Jan.16th British 500 PP seasonal

  • Thread starter luvtadrive
Any one other than a semi alien have any answers for this challenge? Cant catch the leader in a 500pp 111R . Don't ask what track. Its all tracks.
Just seen that the British lightweight has been updated, I was still working on the old challenge, a little annoyed but looking forward to trying this one out
Any one other than a semi alien have any answers for this challenge? Cant catch the leader in a 500pp 111R . Don't ask what track. Its all tracks.

I had no real trouble with an Elise 111R with all the upgrades except any weight reduction - reason being you have to ballast it up to get the PP down. The first two are pretty difficult compared to the next three, the last race is especially easy as the AI kept spinning. If that car isn't working for you I'm not sure what else there is, I tried my TVR T350C but that wasn't anywhere near as quick and was a lot more difficult to drive.

The prize car is a bit of a letdown though, it's the standard model XJR-9. Pretty sure the old prize for this seasonal was the Bentley, which is still standard but a lot more interesting. There also isn't a premium version of that car, but there is with the Jag.
I'm on the verge of throwing my controller in rage. They send out a rabbit 28 seconds ahead and expect you to catch them while dealing with the other idiots on the course, who do nothing but act as moving barriers. All in 4 or 6 laps.

I really want to punch the guy who codes the A.I. in this game.
I'm on the verge of throwing my controller in rage. They send out a rabbit 28 seconds ahead and expect you to catch them while dealing with the other idiots on the course, who do nothing but act as moving barriers. All in 4 or 6 laps.

I really want to punch the guy who codes the A.I. in this game.
Nice to know, thanks for the heads up, I will need to watch my rage with these races
:banghead: Finally got through london, Autumn Ring,& SS special. Took some messaging of the 111R. to do it though.
For the SS I added weight ,to lower the pp & maxed out h.p. to take advantage of the draft on the long straight. That seemed to help. On the short courses, different story. On the ring I lightened up as much as possible while keeping aero low & h.p. at 261. On london I used a mixed bag of weight & hp. Was having trouble with london until I did a Chassis rebuild & took it back. I actually felt the difference. GT5 was the best thing that Sony ever did & probably ever will as far as PS3 is concerned IMHO.
Got through London and Autumn Ring after a bit of practice with the 111R. The tune was still set up from the last time we ran this seasonal. Ran into a wall (figuratively and literally) of frustration on SS5, though. Closest I can get is 1.5 seconds back at the finish for 2nd place. Still messing around with setup, and learning the best lines around this track. I just can't get the flow, can't find the necessary rhythm in this layout. I might try another car tonight after work.
:cheers:Finished----A word to potential controller flingers. Tackle the last 2 events before the 1st 2 events. The last 2 events are confidence buiders as oppossed to the first 2 ass kickers. The Night time SS is probably the average between the difficulty of the events 1&2 & the ease of 4&5
Joystick users: Try turning down your sensitivity setting and use analog controls. GT6 is cars are much more realistic and less stable than in GT5. Just try locking up your breaks into the chicane on Cote and you're in for a whole new experience. I've been able to run though the first half of challenges with one level lower tires in stock cars 50-100pp below recommended using a G27. I got sick of the AI too, so I just bounce off of them. They drive so poorly that there are no proper lines around them.
Evora 09, will give you 1 lap lead to all the race. Go buy Evora 09, reduce weight to qualify.
Set to 500PP and say goodbye to frustration :)
Driving Options for JoyStick users:
Traction Control = 3
Skid Recovery Force = ON
Active Steering = Strong
ABS = 1
CSS = 5

Have fun...
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I've been successful using a Lotus Elise 111R tuned by the master Praiano (link below). However, even with ABS set at 1, something seems weird with the brakes. If it wasn't for this brakes issue, this seasonal would be a breeze. I'm not a tuner by any means, but if a tuner could check this out and fix the issue I would greatly appreciate it (and I think we'd all be winning gold across the board. Thanks in advance!

I've been successful using a Lotus Elise 111R tuned by the master Praiano (link below). However, even with ABS set at 1, something seems weird with the brakes. If it wasn't for this brakes issue, this seasonal would be a breeze. I'm not a tuner by any means, but if a tuner could check this out and fix the issue I would greatly appreciate it (and I think we'd all be winning gold across the board. Thanks in advance!


What's the specific issue with the brakes? I just ran 5/5 brakes on ABS 1 in the 111R and it was fine, although that was with my own settings rather than Praiano's.
I found that reducing the acceleration sensitivity in the LSD was the key for me. It kept the wheel spin to a minimum allowing me to get on the gas much earlier. I've only tried and won London so far in the 111r. (@chrisdittmer thats the one I sent you:tup:) It meant that my times were in the 0.59s which is what you need to scrape a win:ill:
What's the specific issue with the brakes? I just ran 5/5 brakes on ABS 1 in the 111R and it was fine, although that was with my own settings rather than Praiano's.

The rear end slips out big time whenever I brake around a corner. But I had them set at 5/3 so maybe your setting of 5/5 will work better. Thanks!

Edit: When driving the Elise in automatic transmission mode, after I slow down for a corner then stomp on the gas, the transmission red lines in 2nd or 3rd gear and there's always a delay before it moves up a gear. I know I could fix this by using the manual tranny setting, but these races are hard enough using the automatic setting. I like to use the manual setting, but I only do so in races where I know I can win with a few seconds to spare. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
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I found that reducing the acceleration sensitivity in the LSD was the key for me. It kept the wheel spin to a minimum allowing me to get on the gas much earlier. I've only tried and won London so far in the 111r. (@chrisdittmer thats the one I sent you:tup:) It meant that my times were in the 0.59s which is what you need to scrape a win:ill:

It's definitely gonna take a little practice for London. Right now I'm around 1:01 per lap. But thanks for the car!

I tried Autumn Ring just once and got DESTROYED! I think I lost by 20 seconds:banghead:

Does anyone know of a different car option for this seasonal. It's ironic because the previous iteration of this event was a cake-walk. Definitely not the case here! At least by making it difficult, PD is giving us a way to kill time while they're making us wait for a challenging GT6 event.

Thanks everyone:cheers:
The rear end slips out big time whenever I brake around a corner. But I had them set at 5/3 so maybe your setting of 5/5 will work better. Thanks!

Edit: When driving the Elise in automatic transmission mode, after I slow down for a corner then stomp on the gas, the transmission red lines in 2nd or 3rd gear and there's always a delay before it moves up a gear. I know I could fix this by using the manual tranny setting, but these races are hard enough using the automatic setting. I like to use the manual setting, but I only do so in races where I know I can win with a few seconds to spare. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

Maybe try adjusting the diff coast setting, turning it up should help. Otherwise you may just have to change where you're braking. I'd recommend using manual if you can, doesn't take that long to get used to it if you stick with it and you'll end up being quicker.

Not sure if there's another option car wise, usually the Elise is a ton quicker than anything around its PP level.
As I've bought myself GT6 game for New Year I have stopped playing GT5 for some time. I'll try it at some point...
Ok. I've just about had it with this f-in nonsense. It's not that the races themselves are bad ... but who the h*ll races with "comfort" tires on the car?? These are TRACKS/COURSES ... not street racing. "Sports hard" would at least be sensible. But "comfort soft"?? It's idiotic.

So much for so-called "realism".
Ok. I've just about had it with this f-in nonsense. It's not that the races themselves are bad ... but who the h*ll races with "comfort" tires on the car?? These are TRACKS/COURSES ... not street racing. "Sports hard" would at least be sensible. But "comfort soft"?? It's idiotic.

So much for so-called "realism".

It would be fair enough with lower PP, if you could only use a stock Elise then I could understand it. But I agree, for anything higher better tyres would help out - it's hard to make time up on comfort tyres because you have to do most of it down the straight.
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Agreed about tires. This race is another bordering on impossible. I tried the Evora suggested above but still no luck. Any other suggestions? Aside from PD needing to release some GT6 Seasonal Events (not time trials)
Agreed about tires. This race is another bordering on impossible. I tried the Evora suggested above but still no luck. Any other suggestions? Aside from PD needing to release some GT6 Seasonal Events (not time trials)

Few other cars to try, VX220 Turbo, Elise Sport 190, Esprit Sport 350 all from the used car dealership, tune them and one might be a bit faster than the 111R. I take it you've tried using skid recovery force?
Few other cars to try, VX220 Turbo, Elise Sport 190, Esprit Sport 350 all from the used car dealership, tune them and one might be a bit faster than the 111R. I take it you've tried using skid recovery force?

Yea, I always use SRF. I'm pretty much a rookie:-)
Yea, I always use SRF. I'm pretty much a rookie:-)

That might actually be the source of the problem you were having on the brakes. I've always found with SRF that you can get snap oversteer while braking. Perhaps give it a shot without it, might make the car more manageable.
I've never seen a game cheat more. The 4th track (Top Gear Test Track or whatever) is the worst. How the h*ll can I get a "shortcut penalty" for sliding (which is what you do on bs comfort tires) OUTSIDE of the line??? Do they know what a shortcut is?? It's only a shortcut if it HELPS you ... not HURTS you!!

I've never seen a game cheat more. The 4th track (Top Gear Test Track or whatever) is the worst. How the h*ll can I get a "shortcut penalty" for sliding (which is what you do on bs comfort tires) OUTSIDE of the line??? Do they know what a shortcut is?? It's only a shortcut if it HELPS you ... not HURTS you!!


I got one on follow through for using the same line as the AI. Thankfully the AI is incredibly slow around there, so you can get a few penalties and still win.
Made it through all five. That 4th one ... I tell you ... at one point, all I could do was laugh. I got a "ramming penalty" for coming up alongside and tapping doors!

Toscana was easy ... got 1st on the first try. I know the track pretty well from the Lambo exclusive; and the other cars slide a lot.

I used the 111R (with an old tune) for all races. If anyone wants the 111R tune, let me know
Did them all with Elise 111 r,took a while to get setup right but ok once done.using ds3,srf on no weight reduction,add weight and get bhp up to around 300....tcs set to 8 to stop that tail wagging too much.didnt alter suspension settings at all just bought racing setup and left it alone..abs 1.... Brake balance,8 front,6 rear...