Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
Can't believe this. I cancelled by online pre-order of the Collector's Edition in favor of ordering it in a physical store from the same company. They guaranteed me it would be here on release and that it was going to be the big Collector's Edition, and yet, here I am. It turns out that they didn't order a single Collector's Edition home for the shop, and now, all the copies in their online department might just be sold out. Words cannot describe how 🤬 furious I am right now... Ameteurs...
I was (honestly, genuinely) sick all through the night and I've only just woken up and started my download, ten hours to go... I actually kind of wish I was at work because at least then I'd have something to do to take my mind off the waiting!
Wish I was at work as well. But nope, took the day off to play a game that I didn't receive... Less money by the end of the month, and no more enjoyment for it. Sorry, I'm whining. I'm really frustrated...
So. Anyone who has played/is playing it.

How is the game?

I forgot that I have about $70+ on Steam, soooooo....

Worth every penny/cent so far.

Even the bits that I thought would feel grindy (the base building/weapons development/Mother Base) are actually quite fun since they tie into your main missions/side missions quite well. You don't really have to go out of your normal playing style to expand it, unless your normal playing style is to kill everything that moves of course.

I found out you can skip the credits at the end of each mission, which is nice, but the opening credits are unskippable. And unfortunately, they've managed to spoil the appearance of a few characters before I actually got to the part of the mission where they appear.
Just watched some of this on @Wardez stream and it was pretty cool seeing all the stuff you could do mobility wise and the utility of the game is quite good as well. The open world seems really good and the game just picks up where some of the best have left off like MGS3, I probably wont get my copy of the game until the end of this year but still it will be fun watching others do a pay through and seeing what way they attack the game since it seems there are a few different ways just like past iterations.

I'm still haven't recieved my key yet. Bought the cheapest one I could find to 🤬 Konami. Wanted to buy the boxed version, but quickly cancelled when the news broke out that it's just a box with a steam installer inside.

Hope the DL servers aren't crumbling when I get to dl it. Hope I can play it a bit tonight :scared: which would probably mean I will forget time while playing and staying up way too late:lol:
Was going to get it at some point anyway, but for 38€, why not now. :)

Servers on steam arent crumbling here atleast, at 11Mb/sec. :cool:
Word of caution: being connected to Konami servers made in game i-Droid menu laggy yesterday. Probably due to high network stress. Solution: Let the game connect to server while loading, download your GZ savefile , start/continue the game, as soon as you take control of Snake send your troops for online combat dispatch (I suggest sending only 1 team there, 1 will help you with offline missions), press left side of touchpad on PS4 and from that menu disconnect from Konami servers. By doing so your soldiers will still complete those online CD missions (they take quite some time anyway and everything will be waiting for you next time you connect), you'll get your GZ savegame rewards and your i-Droid will work without any hiccups.
Anybody else have an issues on the game install post prologue where the timer freezes?
Didn't get mine today, but should be here tomorrow.

Again, anybody using a SplitFish controller with this game for the PS3?
I played a couple of hours last night, long enough to do the prologue and first mission nice and slowly to take everything in and get used to it. After that I played about 40 minutes in free roam, Fultoned some guys, found some wildlife and resources, then made myself an emblem - that took about ten minutes because, on PC at least, the emblem editor drops the frame rate from a steady 60 to about five. I did the data transfer from Ground Zeroes too but my special volunteers haven't shown up yet.

As for the actual gameplay, it's pretty much exactly what I expected, if not more. I didn't expect to care much for the story and, well, I don't because I just want to play, but I'm watching the cutscenes anyway. The horse controls are maybe a little awkward and he played me like a damn fiddle at the end of the first mission, he kept trotting away from me as I was trying to get on... It's only just occurred to me that I could've probably told him to stop so I could climb aboard. Oh well!

Anyway, the free-form infiltration stuff is spectacular, well worth the hype so far. I can't wait to get home tonight and do the next mission or two, and I'm kind of glad I won't be able to binge on the game as much as other people I know - some of them have already put in over 20 hours. It's only been out for 28!
Awesome game.

Yes the horse control are a bit twitchy especially when sprinting. Same goes when Snake is prone, which still feels like MGS1 :lol:

Does anybody know the lenght of the story arc. Is it long enough? I didn't read much about the game but I think a 40 hours popped up in an article?

Yes from the mechanics otherwise it is pretty much GZ, which is good. Only the shown controls annoy me. Is it so hard to put keyboard symbols on screen instead of Xbone controls? It was possible in GZ.

Connection to the servers is random at the moment.

Graphics are amazing. Had a friend over yesterday, he isn't a fan of MGS because supernatural, but he was very impressed by the graphics.
I run everything on max :lol: on a 7 year old i7 920 (yes still rockin that) with a single 970gtx @ 1080p

Ohh and the funniest thing happened, ... was on route to a mission when a wild bear appeared. Thaught I could take him down. Ohh how wrong I was, so wrong. It's a beast. Be careful if you see one, I was fubar in a matter of seconds

Like WT*, OM*G

I didn't understand.

Like Wooot. It was what we saw years ago on a reveal with the moby dick news. But what....

Is Volgin actually alive. Or was it dreamt, haluccinated? Ischmael was a hallucination right? He had the voice of Sutherland, didn't he. Is Skullface actually Volgin (but the voice isn't right?) ? Eager to see the Quiet arc after the prologue

Did anyone see the MGS/Konami flyer on the blackboard. Oh Konami, so meta :lol:

What broke the mood a bit was the whole new face. Why did they include that at that point. Should have put it in the FOB tuto. BigBoss has his old face in the rest of the series, so why this? Makes no sense and completely broke the vibe until all went Quiet :lol:
Think I'm going to wait until the weekend until I really tackle the game. "Awakening" was probably the most unsettling thing that I have ever seen ...
I wonder if Kojima made his name show up in game every five minutes before or after Konami took his name off the box?

So far, it's about what I expected. Spectacular gameplay, storyline is interesting but weird, dialogue written by angsty teenagers. In fact, dialogue is too generous, it's all dudes monologuing. Occasionally, they happen to monologue together. :rolleyes:

I want an option to turn the story off and just play the game. I'm going to do myself an injury from all the facepalming every time someone says something horribly cliche, or there's lens flare on some random object.
Wouldn't be half as bad if Sutherland didn't sound like he's got some sort of speech impairment... Well, it sounds like that to me, at least.
I didn't understand.

Like Wooot. It was what we saw years ago on a reveal with the moby dick news. But what....

Is Volgin actually alive. Or was it dreamt, haluccinated? Ischmael was a hallucination right? He had the voice of Sutherland, didn't he. Is Skullface actually Volgin (but the voice isn't right?) ?
There's clearly a correlation between the supernatural elements and Snake's history. What isn't clear is why they are attacking Snake and the soldiers indiscriminately. The collectible tapes from Ground Zeroes strongly imply that Skullface was an agent of Cipher who wanted to be free of his influence, so I suspect that the Man on Fire is a projection created by Psycho Mantis based on Snake's history to punish the XOF forces. Snake is fuelling it just as much as he is fighting it. If both Cipher and the XOF are trying to kill Snake, it might explain why they suddenly changed tactics halfway through. There was no need to attack the hospital the way they did when a single operative could get within inches of killing Snake unless Cipher wanted to discredit XOF at the same time.
I would have t agree, there were times in Awakening, it did make me take a breath and wince. Some real, controversial scenes in that mission.

Could I have some advice on how to deal with skulls. I really struggled my first encounter with them and just want some advice for further down the line.