Mazda Monday: RX7 - 550pp N3 - Stock tuning - Suzuka - xx.03 / :23 / :43

  • Thread starter mr_VOLCANO

What car/track combo do you want to be the new "mazda" monday?

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Oslo, Norway
We have tried one make race with RX7 and I think it was sucsessful:tup:

Was hoping to see some interest for a weekly RX7 cup, I know theres many who like low pp racing so come on!:)

Me and EBK2 has had some great races in the rx7 lately :) 550pp, stock tuning only adjust weight and power to 550pp. And N3 tire ;) This will now be a every day event to see if we can gather some racers. :D

EBK2 has done a 2.25.860 for referance 👍

nice and clean driving of course:)

So whos in? :)
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Just read your PM mate, Im in 👍 Maybe we could try new cars and do this twice a week?

RX7 is a great car to kick it off :)
Im open for other cars, just thought we could start with RX7:) Was thinking once a week to keep interest, but twice a week wont hurt I think..

Share our opinion guys:tup:

Nice Dan 👍 Happy you will join.
Good idea... I like the RX7 too and havent been able to race it... Count me in! 👍
I would like to try this - love that car.
Would you able to post your set up? my tuning skills are sub standard - if it goes half as well as your F430 setup then you may have some competition.
I would like to try this - love that car.
Would you able to post your set up? my tuning skills are sub standard - if it goes half as well as your F430 setup then you may have some competition.

I have posted a tune in 500pp tread (on of the last pages) but I will try too improve it before monday. Gonna post then..

Nice too see good respons right away:tup:

This is gonna be so close! Now you have time to do some warm up sessions:cheers:
I will do my best to show up to, not used to the Rx7 But looks fun to me. Would be great if someone could share settings cause i really suck at tuning,lol.
I'm IN 👍 But I think I'll fight you till death for that last position :sly:

But due to the 11 hours difference here in AU, I'll probably miss majority of the GTP'ers :(


I will add you to my friends list, we can see if each of us is online then?
Did some improvement on my tune. Feels now a bit tighter, chopped off 0.3 sec. Down too 2.00.689:) will post it tomorrow to tired now.
I'm down!

It would be cool if we could run both RX-8s and 7s. Unless one is faster than the other. Who's down for some testing tonight? RX-8s and RX-7s at Fuji. PP500?
Lol.. I wrote wrong toe angle. Cant edit without delete hole post from my mobile. Anyone have that problem? Toe: -8, +4
Camber:1.0/1.7 look at page 8 in fuji 500pp thread for the rest of my tune:)
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Yes... I'm with you! RX-7 Cup was really great cause so many of us were equal.

I havent ever raced so close with so many different drivers. Fuji is great in that aspect, that it makes possible side by side driving in many places there... and N3 tyres keeps speeds 'low', so there is always some time to correct mistakes or emergency-situations.

I hope weekend is over quickly.

If someone wants to see how RX-7 Cup looked last time, go to:
Lol.. I wrote wrong toe angle. Cant edit without delete hole post from my mobile. Anyone have that problem? Toe: -8, +4
Camber:1.0/1.7 look at page 8 in fuji 500pp thread for the rest of my tune:)

I can edit, but can't do multiple quotes from my mobile, and if i try posting a very long message, or use a very long quote, my mobile turns itself off. Lol.
500pp RX7 cup tune

Power: 0
Weight; 94
Ride height:-40/-40
toe. -8/+4 (+2)<-Old setting
camber:1.0/1.7 (1.6)<Old setting
wing :8


Hope this help some of you:)
Let me know if any are doing some warm up session.. 👍
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i think you post the wrong youtube link or you post the youtube link in the wrong threat

Yep... :) :ouch:

Thread is right, but looks I was tired and copypaste my YouTube mainpage link.

Well... if anyone is interested, those races are finded there with little search.
The TLD setup for Fuji 500 RWD on this RX-7 is now available, just click on the link to the RX-7 on the TLD Home Page to find it.:)