Menu book 09

I did everything the instructions said I have license b and I did both races and finished 1st but it won't say complete.
Okay, when you say you "did both races" can you explain what you mean?

Can you also provide screenshots of things like the World Map, World Circuits, the Menu Book 8 screen, and the Championship: Tokyo Highway Parade screen?
Okay, when you say you "did both races" can you explain what you mean?

Can you also provide screenshots of things like the World Map, World Circuits, the Menu Book 8 screen, and the Championship: Tokyo Highway Parade screen?
The first and second race for the championship I dont have screen shots on my phone, pretty much everything in the menu 9 book instructions I did but once I finished top 3 like it said it didn't complete

Did you go to the Cafe to conclude the Menu book?
It's still saying it's incomplete even after I finished the race in top 3 must be a bug or something idk how to fix
Did you actually start the menu book? If the yellow compass isn't visible, we have located the problem. Some screenshots would also help your cause infinitely.
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I dont have screen shots on my phone
So... get some?

Also your console can capture screenshots pretty easily.

pretty much everything in the menu 9 book instructions I did
"Pretty much" won't do it; you need to do exactly what it says.
I finished top 3 like it said
It's still saying it's incomplete even after I finished the race in top 3
I did both races and finished 1st

Did you finish top three or first? More importantly, did you finish the championship in the top three?
So... get some?

Also your console can capture screenshots pretty easily.

"Pretty much" won't do it; you need to do exactly what it says.

Did you finish top three or first? More importantly, did you finish the championship in the top three?
Ok and yes I got 1st place

Did you actually start the menu book? If the yellow compass isn't visible, we have located the problem. Some screenshots would also help your cause infinitely.
Yes the compass is visible I did everything the instructor said on the book and yet it still incomplete
Yes the compass is visible I did everything the instructor said on the book and yet it still incomplete

Did you race that event?
Was the compass shown to indicate your current menu book is active?
I did everything the instructions said I have license b and I did both races and finished 1st but it won't say complete
Did you do the races or the championship?
You need to race the championship not the individual races.

Did you race that event?
Was the compass shown to indicate your current menu book is active?
The championship is the red box as @Meythia posted
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Yes I did that race but the compas is not on it like that even though it tells me to do the race
That championship doesn't even appear until you've started the Menu Book, so if the compass icon isn't on it you've completed it and need to start the next one...

Again, screenshots would help tremendously. PS4 and PS5 both allow you to capture a screenshot with one button.
Here is the screenshots you need to provide for any of us to help you:
1. The main map screen
2. The main cafe screen
3. The main world circuits screen

If you provide these, then we can definitely help you!
Here is the screenshots you need to provide for any of us to help you:
1. The main map screen
2. The main cafe screen
3. The main world circuits screen

If you provide these, then we can definitely help you!

I tried to do screen shot but it was being a pain so I just took pics


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Did you click on the Tokyo button under the Championship banner at the bottom to enter and run the championship?
And are you sure you have the National B license?
Yes and yes I have the b license all gold trophy and I ran the Tokyo race but it doesn't have the yellow mark or the b thing on the Tokyo button whitch is one thing it never did oddly
Yes and yes I have the b license all gold trophy and I ran the Tokyo race but it doesn't have the yellow mark or the b thing on the Tokyo button whitch is one thing it never did oddly

Looks like you’ve won it as the tab shows a trophy!

I’d suggest completely closing the game and then rerun the championship?

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