Israel - Palestine discussion thread

Cynically, from a Likud/Israeli nutjob point of view, the world cares even less about Syria than it does Palestine. They'll probably do something in Yemen next. Who's gonna stop them?

Is this criticism of Israel?
You're an anti-semite!
How dare you question what crimes against humanity we do??
The entire Netanyahu apparatus operates as if actions never have consequences. At best they have created an entire new generation of Palestinians that hate them even more than prior generations, if that's even possible. They have lost the support from most of the UN. They honestly might find themselves as an outright enemy of Russia (by way of Russia's alliance with Iran & Syria - or at least by way of Russia's alliance with Assad and Khamenei) - which would be quite remarkable considering their Ashkenazi heritage. I suspect that there is a fury of calls between Tehran & Damascus and Moscow right now.

There are too many autocrats swinging their **** in the world right now.
The entire Netanyahu apparatus operates as if actions never have consequences.
I agree, but the entire Netanyahu apparatus has been shown that their actions do not have consequences. Not major ones. For decades they've done whatever they wanted with Gaza and the West Bank, moving just slowly enough that it was never enough to scare off their allies.

Netanyahu's criminal trial is still ongoing. He's never going to be convicted.

He's basically Putin, but with the US as an ally. Same wanna-be authoritarian energy though. I get the feeling that both of them would love to go down in history as the leader that brought the lost territories taken by the vile enemies back to the fatherland. And also kill a bunch of people who they don't really see as people.
The US better not 🤬 get involved with this.
They better get involved in stopping it.
They better get involved in stopping it.
It doesn't seem like he's particularly interested in the US government's opinions on what he's doing at this point. If that is indeed the case, and he wants to start a pissing match in the greater middle east against countries that he can't just scare into submission, he's perfectly free to do so if he realizes that that should mean the US completely cutting him off from everything. I'd just as soon give all the stuff earmarked for Israel to Ukraine anyway.
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It's gonna be tough to stan for IDF after today although I'm sure their online fan club will give this their best shot.
Puts a Trump win this year in a chilling new light.
Trump is just Putin and Netanyahu, but stupider.
It doesn't seem like he's particularly interested in the US government's opinions on what he's doing at this point. If that is indeed the case, and he wants to start a pissing match in the greater middle east against countries that he can't just scare into submission, he's perfectly free to do so if he realizes that that should mean the US completely cutting him off from everything. I'd just as soon give all the stuff earmarked for Israel to Ukraine anyway.
I agree. I think the reason he's not interested at the moment is that he knows it's all hot air. The US government can make cross sounding noises, but it's not going to affect the alliance in any way. The US is still looming behind Israel, threatening violence (either military or economic) for anyone who dares oppose them.

Until the opinions of the US include some sort of consequences for Israel's "misbehaviours", they're meaningless. That's what I mean by get involved - actually start wielding some of the power and influence they have over Israel to moderate their behaviour. Which probably means giving them a bit of stick instead of just feeding them more carrots.
I am interested what does "Gaza officials" means? Why not just write 'HAMAS said that IDF did this:" ? IMO, later giving little bit more of a context.
Trump is just Putin and Netanyahu, but stupider.
Next time use Hitler, works like a charm.
Starving people into submission or out of existence.

Is there a term for a tactic like that?
I'm more interested in the IDF "investigating" what happened when... they are the ones who did it?
Not everything in Palestine is HAMAS.
Everything in Palestine under IDF or HAMAS control. Not sure how you think someone could stay there and spread independent opinion.
I'm more interested in the IDF "investigating" what happened when... they are the ones who did it?
Like any army of democratic state do? One branch shelling buildings, other trying to catch them doing it not by rules.
What is difficult to understand here? You asked what "Gaza Official" means, and I told you the article says who the Gaza official is: Mahmoud Thabet, who was quoted in the article. The Red Crescent isn't IDF or HAMAS, which you claim are the only two entities controlling anything in Gaza.
@inCloud either you're being deliberately obtuse or you honestly think saying Palestinian is the same thing as HAMAS, which is wrong.

The Palestinian Red Crescent is the Palestinian arm of the Red Crescent. It's no different than the American Red Cross, which is the American arm of the Red Cross. The medical official quoted in the article was from the Palestinian Red Crescent, not a terrorist.
The Palestine national football team doesn't automatically mean Hamas. Palestinian is the correct adjective describing something of or from Palestine.

If Mosab Al-Battat speaks publicly on the record, he's doing so as a Palestinian footballer from Palestine, not a Hamas footballer playing for Hamas.

@inCloud You yourself have asked others to not confuse Russians with the Russian Federation. Extend the same courtesy to Palestinian things and don't confuse them with Hamas.
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The person in question is a Palestinian who works for Red Crescent.

That’s like saying you’re a Russian so by extension your part of Putins regime and agree with the Special Operation.

You know that’s total baloney and while you’re Russian you’re not happy about the War.

Sorry tree’d by the above.
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The Palestinian Red Crescent is the Palestinian arm of the Red Crescent. It's no different than the American Red Cross, which is the American arm of the Red Cross.
US is under control of terrorist organisation and other other country army? If not, not sure how you can compare those two branches.
Palestinian is the same thing as HAMAS, which is wrong
What would happen if someone from Gaza says something that HAMAS don't want to hear? From skyscraper to the ground, Palestine would be free.
You yourself have asked others to not confuse Russians with the Russian Federation.
That’s like saying you’re a Russian so by extension your part of Putins regime and agree with the Special Operation.
No its not . Its like saying that charity organisation operating in RUAF controlled Donbass is saying what Putin wants them to say. Can't blame them, they are doing what should be done to make lives of civilians little bit better. Does it mean we shouldn't take their words with grain of salt ? Yes.
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US is under control of terrorist organisation and other other country army? If not, not sure how you can compare those two branches.
The Palestinian Red Crescent has nothing to do with HAMAS or the Palestinian government. And yes, you can compare the two because they're the same damn thing. The American Red Cross is the American arm of the Red Cross, the Palestinian Red Crescent is the Palestinian arm of the Red Crescent. They are NGOs and the demonym just refers to where they are based.
What would happen if someone from Gaza says something that HAMAS don't want to hear? From skyscraper to the ground, Palestine would be free.
I mean, the workers who were killed who were working with the Red Crescent were foreign nationals and have been confirmed by the foreign governments. Unless you think HAMAS is telling the UK, Australia, and Poland what to say.

And no, Palestine wouldn't be free. HAMAS is only part of the issue, get rid of them and you still have the government of Israel advocating for the destruction of Palestine.
Palestine ≠ Hamas. West Bank is under different governance. It could be argued that Gaza is under Hamas rule, but that's it.
It could be argued that Gaza is under Hamas rule, but that's it.
My words, basically. West Bank was also under influence of HAMAS, not sure how things work after 07.10.23.

Unless you think HAMAS is telling the UK, Australia, and Poland what to say.
I think you would do whatever HAMAS wants while you at Gaza. Those who don't want to do that, learning to fly without wings.
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I think you would do whatever HAMAS wants while you at Gaza. Those who don't want to do that, learning to fly without wings.
The countries confirmed that their citizens died in Gaza due to the IDF strike. Netanyahu confirmed it.

And it's really concerning that you think the UK, Australian, and Polish governments would say whatever HAMAS told them to say. HAMAS isn't that influential.
The countries confirmed that their citizens died in Gaza due to the IDF strike. Netanyahu confirmed it.

And it's really concerning that you think the UK, Australian, and Polish governments would say whatever HAMAS told them to say. HAMAS isn't that influential.

I really don’t understand @inCloud’s stance on this. I’m a little confused to say the least.

The UK wouldn’t say ohh Netanyahu sent the missiles but it’s HAMAS fault for dragging our aid workers into the conflict.

I mean, how rude of the Palestinians to not just roll over a die so no aid needs to be given. This genocide could have been over with a long time ago. /sarcasm for those who might miss that.