Memory Cards

  • Thread starter Lee2
I was wondering is there a super memory card out there that is bigger then 8mb, I have looked around for one an asked about them but no luck so far....
mmm, yes and no :)
No to memory cards, not that I know of anyway.
Yes for greater storage space for game saves (PC), I can transfer game saves from the PS2/memory card, to my  PC, depending where you live, it's called a Shark Port in the US or X-Port in Europe, practically the same sort of idea as a dexdrive.
The PC is a rather large memory card then, when you want a save off the PC, you just put it back on the card.
Yes, Ive seen a 40 meg version at We be toys.  (Toys R Us).  
Check them out.  
not enough memory
 Thanks, I going to check toys r us tonite. The reason I want a memory card with more space is just like in gt1 an 2 I like to have more then one of the gt games going on at once. I do stuff like if I like a car real lot I buy that car in all colors with different setups an so on......