Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (Official Trailer and pics!)

  • Thread starter Solid Fro
So... let me get this straight, your character is a younger Big Boss or what? Man am I ever confused! :confused: :banghead: :odd:
Big Boss couldn't have looked like Snake back then.
I think it's so cool how right angles are gone, sounds challenging.
Snake is Big Boss.

Liquid, Solid, and Solidus were all cloned from Big Boss, that's why they look the same.
Maybe those video pics of Snake are just flashbacks of Big Boss.

Maybed Solid Snake returns to Outer Heaven for some reason and meets up with a character from Big Boss's past?

Maybe it is a prequel to MG and we get to play as Big Boss. Notice the peace symbols and B-52's in the camouflage?

Who knows, other than Hideo Kojima?:D
Big Boss = Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, Solidus Snake

Big Boss was commander of FOXHOUND until his exploits of running Outer Heaven were found by his son Solid Snake after he went there to rescue Gray Fox, his then only friend.

Snake and his "brothers" were cloned to be the ultimate soldiers. One got the recessive genes (Liquid) while Snake and Solidus had all the strengths and weaknesses of Big Boss.

I could explain the stories of Metal Gear, Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, Metal Gear: Solid, and Metal Gear: Solid Sons of Liberty but that would take awhile. And don't count out Ghost Babel, the Game Boy Color title of 1999 that is an alternate universe to Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake.

Oh, and Snake's Revenge is not part of the series. So don't bitch and complain that it is.
I know all that stuff about them being cloned from Big Boss, although I must say Solidus isn't that close to Solid and Liquid on physical level, as Ocelot said he was the spitting image of Big Boss, the eyepatch just happened to top it off :lol:
In any case "Les Enfant Terrible" were all born in the 70's so MGS3 has to be a prequel, sort of an expansion pack, like Syphon Filter 3 was to it's predecesors (sp)
Still, Its a good idea to give follwers of the series a more in depht look into the game, besides with those graphics, who can complain? :rolleyes: :eek:
i just hope it has a better story than mgs2. it has to be since its big boss. we finally get to see big boss before he created outer heaven. we get to see the original "snake" and i we hopefully get to see grey fox. its gonna be so badass. but what about mgs2? they left the story open. i know it wasnt that great but they still left it open. are they ever gonna finish it?
Originally posted by SS69
i just hope it has a better story than mgs2. it has to be since its big boss. we finally get to see big boss before he created outer heaven. we get to see the original "snake" and i we hopefully get to see grey fox. its gonna be so badass. but what about mgs2? they left the story open. i know it wasnt that great but they still left it open. are they ever gonna finish it?

I thought MGS2 had a good story, it was just waaayy to confusing. They might finish it, but we all must remember that Hideo Kojima wasn't even supposed to be working on this title. He may have wanted to give evryone the prequel "Kojima style" and leave the rest to his team. Although the games will go down the drain without him...
Originally posted by the_cobbinator
I thought MGS2 had a good story, it was just waaayy to confusing.
I agree. MGS2 had a pretty good, but complex, story. Maybe they're doing this prequel thing to make what happened a little less confusing. Also could be an explanation of what may come next, i.e., the Patriots. I'm just guessing as much as the next guy, but it could be true. I guess we still all have to wait and see for now.
man they added too much worthless stupid crap. like the vampire guy. what a rip off. and it seemed cool at first, but after i thought about it, liquid taking over ocelot through his arm was just plain stupid. and who the hell needs raiden, girly ass faggot. but it was funny, when the president hit him in the nutz and he was like "what?...youre a man?"
haha :lol:
Originally posted by SS69
liquid taking over ocelot through his arm was just plain stupid.
Okay, I have to agree with you on that one. That was one of the craziest thing I ever saw on a plot. Everything else, i.e., Dead Cell, was okay enough. I guess they were almost too loosely connected to make enough sense (Fatman hardly being with the rest of the villains). Yes, I also agree that Raiden was darn wack. Snake should have been more in the game, at least more than 50% of the time (especially since the game is named after him, kind of). Rather than Raiden, maybe we could have played using Otacon (it would have been a little better than doing cartwheels on gas piping outside the shells).
I thought the whole story line about the patriots laughable. Really, a new life form that came from the walls of the White House? That is just to stupid to even think about for another second. Every thing else about MGS2 was OK though.

I am betting that MGS3 will have a lot better story line this time around.
Originally posted by Solid Lifters
I thought the whole story line about the patriots laughable. Really, a new life form that came from the walls of the White House? That is just to stupid to even think about for another second. Every thing else about MGS2 was OK though.

I'll have to admit that the whole patriots controlling evrything was laughable. I was hooked at the end when Snake reveals that they are able to find the location of the Patriots headquarters. I think that maybe if the main character is Big Boss, it'd be cool if he was attempting to find the Patriots during the Cold War. I guess that that's my two cents.
ya but back in the day, like before america was america. werent there really people called "the patriots" that called all the shots? im not sure but i think i heard that somewhere. although history isnt my favorite subject. i just didnt like vamp. im only willing to accept the fact that he was a crazy guy with some badass moves. and running aroung with raiden naked, that went too far.
Originally posted by SS69
and running aroung with raiden naked, that went too far.
That was pretty disturbing, especially when having to wait for Snake to show up. The patriots were part of the revolutionary times. Made a movie titled the Patriot starring Mel Gibson. I hardly call it calling the shots, though. They were who fought in the war, against the Loyalists I think. Correct me if I'm wrong because American History isn't really my thing either.
yah i know that much, but im really thinkin there were patriots. not the soldiers. but head guys. haha. i dont know. i guess i can look it up. but you know. im too lazy.
Okay, about the patriots thing again. Supposedly there is a conspiracy out there, especially from Jim Marrs, that says a secret organization is secretly ruling the US to gain a type of "new world order." He refers to a few organizations, one being (Council of Foreign Relations). Maybe this is what you might have been thinking about, SS69. But these supposedly started during the Woodrow Wilson days. I don't know too many details, but I don't really even know if he's right. Oh well.