Make all cars available from the start?

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Make all cars available from the start?

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I wouldn't actually mind if Arcade mode gave you every single car like a testing or sandbox area for those who want to drive and race and leave GT mode just the way it is and probably have 2 separate onlines for Arcade and GT Mode. I know when TOCA games came to Australia as V8 Supercars, the actual V8 Supercars were available from the start in the Free Play modes while it took a while to get them in career.
That's similar to what I've been saying all along:
-keep the traditional GT career mode, after all there's people who like that.
-make all cars & tracks available from the start in arcade mode, along with all the options so that we can setup custom races with any car at any track at any time.
-make all cars available from the start online as courtesy cars and include an option for host to block courtesy cars and limit car selection to career garage only.

If PD does the stuff above in future games everybody will be happy, people who like to work their way up through career mode and earn cars can still do so and they can be matched with other players with the same mindset, while players who don't like grinding and want to focus on racing can do so as well. It's a win-win situation.
That's similar to what I've been saying all along:
-keep the traditional GT career mode, after all there's people who like that.
-make all cars & tracks available from the start in arcade mode, along with all the options so that we can setup custom races with any car at any track at any time.
-make all cars available from the start online as courtesy cars and include an option for host to block courtesy cars and limit car selection to career garage only.

If PD does the stuff above in future games everybody will be happy, people who like to work their way up through career mode and earn cars can still do so and they can be matched with other players with the same mindset, while players who don't like grinding and want to focus on racing can do so as well. It's a win-win situation.

Now unlocking all cars and tracks in Arcade mode, agree with and like the sound of.
It's silly? God damn, I guess that changes everything.

Maybe because i make the most of what i have available and enjoy it? ever think of that?
No, because that doesn't mean anything in response to my question.
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It's silly? God damn, I guess that changes everything.

No, because that doesn't mean anything in response to my question.

So you're telling my reply is wrong? o im sorry i didn't know you knew more about me in what i like. So that's were I've going wrong all this time. Tornado knew what was best for me and what i like. O well then...carry on leading my life sweetheart
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So you're telling my reply is wrong?
Yes I am, because your reply didn't mean anything as a response to my question.

o im sorry i didn't know you knew more about me in what i like.
I don't care what you like, because you weren't talking about what you like:
my point is people moan saying they dont like taking the time to do an easy race for credit but they're more then happy to race online in a harder race for less
Just like hall90, I don't like doing an "easy race for credits" because there is nothing enjoyable in pounding on the same terrible AI in the same race over and over and over again just to get more credits to buy more cars. That it is so easy only makes it worse, because that just makes it blatant that it is only required for the sake of padding. What I do like (in comparison), is going online and racing against people who are actually capable of providing a race as opposed to acting as a bunch of mobile chicanes. Races that are actually a challenge. Races that are actually dynamic. Races that are actually races. Suffice to say, the credits received in online races were not why I did online races in GT5; and since they were so pitiful in comparison, I doubt they were for anybody who raced extensively online in GT5.

Incidentally, that's why in GT5 I completed 0 out of 0 single player A-Spec events, but my A-Spec level was still high 30s; because I could instead just hand an X1 off to a Bob and have him grind credits for me while I did something else. That's why I pretty much abandoned GT6's single player immediately and screwed around in Arcade for a couple months instead (before eventually selling the game outright and going back to GT5 until they shut the servers down), since they were stupid enough to put an arbitrary limit on how many moronic bots you had to face in the even-worse-than-GT5 GT Life races before you could even go online.

So online racing and offline grinding to support online racing (or whatever people need the credits for) in fact aren't at all the same thing; so, again, why are you acting like they are the same thing?
Your comment is irrelevant. You were making a point about people other than yourself when you didn't actually understand why the other people did the things your point was about.

Please give me the correct answer then because i didn't realise my opinion had a right and wrong answer.
because i didn't realise my opinion had a right and wrong answer.
And now you know.

You've already been given an explanation multiple times. People who race online aren't doing it for the credits they get; especially since you helpfully pointed out they are much more easily acquired offline anyway. In fact, I daresay that the people who are the heaviest into online play likely wouldn't care about offline mode at all if the game didn't force them to in the form of credit grinding and the like. Your attempt to correlate their enjoyment of online races and their annoyance with offline races as somehow being hypocritical is therefore meaningless.
And now you know.

You've already been given an explanation multiple times. People who race online aren't doing it for the credits they get; especially since you helpfully pointed out they are much more easily acquired offline anyway. In fact, I daresay that the people who are the heaviest into online play likely wouldn't care about offline mode at all if the game didn't force them to in the form of credit grinding and the like. Your attempt to correlate their enjoyment of online races and their annoyance with offline races as somehow being hypocritical is therefore meaningless.

Thank you sweetheart, ill note that down for future reference..not
That's certainly your prerogative, as is your false assumption that because something is your opinion that it cannot be challenged factually. You'll just continue to be wrong every time you assert that people who prefer racing online view the two modes as the same thing and play them for the same reasons; but it isn't as if this thread doesn't already have a member who just repeats nonsense over and over again.
That's certainly your prerogative, as is your false assumption that because something is your opinion that it cannot be challenged factually. You'll just continue to be wrong every time you assert that people who prefer racing online view the two modes as the same thing and play them for the same reasons; but it isn't as if this thread doesn't already have a member who just repeats nonsense over and over again.

Sorry? i didn't understand that?

my opinion is neither right nor wrong...its MY OPINION. maybe you should start understanding and respect that and not be so small minded, thinking you know best.
Sorry? i didn't understand that?
It's very simple, actually: Opinions can be wrong when their basis don't actually line up with reality. Saying "it's my opinion" does not make it unable to be challenged when it is demonstrably false, which was obviously what you were angling for. If your opinion is based on false pretenses, as this assertion here shows yours has been from the start:
you race for credits just as you do offline
Then it is fair game to challenge the meaning of the opinion to the discussion.
It's very simple, actually: Opinions can be wrong when their basis don't actually line up with reality. Saying "it's my opinion" does not make it unable to be challenged when it is demonstrably false, which was obviously what you were angling for. If your opinion is based on false pretenses, as this assertion here shows yours has been from the start:

Then it is fair game to challenge the meaning of the opinion to the discussion.

Sorry you've lost me now

I accidentally voted yes, but no thank you! Gran turismo, for the moment, is still a game. If there was no actual in-game progression, it would just become an average sim-racer.
I voted no as it wouldn't be Gran Turismo without purchasing the cars .
I feel the mandatory completion of some of the career at the start was good for the series , in that at least when you go online you're less likely to be rammed off constantly by a 10 year old playing bumper cars in an X1 .

Career mode in 6 was easy to complete , aside from some of the coffee break challenges and a mission race in IA , so I agree it is not challenging to an experienced player . But in having all cars available at the start , just ask yourself one thing -

How many players would still be playing today ?

My opinion , not many .

People nowadays in gaming want it all available and too easy with no challenge . What's the point in that ?
That's not the spirit of gaming , it's meant to challenge you , not give you everything at your fingertips so you get bored and wander off to do / buy something else .

The solution is for PD to make career mode challenging in 7 . Keep the credit system , increase the rewards , ditch the login bonus and earn your cars .

It's much more satisfying to be challenged rather than being lazy and wanting it all from the start .

Thanks for the patranising tip
No problem. FYI, it's "patronizing", though.

The solution is for PD to make career mode challenging in 7 . Keep the credit system , increase the rewards , ditch the login bonus and earn your cars .

It's much more satisfying to be challenged rather than being lazy and wanting it all from the start .

I would actually be fine with this, honestly. My issue is that, after two games in a row where they made a mess of things (one of which where they talked up how much better of a job they did from the first), I'm kind of at odds for whether they can fix the GT mode to its former glory.
No problem. FYI, it's "patronizing", though.

I would actually be fine with this, honestly. My issue is that, after two games in a row where they made a mess of things (one of which where they talked up how much better of a job they did from the first), I'm kind of at odds for whether they can fix the GT mode to its former glory.

I agree , and with much more choice in where you want to go sim racing thesedays then they have to make it better .
Personally , i'm going nowhere near 7 unless it's -

(A) - Completed as advertised on launch . ( I think we've all learned from the course creator saga )
(B) - It must be right up there with realism / experience .

However , worrying I read a while ago on GTP news that Kaz claimed the information they learned from the data in GT5 indicated most of the players were just casual . Hence I think that's why 6 was so easy / casual friendly ( With a sim approach in the handling model to keep some of the core players happy )

So it's a crossroads for GT7 when it comes .
Can't see it pleasing everyone . Which is what game companies keep trying to do . It just dilutes the experience .
I accidentally voted yes, but no thank you! Gran turismo, for the moment, is still a game. If there was no actual in-game progression, it would just become an average sim-racer.
24 pages and I don't think anyone has asked for the removal of in-game progression, just an option to progress a different way if desired.

I voted no as it wouldn't be Gran Turismo without purchasing the cars . I feel the mandatory completion of some of the career at the start was good for the series , in that at least when you go online you're less likely to be rammed off constantly by a 10 year old playing bumper cars in an X1 .
I'm more than happy to skip the career altogether and deal with whatever I find online.

Career mode in 6 was easy to complete , aside from some of the coffee break challenges and a mission race in IA , so I agree it is not challenging to an experienced player . But in having all cars available at the start , just ask yourself one thing -

How many players would still be playing today ?
Me for one, all of my friends for another. I don't believe anyone is advocating canning the GT career mode, simply offering another option to progress through the game, which you would not be obligated to use. How would your offline career be affected if I simply chose to drive any car I wanted and started tuning and racing online?

People nowadays in gaming want it all available and too easy with no challenge . What's the point in that ?
That's not the spirit of gaming , it's meant to challenge you , not give you everything at your fingertips so you get bored and wander off to do / buy something else .
For some people, especially in this age of peer to peer gaming, racing against AI is not enjoyable or rewarding. The challenge for me is to tune cars and compete online and in TT's and other competitions. It's plenty challenging. Competing with real people is a real challenge. For me competing against the AI is an artificial challenge and doesn't give the same feeling of satisfaction or reward.

The solution is for PD to make career mode challenging in 7 . Keep the credit system , increase the rewards , ditch the login bonus and earn your cars .
It's much more satisfying [for me] to be challenged rather than being lazy and wanting it all from the start .👍
I am not lazy. I work hard. I run my own business. Sometimes I work long very long hours in stressful and physically demanding situations. Many of us do. Videogaming is not work to me nor do I consider it "lazy" if I don't complete a task in a game or finish a level. I consider it lazy if I don't get out of bed in the morning to earn money, to buy hardware and software for gaming. I game for fun and only play games that are fun to me. Grinding is not fun, offline racing is a little fun but only when I can do it when I want and how I want. Project Cars has great AI and a great career and I've raced maybe 10 races in a month. I've got over 100 hours into the game and I've driven maybe 15 cars, 5 or 6 seriously and explored maybe 6 or 7 track layouts out of 100 in any depth. In a game with 70 cars (+DLC) and 100 layouts, there is so much to do without having to slog through a career mode that I probably won't drive half the cars and half the tracks in 2 or 3 years.

Point is, there are plenty of people like me, who just want the freedom to enjoy the content at their leisure. Even in this GTcentric website, fully 1/3 of respondents to this poll would like a different approach to the game made available to them. I don't see how anyone else's game is affected by me playing the way I want to play.
In GTPSP Single Player, the AI race harder by level. From D the easiest, C, B and A being the hardest. The game is also one big licence test by racing AI around circuits and point to point in rally. When you complete a race, the dealerships are random and by the Cr you win, you can buy cars.
Problem with GTPSP is that you have NO form of career mode, you can see at the very best forty cars at a time, the races don't give anywhere enough monies...
who needs 1200 cars? you can only race 1 at a time
No one needs to have 1200 cars. What 1200 cars does (or is supposed to do) is make it more likely that the car of your dreams is available. But I'm sure you actually knew this before typing your post.
If a game developer releases a game like GT7 it should be up to the developer on how you play the game and not the way you or anybody else on how you play the game. 👍
Funny thing is the only ten year old I know (a friend's son) is more than good enough at GT6 to have finished the game, so I don't understand someone thinking that grinding in GT6 stops 10 year olds getting in expensive cars and ramming people online, especially since he's a ten year old, therefore has ample time to grind away, as opposed to me, a 29 year old who doesn't. So in fact, having to grind to buy the good cars would mean he would have the car before me.

I also don't agree with people suggesting that wanting access to all the content without grinding career is lazy. I'm just too busy to allocate the time to it. I'm certainly not lazy lol. I could argue that the people spending so much time grinding GT6 are more lazy than I am, since I'm more often working hard or working out in the gym. sitting on the couch playing GT isn't exactly intensive exercise. The only time I usually have for games is between 9 and 11 at night, and that's if I feel like using my 'me' time on videogames. Sometimes I just like to relax with a cold beer and watch a movie or something.