Marines Workout (3 Week Plan)Upper Body and Lower Body

  • Thread starter Jon


As I keep getting new workouts I will post them here. This is a 3 week plan to build and tone your muscle without using weights.

3 sets of 25 Push Ups
3 sets of 25 Chain Breakers
Chain Breakers: Stand up in a sports position. Meet you middle knuckles and keep you elbows at an angle so your arms and elbow are parrell(sp) to your chest. Move them away from eachother about a foot for 3 times then for the 4th extend your arms out so there even with your shoulders. That counts as 1. Do 75 total of them. You count them like this. 1 , 2 ,3, 1...1,2,3, 2...1,2,3, 3. ETC.
3 sets of 25 assited dips
Assisted Dips: Lean up against a table. Put you arms even with your body with you palms on the edge of the table. Move you feet out as far as you can then use you arms to move up and down. Down until your legs are at a 90 angle with the floor.
3 sets of 25 Super Man
Super Man: Lay on the ground stomach first. Put arms out straight in front of you. Lift right arm 2 inches off ground as well as left leg. Then do the opposite. 75 total.
3 sets of 25 Dive Bombers:
Start in push up position or if you can't you can stick your butt in the air and do them then swoop your neck down and swoop it up in a motion like : ~
Then bring it back like that in the same motion.

Monday, Wedsneday, and Friday.. Run 30 mins too.
Yes, I want to be able to kick your ass as hard as possible. :)

I think I should start workign out my uper body, I look like a 5-year old girl.

Thanks for the tips.
Ok.. Feet about sholder width apart. Knees slightly bent. For that excerise hunch your sholders over so they are about parrell to your knees.
Legs workout...

Alittle different... Here you do 20 reps for all 3 sets.

Flutterkicks:3 sets of 20
To do these lay on back and have legs straight out. Lift legs up about 2inches of the ground then kick up with the left then the right in a repeating motion...

Hello Dolly: 3 sets of 20
Same position as the Flutter kicks but instead of up and down spread them in and out.

Dirty Dogs:3 sets of 20
Get on your hands and knees. Lift your right knee off ground until parallel with your back. Then do the left. Then repeat.

Back Stretch: 3 sets of 20 seconds
Stand up and keep knees straight and try to touch your toes and hold it for 20seconds.
It is building you muscle. Lets put it this way. I used to not be able to do any pull ups now I can do 4 after 3 weeks of doing that seriously.
how do i get rid of a DOULBE chin?
i mean i dont have it and i sort of do... but i want it to disappear to when i tilt my chin down its not ther...
Originally posted by 1mic
how do i get rid of a DOULBE chin?
i mean i dont have it and i sort of do... but i want it to disappear to when i tilt my chin down its not ther...

Work on cutting your body fat content - only way, I'm afraid.
Well 1mic and Jubula here's how I lost my Fat, though I was and am young I guess it applies to all age groups:

I was a big kid at 13 and probably weighed what I do now at 16 :eek:

So I did that Atkins diet thing where basically you cut out carbohydrates (except for like 20g). It's controversal as basically you eat meat + eggs (high Fat, cholestral and all), take vitamin tablets so that you avoid fruit which is high in sugar.. >> I'll tell you more about the diet if you want to know?

Then cause my legs where pretty wide, they'd rub together during excersie, especially running.

So I began walking the dog for an hour every morning before breakfast. This meant that combined with the atkins diet I was burning body fat for energy. Tip - Even exercising in the morning if not on the atkins diet is great because if you haven't eaten for like 10 hrs plus your body has no food to get energy from but just your stored energy = Fat.

I lost weight dramatically to the point where I could Jog for twenty minutes twice a day. More weight fell off, however with the atkins diet over a long time I found that because I was exercising so much I was totally drained for energy without the carbs.

So I began a healthy diet with plenty of exercise, my energy levels increased and I felt great.

The story continues to the point now where I go to the gym 2-3 times a week for bodybuilding and jog 1-3 times a week (Though this has slackened off with winter so methaphorically speaking I'll kick myself up the backside and get back into the routine) :D
Thats interesting. I never heard of Atkins. Explain it more so I can see what it is all about please.
well traditionally everyone associates Fat as putting on weight.

This is infact not true. Fat gets broken down to lipids and sits in the body - hence in later life doctors warn it clogs your arteries.

Carbohydrates actually make you put on the weight because it is energy. Say you eat a chocolate bar full of sugar. If you burn the energy it's gone. However if you sit doing nothing you don't burn it so where does all the energy go. Well your body has been designed to store it for when you actually need it. But if you never need it and never use it it will just build up.

A main offender is sugar, which is extremely high in Energy so cut out those sweets and Cola etc.. straight away

The Atkins diet, basically turns you body into a fat burning machine. So as you take in very little energy in the diet your body is resorting to your excess weight 24/7.

Cut out the following types of food;

- Bread
- Potato
- Rice
- Pasta
- Anything with high sugar
- Fruit (but be sure to take various vitamin tablets to compensate and maintain healthy)

Eat as much of the following as you want:

- Meat
- Cheese
- Eggs

So for example if you like burgers, carry on eating them but get rid of the brread and high sugar sauces.

You can buy the Atkins diet book which goes into far more detail than I have.

However it must be stressed that this diet is very contoversal amongst doctors because of high fat intake.

Of course this diet may be an easy way out which works but can anything beat a healthy diet and regular excercise? I wouldn't recommend this diet long term, but just to initially shed the pounds.
I had a lot, I mean a LOT posted, but then I tried to make the degree symble and my browser went to my startup page and when I clicked back the whole message was lost, so here it goes again:
To explain the Atkins diet again, here I go:
Basically the Atkins diet prevents you from storing more carbohydrates, which, as said above, turn into fat when not used up. When working out or exercising, it's best to follow a proper diet. For people that are not overweight(or I should say, aren't fat, and please forgive my vulgarity), it's best to eat carbohydrates BEFORE exercising or working out. By doing this, your body is turning the carbohydrates into energy cells that the body can use. Since you ate carbs before exercising, they are then turned into ready-made energy sources. The body uses those sources when doing something where it must exhert mechanical force. AFTER doing whatever, exercising, working out, or whatnot, it's best to eat protein. As you exercise your muscles, they either stretch or tear. Since muscles are made out of proteins, your body then uses the protiens you've eaten after exercising to patch the tears in the muscles which were formed when exercising.
The purpose of the Atkins diet is to use the energy stored in the body, not using the ready-made energy sources from newly-eaten carbohydrates. This means the body burns off those fat cells(is it glycogen?), which creates energy, and the body then uses that. The protein in the diet is used to patch the muscles, so you don't have damaged muscles(and those are NOT pretty!)
Here's my diet, it's not the best by any means, but by no means is it the worst:
School days> The worst days of my diet. These are the days that I actually gain weight, which is not the kind of weight I would like. On school days, I have breakfast around 0700hrs. It consists of one bowl of cereal(I've cut down from two:D) I then don't have any more food until 1135hrs, which is my lunchtime during school. I get home in the afternoon sometime and don't have food normally until dinner, which is anywhere between 1730hrs and 1900hrs.
As I said before, that is my bad diet, and I can and do blame it all on the government and the schools.

My better diet(Weekends)> This is the time that I lose those 5-7lbs, only to gain them back over the course of the next 5 school days

I have breakfast whenever I feel like it. What breakfast does is start up your motabelism(sp.) Since the human body slows down drastically when falling asleep, everything slows down, which includes your motabelism(sp.) What breakfast does is starts the motabelism again so your body starts burning off the energy you have in it. I normally have a bowl of cereal for breakfast(carbs, I know, but feel free to replace the cereal with whatever you like best for breakfast[eggs, whatever.]) Now that my motabelism(sp.) is started, I feel more awake and stuff.
Lunch: I skip lunch, don't have it. What I do instead of lunch is have an occasional snack. What I mean is that rather than having a large meal sit in my stomach, I have parts of meals throughout the day. This promotes a constant rate of digesting and turning foods into energies rather than having stuff sit in there waiting to be digested(ugly word, I know....) So instead, I have small things, normally only once or twice between breakfast and dinner.
Dinner: I have a lot for dinner, probably because I don't have lunch. But I'm working on gradually decreasing how much I eat for dinner.
Dessert: Skip it, it's unhealthy. Unless you eat dessert during dinner(which I don't, when I used to have dessert, it would be right before bed), you eat a load of foods, empty calories, right before your motabelism(sp.) shuts down. This is bad because it just ends up getting stored in your system.

Main thing for the diet I like and use: eat when you're hungry, and stop eating when you lose your hunger, don't eat until you're full because many people never get "full" any more, or they do, but they forget what it feels like.
When on my diet, even without exercising much, if any, I lose 5-10 pounds over the weekend. Granted, these are at different times of days when I weigh myself, but if I weighed myself every 24hrs, it would show a loss of about 3-4 lbs per day probably. Granted, it wouldn't work like that all the time, only for a little bit at that rate, but for me, I continually am going down. At the beginning of football season, I weighed 173lbs. Now, after going up to 180lbs(that probably isn't my high, I don't know,) I weigh 168-169lbs. So over the course of my week, I will go from 168lbs to 175lbs by Friday, and then go back down to 168 by Monday morning. But since I'm on spring break right now, maybe I'll get lower than 168, who know.

Word to the wise, however>>>
When going on most "simple" diets of simply eating less, they work on short term, but they do nothing on long ter, unless themy make things worse. What they promote is simply eating less overall. This slows down the motabelism(sp.), so you don't digest as rapidly and in fact, if you had a large dinner(e.g. Thanksgiving or Christmas) while following the traditional diet, you'd have a much larger impact from the dinner than a person not on that diet. What my diet promotes(well, it works for me, chances are it doesn't work for many people, but if you've tried a lot of other diets and don't have anything to lose, you might as well try mine) is to keep the motabelism running at the same rate, but working constantly while you're awake, rather than working only 3 times a day.

If anybody has any more questions about the carbohydrates turning into fats and stuff, ask me and I'll try to find you the answer, or possibly try Gil, he's very knowledged in the medical section.
P.S. Anyone care to explain Chain Breakers to me? Sorry, but the instructions are not clear, and the grammar and spelling are horrid.
Hey... No offense cause I havn't tried the first workout at all, but I don't think it does much. Regular workouts would work a lot better.I think, that is. When I started doing pull ups, I could only do 6. At the end of the week, After doing 6 everyday, I could do 8 tops. So you know.. being able to do 3 more after 3 weeks of vigorous training isn't too much of an improvement. If you wanted to be able to do more pull ups, you should just do them everyday.

If you guys have excercise questions, you can ask me too.
Originally posted by quicksilver1122
So you know.. being able to do 3 more after 3 weeks of vigorous training isn't too much of an improvement.

Well, it's always different for different people. For people that can do many pullups, it's much, much harder to increase by 3 or 5 than somebody who can do only 5 pullups.

Hell, without working on pullups, I could only do 3 pullups. Without lifting weights or working out, later I could do 6 pullups. I don't lift or work on my biceps or back, and now I can do 13, so go figure.
If you wanted to be able to do more pull ups, you should just do them everyday.

Actually ya know its not good to workout the same muscles everyday. You are supposed to give your muscles a 48 hour rest period. Thats why every second day would be ideal.

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