map scale adjustment

Ummmm...... @Johnnypenso , You didn't ACTUALLY like it.... ;)

This feature was invaluable in online racing. Scaling it to "2" I could see every car within 1 second of me and never had to use my mirrors, while always knowing where everyone was around me. I cannot think of any good reason to drop this feature, especially when the programming was already done! :banghead::banghead::banghead:

This feature was invaluable in online racing. Scaling it to "2" I could see every car within 1 second of me and never had to use my mirrors, while always knowing where everyone was around me. I cannot think of any good reason to drop this feature, especially when the programming was already done! :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Indeed (on both counts). And in fact, (or at least imo) it was invaluable in other driving besides online racing too.
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Are there any plans to bring back map scale adjustment?

Rock on guitar!
Not sure what the point of omitting the map scale from GT6 was.

Map scale was much better for showing your peripheral vision than the Blind spot indicator. The indicator does not work properly.

Please bring back the map scale!
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Lack of map scale zoom is a common complaint with racers in the online community. Honestly, it takes away from the quality of racing, especially online. It's very difficult to race clean unless somebody announces they are near you (which only happens in rare instances).

Please, please give this useful aid back to us!!!

The blindspot indicator is currently a useless feature! Ok to remove that!
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