Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
Also, can anyone guide me to the location of Huey's AI Pod at the Base Camp? I've looked in all the big buildings and can't find it.
It should be in one of the trapezoidal hangars in the centre of the base camp. It's not the same building that you found Huey in. It's tucked away to one side; if you haven't played Peace Walker and don't know what you're looking for, it's a big metal cylinder with glowing red lights sitting on a low plinth. From memory, it's talking.
Is there anymore tranquilizer rifles (sniper) besides the Renov because its starting to get boring with Renov sniper rifle.
Is there anymore tranquilizer rifles (sniper) besides the Renov because its starting to get boring with Renov sniper rifle.
Yes, there's a tranquiliser variant of the M2000-D and the MRS-73, but they are high-end weapons and will take time to develop. I also have a Bambetov SV customised to fire tranquiliser rounds, but you need to do the Legendary Gunsmith Side Ops to unlock weapon customisation.
Yes, there's a tranquiliser variant of the M2000-D and the MRS-73, but they are high-end weapons and will take time to develop. I also have a Bambetov SV customised to fire tranquiliser rounds, but you need to do the Legendary Gunsmith Side Ops to unlock weapon customisation.
Don't worry I already have a soldier that has a Legendary Gunsmith skill. Also, how can you use the Parasite Suit and how can you power it up?
Quick question, does Quiet's "Sinful Butterfly" kill the armored enemies? Having a real problem with them in pretty much every mission.

Like the one on the left here:
Quick question, does Quiet's "Sinful Butterfly" kill the armored enemies? Having a real problem with them in pretty much every mission.

Like the one on the left here:
Is that the Code Talker mission since that photo mentions the Zero Risk Security which they are just like the CPA. Did not have any problems with ZRS. Just bring D Dog with his Stun uniform. And if anything else fails, use the easy way out.....Stealth Camo then either CQC or Hold up.

Talking about the Parasite Suit, is there any other mission that involves Skulls? Plus once I extract them, will my Parasite Suit power up?
Is that the Code Talker mission since that photo mentions the Zero Risk Security which they are just like the CPA. Did not have any problems with ZRS. Just bring D Dog with his Stun uniform. Also try using the Riot SMG Stun ammo gun.
Not just that mission, but also other missions featuring ZRS & the CPA. Currently stuck on the Total Stealth mission with the 4 Walkers because of them.
Quick question, does Quiet's "Sinful Butterfly" kill the armored enemies? Having a real problem with them in pretty much every mission.

Like the one on the left here:

Heavy Armor Soldiers ? I simply used smoke grenade and my bionic punch or use D-Dog with stun knife or just kill them with silenced sniper rifle or sneak up then knock them out.
How do I unlock Episode 46? I've done every main mission (up to episode 45), all important side ops and listened to all important tapes but still no new mission.
The Hamburgers of Kazuhira Miller cassette tapes gets me :lol:
Looks like the funny side of Miller is still there. I miss the Peace Walker version of Miller where is all like chill and relaxed plus he's a playboy.
While I was free roaming, I found a cassette tape that features "The Final Countdown" song. Is there anymore licensed songs available?
I've found a few, including "Take On Me" at Yakho Oboo Supply Outposts (In the same building you rescue a prisoner there) and I found "Man Who Sold The World" and "Maneater" as well but can't remember where I found them.

Where'd you find "The Final Countdown"?
I've found a few, including "Take On Me" at Yakho Oboo Supply Outposts (In the same building you rescue a prisoner there) and I found "Man Who Sold The World" and "Maneater" as well but can't remember where I found them.

Where'd you find "The Final Countdown"?
At the Sakhra Ee Village in Afghanistan. Its in a house where it has comms equipment in the roof.
What's the best way to upgrade my Security Team? It's still at Level 3 while the rest of my teams are over Level 20. Do I just need to manually reassign staff? Don't really want to start doing any FOB missions until I have a decent Security Team and have researched some defenses.
What's the best way to upgrade my Security Team? It's still at Level 3 while the rest of my teams are over Level 20. Do I just need to manually reassign staff? Don't really want to start doing any FOB missions until I have a decent Security Team and have researched some defenses.

After you establish a security team people are able to pillage your FOB and there's nothing you can do about it, but if you hold off on developing your base they're less likely to attack you because the rewards aren't great. Your security team doesn't really make much difference to FOB missions (if at all, I can't remember if they have relevant functions) and running raids against others will help you amass resources. I've only done maybe four but haven't had any retaliations yet and my security team is pathetic...
I'm don't think you need to extract them. I have it unlocked in the mission prep screen after killing them at the airport but I've never extracted them.

You must extract Skulls to get the parasites. The first time you get a parasite type you need to develop the corresponding cartridge, you can then equip that cartridge with suits. Like other equipable cartridges (stealth camo et al) the Infinity Banadana has no effect. I think stunning the puppet soldiers and extracting them also gives parasites but I'd have to check :)

After you establish a security team people are able to pillage your FOB and there's nothing you can do about it, but if you hold off on developing your base they're less likely to attack you because the rewards aren't great. Your security team doesn't really make much difference to FOB missions (if at all, I can't remember if they have relevant functions) and running raids against others will help you amass resources.

There's a big GMP reward even if you attack single platforms (which I tend to do, takes 5 mins).

Increasing your security team level gives a shorter blockade time and makes them deadlier. Stealing a nuke and leaving it on a 4/4 Command Platform is a nice earner too, you get the defence reward over and over. Sod getting the de-nuked cutscene, I'm really not bothered :D

Moving on... is it just me or is MGO a bit of a turd?

What's the best way to upgrade my Security Team? It's still at Level 3 while the rest of my teams are over Level 20.

I do it this way; assign all staff with Combat Team prioritised. Send staff on Dispatch missions, then resort staff with Security Team prioritised.

If you're not doing dispatch missions then just do the last step every now and then. Your teams should all reach 70 fairly quickly if you keep extracting people (and it's good for the Demon Score too).
Completed the story but I think I'm stuck in Demon mode now as Snake is covered in blood and I can't remove it. What's the fastest way to get snake back to normal?
FOB missions against bases with nukes.

A more practical way is to keep doing Episodes 23 and 25 ("The White Mamba" and "Aim True, Ye Vengeful") over and over, making sure you extract all of the child soldiers.
I'll try mission 23. Will also research the stun ARC and tranq Renov, will probably make the missions easier.
I'll try mission 23. Will also research the stun ARC and tranq Renov, will probably make the missions easier.
Do 25, then 23. 25 has a dozen child soldiers, and you can complete the mission by extracting the militants' second-in-command over land. Then go to the starting point for 23, north of Bwala ya Masa; 23 has just short of two dozen child soldiers.

The reason why I suggest this is because the GMP received for missions becomes less and less the more you play it; it's to stop players from grinding each mission, like Episode 32, which can be completed with an S-rank in under four minutes. The only way to raise it is to do other missions. But if you have high-end gear, like a silenced M2000-D tranquiliser rifle, the cost of deployment from the helicopter gets expensive quickly.
To save GMP, use D-Dog with stun knife for those children, for primary weapon I use ARC NL stun rifle, and basic tranq gun. Usually my GMP cost is about 20k per deployment, and even doing grind mission with low payout, I never got less payout than deployment cost.

My suit is the cheapest I can get or the GZ sneaking suit, rely more on stealthy infiltration.