Lost progress due to connection

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United Kingdom
I just did the Sardegna race, the credits showed, the mileage was added and I got a 6 star roulette ticket. Then it said offline, couldn't save progress. I reboot the router, it comes back online and the game has now forgotten the credits, the daily mileage is back at 0 and no roulette ticket. How in the hell can this be justified? I didn't do anything else in the game I just let it sit there while the internet came back on. It was online for the whole race and knows what my activity has been and that there was no cheating, so I don't understand why they would program it like this. Are PD aware, is it a bug or is this actually how they want to game to work, it deletes what you do if you don't keep the connection 100% of the time.
Nothing you can do about it, except ensure you have a consistent, reliable connection.

I once played GT7 away from home, and the Wifi decided to drop right on the prize screen, and ultimately lost the money.
I just did the Sardegna race, the credits showed, the mileage was added and I got a 6 star roulette ticket. Then it said offline, couldn't save progress. I reboot the router, it comes back online and the game has now forgotten the credits, the daily mileage is back at 0 and no roulette ticket. How in the hell can this be justified? I didn't do anything else in the game I just let it sit there while the internet came back on. It was online for the whole race and knows what my activity has been and that there was no cheating, so I don't understand why they would program it like this. Are PD aware, is it a bug or is this actually how they want to game to work, it deletes what you do if you don't keep the connection 100% of the time.
It doesn't change the online save until you visit certain screens; remaining in the race screen won't save, but backing out to the menu will.

For science, you could do it again and see if you still get a six-star ticket...
It doesn't change the online save until you visit certain screens; remaining in the race screen won't save, but backing out to the menu will.

For science, you could do it again and see if you still get a six-star ticket...
Once the game decided the connection had dropped it ran through its cycles of trying to reconnect and then entering offline mode, but I didn't press anything and had no choice what screen it was on and just hoped if I didn't touch anything it would reconnect and carry on. Oh well, it could have been after getting a gold time in something difficult, at least it was just a regular grind race, but I wanted to get back to Dead Space remake!
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Once the game decided the connection had dropped it ran through its cycles of trying to reconnect and then entering offline mode, but I didn't press anything and had no choice what screen it was on and just hoped if I didn't touch anything it would reconnect and carry on.
Yep, once it's disconnected you won't be able to update the save. It'll forget anything that happened since the last save update. That's why you need to back out of races and force saves as often as possible.
Yep, once it's disconnected you won't be able to update the save. It'll forget anything that happened since the last save update. That's why you need to back out of races and force saves as often as possible.
I had a slightly different experience a couple weeks back:
On the Plus account, I took the Escudo to Sardegna to get the mileage, credits, and the usual 3-star Wheel of Despair (6 of the last 10) and a nitrous kit, which is the worst prize ever as it adds nothing to the resale value of a car.

What's notable is I had a transient network error mid-race, then when I tried to get back to the garage to get the mileage of the Escudo and cash in that Wheel of Despair, the game froze and I kept getting a NP-104602-3 error on both accounts that required a reboot of all my hardware from the gateway to the router to the PS5.
I should note that the game went back online during the race, and I did make it back to the home screen before running into that error.
Happened a few times... Usually happens if I forget to switch to back to wired connection.

Always have a wired connection. Otherwise you are rolling the dice at the end of a race.
I did it again, and got a 4 star roulette ticket.
Dancing With The Stars GIF
Guess the roulette RNG roll (assigning both the star level and the specific prize ID) happens when the ticket is awarded, and the result is immediately saved only if the game is online.
Guess the roulette RNG roll (assigning both the star level and the specific prize ID) happens when the ticket is awarded, and the result is immediately saved only if the game is online.
This is something people have taken advantage of by holding into "cheap tickets" in the hopes of increased prices after game updates pretty early in the life of the game. Though I dont know whether the tickes actually have changed or not, this is something I dont bother with.
ah just wait till they shut off the servers in a couple years and you can't play the game at all! the joys of always-connected modern gaming.

This is something people have taken advantage of by holding into "cheap tickets" in the hopes of increased prices after game updates pretty early in the life of the game. Though I dont know whether the tickes actually have changed or not, this is something I dont bother with.
tickets have an expiration date. If you don't open them, you lose them.
This happened to me for the first time only a few days ago. My fiber ONT/router rebooted (probably due to a firmware update initiated by my ISP), which led to lost connection for a few minutes. I had just gotten gold for the 1-lap attack at Road Atlanta in Circuit Experience when that happened. The game eventually went back out to the main menu in offline mode by itself, so I lost that gold lap. Fortunately, it wasn’t hard to get gold at Road Atlanta, but I had to do it again when the connection came back online to get it recorded and getting my much deserved credit payout :)