Mazda Monday: RX7 - 550pp N3 - Stock tuning - Suzuka - xx.03 / :23 / :43

  • Thread starter mr_VOLCANO

What car/track combo do you want to be the new "mazda" monday?

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Hi all - have put some laps in (and played in the sand quite abit) managed a 2,25.524 last night......but could not maintain that sort of pace in a 5lap race.

Not many drivers interested in this event from the southern parts so catching you guys in the north is abit tricky.......going to try now for afew hours :)
We go xx23 ,xx43, xx03. But looks like N3 isnt popular :( I thought gtp crowd liked realism?

You just need to adjust weight and power to 550pp, No more tuning then that..

Me and EBK2 is taking a break, but back soon 👍
Ah...I see.

I must admit there are too many thread at GTP to follow when it comes to little meets like this. Shame this can't all be amalgamated in to one folder or summat.

Match of the Day has just started but I'll be back online in a bit...if you're still on I'll message you but you will kick my ass!
Well this is a common fault of myself thinking that i'm a better driver than i am!

Thought it was alittle strange that i could do a better time than Mr to put things in there proper order - i was not running a stock tune(sorry)....just tried afew laps and the best i could do was a 2, respect to you ,too fast for me.

I still enjoyed the event but to give you guy's any competition i would only be able to keep up if i had mine tuned.....if i meet you's again i will let you know what i'm running(*think they will notice anyway). thx
So everyone up for tonight? I won't be doing 2.26's for sure, since I "wasted" last nights practice time playing around with the Elise 111R and it's tune...
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Hey mr_V... You brought the Mazda Monday back to life! Nice one... 👍 You racing here tonight??? If so I'll have a go here as well :)
Hey mr_V... You brought the Mazda Monday back to life! Nice one... 👍 You racing here tonight??? If so I'll have a go here as well :)

im not racing tonight. Will be back in a few days. On a golf vacation in my fathers if thats the right word. Rx-7 n3 is one of my favorit combo's in gt5p so i hope and think many will like it if they just give it a chance:) Enjoy your racing guys.
Well, I gave it a try but decide to stick to practice laps. 2.30 high was my best after 15m. I can't drive this combo with a controller and without tuning :(
Well, I gave it a try but decide to stick to practice laps. 2.30 high was my best after 15m. I can't drive this combo with a controller and without tuning :(

Cant imagine this combo is easy with pad so i totally understand. Are you going to invest in wheel when gt5 comes out? I am not going back to pad EVER in a driving game.

EBK2 : have you met some on track last days, or is this event totally emty?
Oh but I have a wheel... a G25. Just don't use it much now, and since I don't have a permanent seat, I don't assemble it for just a couple of hours a week.

Unfortunately for me, there are not enough hours in a day for work, homework, family, and hobbies like "failed to connect to host" at least once every hour, which is once every 3 races GT5P online. That will be repaired when GT5 comes out surely :)
I will defently race you when im home again EBK2 :) probably friday. Its a pleasure to race you 👍 even in n3 you are super smooth.

Its sad really that a good combo like this dont get the attention it deserve. So many say that gt5p is so realistic but dont dare touch n3..
I will defently race you when im home again EBK2 :) probably friday. Its a pleasure to race you 👍 even in n3 you are super smooth.

Its sad really that a good combo like this dont get the attention it deserve. So many say that gt5p is so realistic but dont dare touch n3..

We need the full game to get full grids in private events. When GT5 becomes the only online racing game, there will be enough people to go around any type of event, and locking it to good drivers will be heaven.

I love these delicate "driver makes the difference" kind of event but... not many of those out there playing prologue at the time. I see a few fast clean drivers online but many times they are playing other titles.

Because now it's hard... not enough drivers, connection issues and morons in clios, with alternate usernames, created with the soul purpose of making havoc (and eventually getting banned) ruining events as this, by simply running slowly in front of you and ram you out as you try to pass, and then wait for you to do it again... (yes... I met some of those) it really brings the need for private lobbys to a now level.

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