A.D. It was lead by:
1. Abu Bakir from 632 to 634 A.D
2. Omar bin Al-Khattab from 634 to 644 A.D
3. Othman bin Affan from 644 to 656 A.D
4. Ali bin Abi-Taleb from 656 to 661 A.D

●A group of Muslims rejected Abu Bakir being the first Caliph and argued that Ali should have been the first one since he was the son of prophet Muhammad's uncle. This ultimately lead to the division of Muslims between Shia and Sunni and you can read more about it here:

●All Caliphs were assassinated by hypocrites, and after Ali's assassination, there was a major dispute and hostility between Muslims on whether Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan or Al-Hasan bin Ali was the rightful successor, thus, leading to Al-Hasan stepping down for the greater good. The dispute is still alive to this day between Shia and Sunni Muslims.

Will the Disputes Ever End?

●As years went by, more and more factions were emerging in Islam out of unnecessary disputes which, ultimately, lead to more disputes and division. The powers of evil are benefitting from this division by fueling wars among Muslims and with people of the book which in turn lead to the unfortunate demonization of Islam as a religion of chaos and murder.

●Prophet Muhammad said in a well-documented hadith: 'The Jews split into seventy-one sects, one is in Paradise and seventy are in Hell. The Christians split into seventy-two sects, seventy-one are in Hell and one is in Paradise. By the One in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, my nation will be divided into seventy-three sects, one in Paradise and seventy-two are in Hell. It was said, O Messenger of God, who are they (The group in Paradise)? The group, he said (i.e the ones who abide by the Quran and the hadith).'

About the People of the Book

The disputes and wars between Muslims lead to the death of many innocent Muslims, Christians and Jews. However, Christians and Jews, for the most part, lived peacefully with their Muslim brethren, conquered the land and some embraced Islam. Islam is not forced on the people of the book as long as they truly believe in God and abide by what is written in their book. In the end actions speak louder than words and whether it is a Muslim, a Christian or a Jew, we all want to be part of the sect that is going to Paradise when judgement day comes.


I will end my reply with two wonderful verses from the Quran.

Chapter 49, Verse 13:
'O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.'

Chapter 3, Verse 64:
'Say, "O People of the Scripture, come to a word that is equitable between us and you - that we will not worship except Allah and not associate anything with Him and not take one another as lords instead of Allah." But if they turn away, then say, "Bear witness that we are Muslims [submitting to Him]."'


On a side note: Christians and Jews had their fair share of wars and even provoking wars with Muslims due to disputes over which religion is right. In order to avoid wars and conflicts people should come together and choose leaders that aren't narrow-minded and bigots. But as foretold by prophet Muhammad in a well-documented hadith, there will be two men who will make peace after wars and they are: Al-Mahdi and Jesus.
Thank you for taking the time to share this.
My questions and comments are embedded so as to give them context.
So as to give my questions and comments context, I am a minimally educated
(in U.S. terms, high school graduate) lay-person (not a spiritual leader).

I appreciate your patience, and I hope this reply is sufficient enough to answer your query.

Before I begin I will quote an amazing verse from the Quran regarding the 'People of the >Book'. In Chapter 3, Verse 199, God says:

'And indeed, among the People of the Scripture are those who believe in Allah and what was >revealed to you and what was revealed to them, [being] humbly submissive to Allah. They do not >exchange the verses of Allah for a small price. Those will have their reward with their Lord. >Indeed, Allah is swift in account.'


●Let me begin with the etymology of the word 'Islam'. The word 'Islam إسلام' is derived from >the word 'Salam سلام' which translates to 'Peace', and the word 'Islam' translates to >'Submission'. Thus Islam is a religion of Peace and Submission to the one God. The word >'Muslim مسلم' translates to 'The one who submits'.

The Protected Tablet

●In order to get the full picture of things I must talk about the 'Divine-protected Tablet'.

The Protected Tablet is one of the first creations of God which He wrote everything in from >the beginning of time to the end of time. The creation of mankind, space, planets, holy books, >prophets, messengers, etc, are all mentioned in the Tablet long before everything was created.

Is this also known as "The Preserved Tablet" as described at

Does this imply that Islam goes along with the belief in pre-destination?

Adam's Creation

●Before God created Adam, He said (Quran 2:30):

30. And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon >the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes >corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah >said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know."

●After their creation, Adam and Eve lived in heaven for 43 years according to Muslim scholars
before they sinned and were expelled from heaven. This was already arranged by God, the all >knowing, as we've understood from God's conversation with angels in the aforementioned verse.

●Since Adam was the first human being he was therefore the first Muslim.

This appears to me to be a logic error. You can say that a Ford automobile is a Benz,
but not that the Benz was the first Ford. You can retrofit names and descriptions
if there has been no basic change or split in identity, and I think other than the
belief in the same Creator (whatever we choose to call him) that this is demonstrably not true.

●Prophet Muhammad said in the creation of Adam (A well-documented hadith):
"When Allah created Adam, He wiped his back and every person that He created among his >offspring until the Day of Judgment fell out of his back. He placed a ray of light between the >eyes of every person. Then, He showed them to Adam and he said: 'O Lord, who are these?' He >said: 'These are your offspring.' Adam saw one of them whose ray between his eyes amazed him, >so he said: 'O Lord, who is this?' He said: 'This is a man from the latter generations of your >offspring called Dawūd (David).' He said: 'O Lord, how long did You make his lifespan?' He >said: 'Sixty years.' He said: 'O Lord, add forty years from my life to his.' At the end of >Adam's life, when the angel of death came to him, Adam said: 'Do I not have forty years >remaining?' He said: 'Did you not give them to your son Dawūd?'. Prophet Muhammad said: 'Adam >denied, so his offspring denied; Adam forgot, so his offspring forgot; and Adam sinned, so his >offspring sinned.'"

The First Murder

●In Islam, the story of Cain and Abel serves as an admonition against murder promoting >sanctity of human life and its events are virtually the same as the Hebrew Bible narrative.

Adam's Death and his Offspring

●Prior to his death Adam commended his children to worship the one God, but as years passed >some strayed away from worshipping God and had to be guided back by their brethren who thus ?>were deemed prophets and messengers.

●God says in the Quran 18:55-56:

55. 'And nothing has prevented the people from believing when guidance came to them and from >asking forgiveness of their Lord except that there [must] befall them the [accustomed] >precedent of the former peoples or that the punishment should come [directly] before them.'

56. 'And We send not the messengers except as bringers of good tidings and warners. And those >who disbelieve dispute by [using] falsehood to [attempt to] invalidate thereby the truth and >have taken My verses, and that of which they are warned, in ridicule.'

●Prophet Muhammad said (A neither well nor poorly documented hadith according to Muslim >scholars) when asked about the number of prophets: 'I said, O Messenger of God, how many are >the number of prophets? He said: One hundred and twenty-four thousand, of which the Messengers >were three hundred and fifteen.'

This appears to directly contradict the interpretations of (Quran 4:164) given below, I would have thought that the Messenger would have said, that is not for you to know, or I do not know
or something along those lines, if the interpretation was correct.

The Prophets and Messengers

●The exact number of prophets and messengers is unknown as God says in the Quran (4:164):

'And [We sent] messengers about whom We have related [their stories] to you before and >messengers about whom We have not related to you. And Allah spoke to Moses with [direct] >speech.'

●There are 5 'Determined Messengers' whom had carried the message of submission to God, and >had suffered a lot throughout their lives to deliver the message, and those are: Noah, >Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and lastly Muhammad.

*You can look up the names and lives of prophets and messengers we know about on the web as I >will only talk about prophet Muhammad.

It is my understanding that it is a Muslim belief that Jesus is not divine, despite his proclamations to the contrary. It is my understanding that Muslims believe that the
New Testament has been corrupted and that the testimony of many (including John the Baptizer, who said his primary purpose was to give witness) has been manufactured.

Prophet Muhammad's Birth and Early Life

●There's a dispute about when exactly prophet Muhammad was born, however he was born in Mekkah >in 570 or 571 A.D. Prophet Muhammad was raised by his grandfather and later on by his uncle, >and worked as a shepherd like all previous prophets as he said in a well-documented hadith: >"Allah did not send a prophet except that he tended sheep." His Companions said: "And you?" He >said: "Yes, I used to tend sheep for the people of Makkah in return for some Qirāts."

●Prophet Muhammad then worked in trade under Khadijah as she entrusted him with going out to >trade with her money with a boy of hers called Maysara in exchange for a reward. So he went >out as a merchant to the Levant, and sat under the shade of a tree near a monk on the road. >The monk told Maysara that whoever went down under that tree was nothing but a prophet. Later >on, Prophet Muhammad married Khadijah.

The Beginning of Revelation

●Prophet Muhammad used to go to a cave in a mountain every Ramadan to pray and think about >God's creation. When he turned 40, and while he was praying in the cave during Ramadan, the >angel Gabriel descended down on him and said: 'Recite' and the prophet replied, saying: 'I am >not a reader', and the request was repeated three times, and Gabriel said on the third time >(Quran 96:1-5):
1. 'Recite in the name of your Lord who created -'

2. 'Created man from a clinging substance'

3. 'Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous -'

4. 'Who taught by the pen -'

5. 'Taught man that which he knew not.'

So he returned to Khadijah while he was in a state of extreme fear about what had happened to >him. Then she took him to her cousin Waraqah ibn Nawfal, who was a Christian, and prophet >Muhammad told him about what happened, and Waraqah said: 'This is the same angel God sent to >Moses.'.

*You can read more about prophet Muhammad's preaching of Islam, the Mekkan Era, the Medina Era >and the wars with the pagan Arab tribes and Jewish tribes of Banu Quraytha, Banu Qaynuqa and >Banu Al-Nadir on the web.

Islam is a Universal Message

●Prophet Muhammad said in a well-documented hadith: "I have been granted five things that none >of the prophets before me was granted: I have been made victorious with the awe from a one >month distance; the earth has been made a place of worship for me and a means of purification; >so, anyone of my Ummah (roughly translates to 'People') should pray wherever he may be when >the time of prayer is due; the spoils of war have been made lawful for me, whereas it was not >lawful for anyone before me; I have been granted (the privilege of) intercession; and all the >prophets before me were sent to their people in specific, whereas I have been sent to all >mankind."

This appears to be in direct contradiction to much of the New Testament, a major point
of which is that Jesus came for everyone.

●One of the final verses of the Quran which Gabriel (taught by God) recited to prophet >Muhammad, is in Chapter 5. God says in the Quran (5:3):

3. '... This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and >have approved for you Islam as religion.'

●Prophet Muhammad was the last messenger sent by God and the first sign of the end of times as >described by prophet Muhammad in a well-documented hadith: "My advent and the Hour are like >these," pointing with his two fingers.

Muslims after Prophet Muhammad's Death

There were divisions between Muslims after the death of prophet Muhammad which lead to the >'Ridda Wars' (Wars of defiance) between Muslims under the leadership of prophet Muhammad's >closest friend Abu Bakir and the hypocrites lead by someone claiming prophecy. The wars ended >with Abu Bakir emerging victorious and we enter the era of the 'Muslim Caliphate'.

The Muslim Caliphate

●It was also known as 'The Rashidun Caliphate' (The 'Rightly-Guided' Caliphate) and it lasted >from 632 A.D to 661 A.D. It was lead by:
1. Abu Bakir from 632 to 634 A.D
2. Omar bin Al-Khattab from 634 to 644 A.D
3. Othman bin Affan from 644 to 656 A.D
4. Ali bin Abi-Taleb from 656 to 661 A.D

●A group of Muslims rejected Abu Bakir being the first Caliph and argued that Ali should have >been the first one since he was the son of prophet Muhammad's uncle. This ultimately lead to >the division of Muslims between Shia and Sunni and you can read more about it here: https://>

●All Caliphs were assassinated by hypocrites, and after Ali's assassination, there was a major >dispute and hostility between Muslims on whether Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan or Al-Hasan bin Ali >was the rightful successor, thus, leading to Al-Hasan stepping down for the greater good. The >dispute is still alive to this day between Shia and Sunni Muslims.

Will the Disputes Ever End?

●As years went by, more and more factions were emerging in Islam out of unnecessary disputes >which, ultimately, lead to more disputes and division. The powers of evil are benefitting from >this division by fueling wars among Muslims and with people of the book which in turn lead to >the unfortunate demonization of Islam as a religion of chaos and murder.

Am I to understand that Hamas as well as Iranian clerics and sundry others throughout the world are being used by the powers of evil?

●Prophet Muhammad said in a well-documented hadith: 'The Jews split into seventy-one sects, >one is in Paradise and seventy are in Hell. The Christians split into seventy-two sects, >seventy-one are in Hell and one is in Paradise. By the One in Whose Hand is the soul of >Muhammad, my nation will be divided into seventy-three sects, one in Paradise and seventy-two >are in Hell. It was said, O Messenger of God, who are they (The group in Paradise)? The group, >he said (i.e the ones who abide by the Quran and the hadith).'

About the People of the Book

The disputes and wars between Muslims lead to the death of many innocent Muslims, Christians >and Jews. However, Christians and Jews, for the most part, lived peacefully with their Muslim >brethren, conquered the land and some embraced Islam. Islam is not forced on the people of the >book as long as they truly believe in God and abide by what is written in their book. In the >end actions speak louder than words and whether it is a Muslim, a Christian or a Jew, we all >want to be part of the sect that is going to Paradise when judgement day comes.


I will end my reply with two wonderful verses from the Quran.

Chapter 49, Verse 13:
'O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes >that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most >righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.'

Chapter 3, Verse 64:
'Say, "O People of the Scripture, come to a word that is equitable between us and you - that >we will not worship except Allah and not associate anything with Him and not take one another >as lords instead of Allah." But if they turn away, then say, "Bear witness that we are Muslims >[submitting to Him]."'


On a side note: Christians and Jews had their fair share of wars and even provoking wars with >Muslims due to disputes over which religion is right. In order to avoid wars and conflicts >people should come together and choose leaders that aren't narrow-minded and bigots. But as >foretold by prophet Muhammad in a well-documented hadith, there will be two men who will make >peace after wars and they are: Al-Mahdi and Jesus.

Is this a reference to the historical Al-Mahdi or the role in the end times?

Thank you for your time. I am sure after research and reflection I will have more questions.

As the murder continues and we reach 26000 killed Palestinians, Israel responds things like 'Hague Schmague', claiming it is a disgrace that Israel faces genocide charges, that it's also a disgrace they aren't allowed to defend themselves.

I never thought highly of the Israeli government, and that has only lowered.
Dumb question:

Is there any fringe movement for Jews in Israel to be repatriated to Europe, "back where they came from"?
Smart move would be to move Christians from Lebanon into Gaza and Gazans into Lebanon, integrate Gaza into Israel as autonomy.
Smart move would be to move Christians from Lebanon into Gaza and Gazans into Lebanon, integrate Gaza into Israel as autonomy.
Whether anyone has a smart idea is not relevant. Any attempt to implement it would ultimately fail without the 100% unlikely cooperation of those involved. For reference I would suggest you read Pay special attention to items 17 through 26 of their charter. This will probably lead you to believe that the situation is not solvable.

As the murder continues and we reach 26000 killed Palestinians, Israel responds things like 'Hague Schmague', claiming it is a disgrace that Israel faces genocide charges, that it's also a disgrace they aren't allowed to defend themselves.

I never thought highly of the Israeli government, and that has only lowered.
Note the court didn’t prosecute Israel with genocide. It didn’t actually prosecute, just ordered Israel to stay within the international treaties it is bound to. IMO this proves Israel isn’t committing genocide and has done a lot to prevent civilian casualties. Otherwise the court would’ve ruled against Israel.

The ruling states Israel must “take all measures within its its power” to prevent acts that fell within the scope of the genocide convention and must ensure “with immediate effect” that its forces do not commit any of the acts covered by the convention.

In your opinion, what should Israel do differently? According to the IDF Spokesman, 9000 of those 26,000 were Hamas terrorists. Maybe that’s worth a mention.
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The genocide claim is still being investigated though.

Also are you actually reading what you said, 9000 out of 26000 are hamas?? So 2 out of 3 people killed are innocent bystanders.
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Whether anyone has a smart idea is not relevant. Any attempt to implement it would ultimately fail without the 100% unlikely cooperation of those involved. For reference I would suggest you read Pay special attention to items 17 through 26 of their charter. This will probably lead you to believe that the situation is not solvable.
Even just #17 suggests that Hamas is using a very selfish and expansionist definition of "Palestine". Phoenicia as a region and people groups is recorded as far back as 2500bce and these people are largely ancestors of modern-day Jews. Seems like the region and people itself referred to themselves as Canann/Canaanites due to the tribal nature of groups. Phoenicia and Canaan appear to be interchangable as a regional name. Looks like a term describing Philistines that would eventually translate to Palestine didn't appear until 1150bce in Egypt, and didn't directly correspond to "Palestine" until about 430bce, at which point the area was defined as being between Phoenicia and Egypt by a Greek historian. The map below was made by a Scot in 1815 by studing the "Five Books of Moses" whatever that is. It shows Philistim (Palestine) right between Canaan (Phoenicia) where the Greeks and Egyptians understood it to be. I'm curious if this map was used to define the two-state solution in modern day Israel, because Philistim just so happens to correspond exactly with the Gaza Strip.


So as far as I can tell according to an hour on Wikipedia, the Gaza Strip is Palestine as attested by ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and all the books and religious texts written thereafter. Obviously that map is very rough but it does show Gaza in the middle of Palestine so perhaps the historical Philistia included territory to the north up to Ashkelon or something like that. But historical texts don't suggest anything about the West Bank being "Palestine" in any way so I don't see how they think they're entitled to that region at all. Palestine was a very tiny area while the rest of Canaan/Phoenicia was dominated by multiple cultures, primarily Jewish ancestors, all the way up through modern Lebanon.
The genocide claim is still being investigated though.

Also are you actually reading what you said, 9000 out of 26000 are hamas?? So 2 out of 3 people killed are innocent bystanders.
Is it still being investigated by the ICJ? The only thing I could find about it is that in one month Israel has to submit how it will adheres to the international treaties it is bound to. The court itself has not ruled Israel is committing genocide which is what the prosecution (SA) asked for.

Regarding civilian casualty ratio. What number of civilian casualties would be acceptable by your standards?
Also why is Israel the sole blame for the high number of casualties considering the widespread use of human shields by Hamas, the fact Hamas uses civilian facilities from houses, mosques to even hospitals and schools as operation centers and rocket launch facilities.

Do you think Israel targets civilians on purpose, or is civilian death just what happens when you fight a terrorist organization that is highly embedded in civilian population.

Hamas also uses extremely nasty methods of combat, like luring soldiers using Hebrew recordings of crying children, just to have them rigged with explosives.

A poll made by a respected Palestinian polling company shows 3 out of 4 Palestinians support October 7th! Which has a civilian death toll of almost 100%. So it seems like both the terrorist organization that made the horrific attack and the civilians who live in both Gaza and the West Bank don’t mind civilian casualties as long as they aren’t them. And let’s be honest, Hamas doesn’t care about Palestinian civilian casualties, otherwise it wouldn’t have embedded itself in civilian population, and the fact Israel gets sole responsibility for the civilian deaths in Gaza just incentivizes it and other terrorist organizations to use humans shields.

In reality getting rid of Hamas saves both Israeli and Palestinian lives. The Israelis won’t be threatened by the terrorist organization and the civilian population won’t be oppressed and ruled by the terrorists.

Rocket launchers in mosque and youth center:

Rockets stored under a kid’s bed: (Hebrew source with pictures and videos)
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Some graphic videos coming out showing white flag waving Palestinians being shot (executed) for no other reason than genocide.
As a veteran, I’m disgusted by this.
I have no answer. I’m just mad.