Le Mans 24 hour - half way through!

  • Thread starter OldF@rt
Using the Toyota Konica-Minolta, which has around 12,000km on it from B spec. No engine or chassis rebuilds - just oil change.

I'm doing it in stages using suspend. I'm using SRF, rare for me but with these very powerful cars it's the only way I can control them for short periods let alone 24 hours. Also TCS 4 (which I normally have off) and mild auto-correction. Yes, I'm a wimp...

I'm also using roofcam, basically to get a better view ahead.

First stint was about 1 hour 15 - race was wet, I was getting c. 10 laps for a set of tyres and it was quite easy to build up quite a lead. Then first suspension. Rain stopped. Went out on racing hard tyres. As others have noticed, the AI seemed to be much faster after the restore. As the track dried out the times went down and so did the tyre life - I ended up with a pattern of five laps between stops. I was tempted to go six but both times the tyres ran out of grip before the end of the lap and I lost over a minute correcting from spins (!).

I had two goes at a second stint - I abandoned the first when, after an hour, I passed the pits by mistake, ran out of fuel and ended up doing an eight minute lap... After another twenty minutes it was obvious that it was going to be too big a job to get this back, so I Resumed again.

Second attempt went for around five hours, and included night falling. I'd done practice laps of the circuit and thought I knew it well, but found that it's of little use when night falls - you almost have to learn the circuit over again. Initially my day times of c. 3:25 to 3:30 dropped to c. 3:38, but I gradually got the times back. It was during the night I made the two attempts at a six lap strategy, sending me down to fourth place.

Since then my stints have been 1-2 hours and I'm now up to c. 12 hours 15 minutes. I've settled in and am back to second and have unlapped myself, with around three minutes to the leader. As someone else reported, the only way I can keep up is to cut some of the chicanes - my best lap is c. 1:18.9. The main problem of night is the extra concentration - I've missed the pit entrance twice and having learnt lessons in both cases I've done a U-turn to get back in there.

Not tidy, not for the purist, but it's been quite an experience so far.

A couple more oddities I've noticed with Resume. In a couple of cases the lead car is shown as much closer then when I suspended, but after c. half a lap goes back to what you expect. (Example - 52 seconds after resume goes back abruptly to 3:30). The second is that the fastest lap record becomes inaccurate - instead of the lap that it occurred on it's listed as the first lap after resuming.
Dawn starts just after 12 and a half hours. It is glorious! Headlights switched off c. 13:13. Now c. 45 seconds behind the leader.

Amazing feeling seeing dawn come on - a real feeling of accomplishment from having gotten through the night.
Now up to 16:45 (ie 7:45 am Le Mans time) and after some early cloud I'm into bright sunshine.

Caught up to the leader and passed quite a while ago. Now being a good boy and (mostly) going through the chicanes, but still pulling out by c. 5 seconds a lap. Lead nearly 3 minutes now.

I'm using hard tyres.

Still some weird thing going on with resumes. Last two: first one before suspending I was 2.5 minutes behind - after resume 52 seconds. Second one I was about 45 seconds behind at Suspend. After resume I was even - the leader was in the pits with me. I'm wondering if the act of suspending does something to bring on AI pit stops.

Also the lead car ( a Judd) appears to pit every ten laps as opposed to my five. I can't see how on earth the tyres are lasting that long - I'm only getting five and while I'm not babying them I'm doing my best to avoid wheelspin.
Good read.

The act of resuming glitching (err suspending) has taken away from the whole aspect of "save for later" for me. I will be in the future of other long races, and for that matter, currently keeping my PS3 on pause during my 24 of Nurb. Yes, 60gb PS3, YLOD waiting to happen.
Up to lap 301. As the light has become more intense, I've found it harder and harder to see the braking markers on Mulsanne, especially with them in shadows.

More after-resume oddities - last two times the second-place car has been a certain time behind, then after a lap c. 40 seconds closer (!) and after that it stabilises. Eg, resume, go out, lead of 3 minutes 45 seconds. After a lap, lead is 3 minutes 5 seconds, then stays around that as I gradually draw ahead.

Definitely PD needs to do some serious work on the Suspend/Resume feature.
Just passed the 20 hour mark. Now using the brake markers on the right hand side of the track for the first time - easier to see. No more Resume funnies this time... Notice graphics artifacts on the right-hand fence towards the end of Mulsanne - obviously the PS3 is right at the limit of its texture memory. Given the constraints the graphics on this track and event (with time changes) are amazing.

Less than four hours to go...
Two hours 35 minutes to go, 1 lap lead. Glorious sunshine - no hint of rain since the very first hour or so! Keeping (mostly) to the chicanes, I'm lapping in c. 3:28 average.

Each five lap stint takes c. 19 minutes. I'll do another three stints later this evening before bed, which means I should finish sometime tomorrow evening.

Still enjoying it - the circuit comes alive with very fast cars.
FINISHED!!!! ten days after I started in brilliant sunshine - not a hint of rain since the first hour. Won by three laps from the Judd.

At the end of my previous longest enduro, the Tsukuba 9 hour, I absolutely hated the track. At the end of this, I loved Sarthe all the more!

I noticed towards the end that the oil light was on - not sure how long it had been. Back to GT Auto, and the oil was nearly black, with the display:


726PP > 733PP
877 BHP > 930 HP"

Noticed at the end once the countdown timer came on that there was a discrepancy in the times: the countdown timer was c. 1 minute 10 seconds ahead of the global event clock, eg when the countdown timer showed 30 minutes to go the time shown was 23 hrs 28:50.

Best lap treating the chicanes with at least some respect was c. 3:23.

Things I'd have done differently:

1. (probably) moved from 6/4 brakes to 5/4 - the fronts locked occasionally.

2. Practiced at night as well as day

3. Bought some RM tyres - the fronts wore much slower than the rears and with RH you could feel the car could do with more front-end grip. I tried RS front and RH rear, but the difference in grip was too great and while the car felt it could go faster it was less predictable and harder to drive - not a great trade-off for an enduro. RM front plus RH rear would probably have worked well.

The car (much-used from B-spec Minolta Toyota 88C) ran and handled brilliantly. Only mod was a mid-range turbo kit. (Or is it standard with this car - I've forgotten?)

This has been the greatest single feeling of achievement of my gaming career (never got to do long enduros in the earlier GTs). Seeing the brilliantly-modelled dawn was worth it in its own right!

Event highly recommended!!! It certainly helped me pass Canberra's wettest week since 1950...

However, I'll probably leave the 'ring 24 hour for a few months by which time hopefully PD will have sorted out Suspend/Resume so that it accurately records AI car states.
Nice report!
I'm in about 13 hours. About 2 hours after start, I suspended the race and when I resumed it it was pouring with rain... Basically all-night long rain was disrupted for about 30 minutes so the ''track wetness'' went from 100% to about 50%, but then rain started again. So now instead of wonderful sunrise I watch the black sky turning grey. The race is still very enjoyable though.