Kill the Prius

  • Thread starter Sven
Has anyone found out weather you can run the Prius dry? I tried running it around NY backwards for a while, but the Battery guage wouldn't go below a couple notches...
I have tried getting it to die too, no luck. I also figured out a way to keep tapping the gas, and the car would keep revving while it stood in one place. I started out with two notches in the guage and came back an hour later and it had recharged all the way up to 3/4's the guage!! :odd: I just don't think you can do it, and if you can, you would be driving, a very very long time.
Originally posted by Sven
Well it DOES have a battery guage, and it DOES tell you how much gass you've used...

if you make this 'would have used if it had fuel consumption' you'd be right. ;)
Can't it partiayl recharge itself while driving. Like a normal car battery does. I admit it is unlikely it can fully replace all the energy iut uses but it must do some amount.
Yes of course but if you drive inefficiently this car uses petrol to recharge itself, and that never runs out. This is the point, basically.
haha, can't wait till gt4 arrives and I can soup up that prius, for high speed maximum fuel consumption! :P
Really though, I like things like this being in the game. Hybrid cars, fuel consumption and pit stop strategy, I'm curious to see how they work it out.

And arwin, you say it measures how energy efficient you drive. But I'd like to know what units/formula is used to get that figure. I found out too it wasn't fuel consumption, otherwise Prius would do 1liter per 5km driving fuel comsumptive. :odd: yea great those hybrids
You can see the cc-counter measuring the fuel you use. This is also shown as a liter per 100km ratio. Interesting about this car is that you can drive very efficient with it, but also very inefficient. This is what the Prius test is about in the Lesson section, forcing you to find a balance between driving fast and driving 'green'. If you're in less of a hurry and understand how the engine works (check out toyota's site on the Prius), you can get very high km/l figures.
In the Prius lesson, the number that starts of 99.9 in your dash, do you have to try and keep that a high number or low? Because i passed the test with it being 8.7.
No - it represents the litres of petrol used per 100km. The lower the number the better - I passed with it at 9.9 and a lap of 1'31.106.
So in the PAL version do you need to keep it low or high?

And what's the limit?!

I'm confused... and was confused at the time of doing the test cos I don't remember VBH telling me the limits to it!

I passed it about 9.8l with a time of (gold being

I had it over 10.0l most of the lap until approching the final corner where it went under 10 to about 9.4 - then i floored it over the line just before it rose back to 10.0.
Originally posted by Arwin
If you're in less of a hurry and understand how the engine works (check out toyota's site on the Prius), you can get very high km/l figures.

I just checked the Prius's stats while flicking through Top Gear. It produces, from it's 1.5 litre hybrid engine, 380lbft of torque. THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY! That's roughly the same amount of torque produced by a Lamborghini Murcielago...
I don't know why but this reminded me of the tug of war between the Electric RC Car E-Maxx and the Nitro powered T-Maxx. Amazingly the E Maxx won.:eek:
I'm no electrician but I thinks its the nature of electric motors.

They draw maximum current at zero rpm and the torque drops off as the revs rise. If a motor jams it starts to draw huge amounts of current and this is when they burn out.

If you've ever snagged a large drill bit, you'll have heard the drill humm angrily, as it tries to wrench itself out of your hands!
Have you noticed that the Prius, Colt and Jazz/Fit are all CVTs and none have yet been in a version of GT that lets you tune up the car. I wonder what the gear configuration lets you do to it?

I know someone had a car with a CVT box, and the rpm it stood at when accelerating depended on how much you pressed the pedal. Somehow I don't think 5500rpm like in GT would be very good in real life - the noise would be obscene.
Originally posted by Polyphony001
I know someone had a car with a CVT box, and the rpm it stood at when accelerating depended on how much you pressed the pedal. Somehow I don't think 5500rpm like in GT would be very good in real life - the noise would be obscene.
Well, that's probably where you get optimum performance, so what's wrong with that? You don't race a car and try to make it quiet...