Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
So apparently people that saw the closed doors demo said that the new Mother Base got attacked, and Kojima added that whoever's Jimmies you rustled will most likely attack you. On the multiplayer side, others can come in and raid your base for the benefit of their's.

If this game is not GOTY 2015, then I have no faith in people.

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June 9th is more likely it would be that Tuesday, unless Kojima is truly planning on a worldwide release. If that is the case then a June 8th, 2015 date would be extremely likely as June 8th would be the book's 66th anniversary in publication.
So apparently MGS V TPP walked away with a few E3 best in show awards from different publications. Hopefully it will walk away with GOTY down the line. :D
So apparently people that saw the closed doors demo said that the new Mother Base got attacked, and Kojima added that whoever's Jimmies you rustled will most likely attack you. On the multiplayer side, others can come in and raid your base for the benefit of their's.

If this game is not GOTY 2015, then I have no faith in people.
I'm sure at least Uncharted 4 will give it a solid fight for GOTY, but MGS: V has more potential to be a blockbuster.
As much as I hated the "30 dollar demo" and the "rape scene" I must say that is looking so fantastic.

I really do hope that this is not an episodic thing and just a part of the full game, all the elements on it showcase the best parts of the MGS games.

I will inevitably buy it, just the concept of mother base back makes me really excited about it.
More videos from Yong's channel:

Part 1 of the E3 2014 trailer analysis. Mainly tackles what he saw during the trailer.

Part 2 of the E3 2014 trailer analysis. Addresses the Metal Gear in the game, diamond knives, and the release date.

Part 1 of the E3 30 minute gameplay analysis. This portion tackles the cut scene introduction dialog between Ocelot and Snake in the Afghanistan Mission.

Part 2 of the E3 30 minute gameplay analysis. This portion tackles the Afghanistan Mission gameplay.

Part 3 of the E3 30 minute gameplay analysis. This portion tackles the Mother Base portion of the presentation.​
Trying to S rank Ground Zeroes missions, and I just can't seem to get higher than A.

I don't kill anyone, and occasionally I manage to do it without ever being spotted. I'm assuming it's the time that kills me :(. I've also yet to try out the "secret" missions, as I haven't found more than 3 of the XOF patches.

I do think this is by far the greatest stealth game ever made. The level of freedom and consequences for mistakes is amazing. Can't wait to play Phantom Pain. I'm so excited about it that I've refused to watch gameplay videos, as I don't want anything spoiled.
I do think that the XOF patches accumulate with each playthrough, so once you find one, you don't need to find it again. That might be a bit of a help in getting the secret missions.

Also, did you play through it with no reflex turned on?
No reflex. Dislike slowmotion.

I hate the AA demolition mission though. It's just horrible, and it's utterly ridicules how much C4 it takes to destroy the IFV. I just lost the mission 'cause I was forced to go into the shed and get more C4 (because tow C4 explosives aparently can't kill a lightly armored IFV...), and then got spotted and killed on the way out.
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No reflex. Dislike slowmotion.

I hate the AA demolition mission though. It's just horrible, and it's utterly ridicules how much C4 it takes to destroy the IFV. I just lost the mission 'cause I was forced to go into the shed and get more C4 (because tow C4 explosives aparently can't kill a lightly armored IFV...), and then got spotted and killed on the way out.

Take some of the C4 and claymores from the armory, plant them on the road where IFV enters and boom.

I use two c4s and 3 claymores.
I don't kill anyone, and occasionally I manage to do it without ever being spotted. I'm assuming it's the time that kills me
Probably. It helps if you mark the guards, or at least know their movements so that you can reasonably predict where they might be. Getting Chico is easy enough, but the trick is Paz. Go into the facility through the door closest to prison. If you're quick enough, you can take one of Paz's guards at the bottom of the stairs, which leaves you free to take the second guard as you please. Make sure you stash the bodies behind the boilers, because there is a shift change once you rescue her, and if you leave the guards out in the open, they will be found, and you will have to deal with three or four at once.

Once you secure Paz, don't go out the way you came in. Instead, turn left, but make sure you scout ahead before you rescue her, to clear out the guards. Take Paz back to the point where you arrived - if you know the placement of the guards, you can pretty much sprint. Call the helicopter well before you arrive, so you can board it immediately.

I've also yet to try out the "secret" missions, as I haven't found more than 3 of the XOF patches.
Some of them are very tricky to find. I won't tell you how to get it, but one is actually already on Snake.

Cheers for the advice. I think the best I've managed on the Ground Zeroes on hard is being spotted twice. As you say, Chico is relatively easy. But getting into the compound where Paz is without being spotted is tough, and it's even tougher to get out. I'll probably have to use a guide for the XOF patches. Sneaky Hideo hiding one where you least expect it :lol:
@Jawehawk I made this video on the PS4 version, but I've used the same route in the PS3 version on hard and it was pretty much the same. It might take a few tries, and this could've been much quicker had I remembered to call the helicopter after I found Paz, but I think this is potentially the quickest route that doesn't rely on tricks, reflex mode or super sharp skills. It would also help if I could hit what I aim at...

Cheers for the advice. I think the best I've managed on the Ground Zeroes on hard is being spotted twice. As you say, Chico is relatively easy. But getting into the compound where Paz is without being spotted is tough, and it's even tougher to get out. I'll probably have to use a guide for the XOF patches. Sneaky Hideo hiding one where you least expect it :lol:
If anything, the audio tapes are even harder to find. The patches can be found through simple exploration, but there are three audio tapes (two in "Ground Zeroes" and one in "Classified Intel") that are devilishly tricky to find - you could literally play the game a thousand times, and never even know they are there.