Kanye West for President of the United States!

  • Thread starter WFO Krypto

WFO Krypto

United States
United States
................................and just when you thought Trump was going to lose the upcoming election. Kanye West saves the day by stealing black votes from Biden, and thus giving the election to Trump on a platter. Isn't it great how friends stick together! I am sure Kanye will get a nice "business" deal from one of Trumps companies after the deal is done.
Kanye West saves the day by stealing black votes from Biden
He'd have to register as a candidate first, which he seems to have forgotten to do and - among others - has missed the deadline for Texas. Sure, there's write-ins, but they very rarely register even on the most sensitive of swing-o-meters.

When it comes to things people should care about, Kanye West's presidential gambit is not even on the longest of long lists.
Supposedly he hasn't even filed to run for presidency with the FEC. In six states, it's already too late for him to be on the ballot. Yeah, I bet he's totally serious about running for president and this isn't some kind of publicity stunt.
Why are you all saying he is going to steal all the black vote ?

Is this some sort of racist back hand comment ?

Are black people just going to blindly vote just because the candidate is black ?

Seems a bit kinda insulting to their intelligence...
West may seems to be using the same logic....

Correct me if I misunderstood...
It would blow my mind to have Kanye West on the same stage as Biden and Trump in a nationally televised presidential debate. I'm sure it would be entertaining as hell and get incredible TV ratings unheard of in the cable era. But such a potential circus tent fire could have an unpredictable affect on the psyche of voters. On the other hand, a political guru I know suggests 95% of voters have already made up their mind, admit it or not. I wish Kanye good luck.
In other news it's time to #BROCKTHEVOTE as a former Mighty Duck throws his rather large hat into the ring.

There's only 1 name like that I'd consider voting for, and his name is Dwayne Johnson. :P
It'd make an awesome slogan for him and his campaign speeches and town hall debates would be off the chain if delivered with full WWE bombast. Dunno where his politics are at but it'd sure be entertaining. I'm also willing to bet he'd be more eager to listen to qualified experts and advisers than the current fragile-egoed incumbent appears to be.

However the very qualities which make him more attractive as an alternative to other feet-first "Kan"-didates are what will probably keep him out of the ring for now.

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Excuse the double post but I just found out Kanye is desperate enough to woo the anti-vaxx crowd as part of his campaign.

They want to put chips inside of us, they want to do all kinds of things, to make it where we can’t cross the gates of heaven.

I don't know which is more disturbing... that he believes vaccines contain chips or that he thinks heaven has fitted electro-scanners to the gates.
Excuse the double post but I just found out Kanye is desperate enough to woo the anti-vaxx crowd as part of his campaign.

Luckily, the anti-vaxx crowd is probably a minority. Unfortunately, anti-vaxx is also one of those things that the fringes on both sides of the aisle love to push; the fringe left pushes ‘Big Pharma’ and the ‘natural’ argument while the fringe right pushes ‘religious’ reasons and the Gates/Soros/Clinton/Obama globalist conspiracy theory stuff. Kanye can and will appeal to both fringes, then again fringes are thankfully a minority.
Former(?) big Kanye fan here. I wouldn’t put too much thought into what he’s saying - anyone with any kind of history with him can see he’s probably going through a pretty big manic episode right now (Ye’s been relatively open about his mental illness, and has spoken repeatedly about his bipolar disorder). He’s also apparently a relatively impressionable person, and has been aligning with shifty people over the past year or so (around the same time he became a born-again Christian and decided to no longer make secular music). Wonder if that has something to do with his views as of late

I heavily doubt he’ll go all out with his presidential bid, and I hope his inner circle can get him the help he needs - IIRC Ye tends to not take his meds

Ignoring his clear mental health struggles though, Kanye does end up getting into controversy whenever it seems like he’s gearing up for an album rollout, but I don’t think it’s ever gotten to this level. The last controversy as big as this one would definitely be the “slavery was a choice” remarks from 2018, or the VMA incident just over 10 years ago
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The more I think about it, the fact that Kanye is running for president is a rare, I mean very rare, instance in which young people not turning out to vote as much as they should is actually a good thing.
The more I think about it, the fact that Kanye is running for president is a rare, I mean very rare, instance in which young people not turning out to vote as much as they should is actually a good thing.

Umm ... is that suggestion not insulting young people? :boggled:
Umm ... is that suggestion not insulting young people? :boggled:
I could care less whether it's "insulting" to them or not. A lot of young people, many of which aren't supportive of either mainstream candidate, seem to be excited for a Kanye presidency. A few kids from my school have put on their Instagram story that they'll be voting for Kanye this election. I know the chances of him winning are statistically very minuscule, but there's a serious chance that this dude could actually be worse than Trump.

Many young people love to show support for Bernie Sanders and other progressive congresspeople over the past few years, yet many of them also don't actually come out to vote for them, which is likely a factor in why these candidates lost. I'm hoping the same thing happens in terms of Kanye's presidential bid.
I guess the implication is that if you're black like me and don't support Kanye, you ain't black enough. Somehow, I don't think he's the only alternative, though.

Reading some of his pronouncements I'm not entirely sure about the dementia part, either. Not so much a political platform as a desperate cry for help.
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Heavily, heavily debatable on that last bullet point, imo. Kanye is wicked talented, and makes some amazing music, but in a world where Madlib, J Dilla (pay no attention to my avatar) and Pete Rock have made beats, I'd personally struggle to call Kanye the greatest.

In all seriousness, though, I pretty much instinctively rolled my eyes when I first read the headlines. And, as Famine mentioned, this man's bid for presidency really is on the bottom of the "things-to-be-concerned-about" list.
I'll probably need to recover for months in the hospital if Kanye wins the election. I'll most likely rupture every single muscle I use to laugh my ass off.