Midnight Club GTP-Meetup 1&2 - Photos

  • Thread starter Turbo Lag
hey everyone! That was awesome, those 2 hours of cruising and racing with you guys past so fast, that i completely lost track of time :D
Too bad i had to leave now, cause stuff to do, but i'm really looking forward to our 3rd Meeting!!!

@ Turbo, cant wait for the pics :D

See ya'll soon again

Fun cruising with you guys, and yes, I suck at capture the flag games.:ouch::lol: That stockpile one really confused me. We had returned 6 flags on our team, and I think blue team only returned 7 or so, yet our score was 5 and yours was 9?:odd: Anyway, look forward to the pics.:) Did everyone see my Grand Sport Corvette?:drool: I tried showing off the FPV badge on my Cobra but I don't think people looked.:dopey:
Here are all the pics, sorry to some, it was hard to take a photo when you're in the middle.

Also sorry to Jonesy who couldn't make it because of connection problems, and to Paulie (not sure if I should post why?)
That was great! definitely do one again, I just sent everyone friend requests on PSN, the camaro battle was total carnage :D I can't wait for the front page to be update for some piccys!
Dang, some of the vinyls didn't load on my car so I have some vinyls on and some off.
Yep, just as I thought, my cars looks better than all of yours.:P:lol: I look forward to Cruise 3 if I can make it.
The reason Turbo Lag was apologising to me was because my Grandfather (we always called him Pa) passed away during that cruise.:(
Condolences to you Paulie 👍

Was a decient second meet, enjoyed cruising with you guys :) 👍. This time we had a reasonable amount of people but there wasnt nearly as many as we had the first time (where were some of you!?). Definately need more people for a future meet but today was quite hilarious at times :lol:

We should next time also organise some races / activities ahead of time, like an all Camaro race would have been really good. Nice to see everyone got the 'flash lights means go' thing this time! :sly:

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We we meant to go on the first headlight flash or 3rd? Most people went on the first, I went on the 3rd after the first couple of times.
Third ;)

Vinyls depend on connection, depending on how much you have on and ofcourse connection speed. My official car will be changed too btw :lol:

I'll take advice to what we should do next. I'll start taking suggestions soon. Meanwhile, I opened a little forum for us to organise meets and stuff. It's still a WIP, but you can sign up if you want to. It can be used to mess around and w/e, I made it mainly so we can be a little more free in it. Just head over to the MC forum and post whatever you like, I'm going to trust you guys to use GTP rules there. I dont really care about spam either, just no swearing :) http://turbolag.proboards.com/index.cgi

If a mod reckons this is advertising, just remove the link I don't mind.
If a mod reckons this is advertising, just remove the link I don't mind.

We should probably work on getting a Midnight Club (version agnostic) forum set up here. I'll talk to the chaps about it.

Can you create a new thread for meet #3?
great pics, but only in 1 pic my car was in perfect shape, all the others my Merc's bumper was hanging down... grrrr next time guys, watch how you reverse and park :D

great pics, but only in 1 pic my car was in perfect shape, all the others my Merc's bumper was hanging down...


Better than not having your vinyls loading up due to connection.

Paulie, best wishes for your family and I give my respects to your "Pa"

Im in for the next meetup.
We should probably work on getting a Midnight Club (version agnostic) forum set up here. I'll talk to the chaps about it.

Can you create a new thread for meet #3?

I'll make a thread soon. Sounds like a good idea Giles. Like I said before, I'm not asking for anyone to join ;). I've always wanted to start an MC site, and I actually did about 2 years ago.

Hi guys! If I wanna join the 3rd meet up, how should I join?
is it simply adding Turbo Lag's PSN and that's all? :)

Pretty much yes. Just keep checking the threads daily to keep updated. 👍

My game froze three time, so I finally gave up. I was looking forward to this meet.

Sorry you couldn't make it, my game froze a couple of times too actually. It froze for a while then magically unfroze. Don't know how but, meh.
Well I didn't really get any lag, even if my connection was rubbish. I'll later today be opening the next Meetup 3 thread, so keep tuned :)👍
You know what would be really nice? Having all those new muscle cars before the next cruise.:drool: I would love to come in a Chevelle or GTO........

Does anyone know the release date on the DLC?
It was released on Xbox for a few hours so it cant be longer than a month before it comes out can it?
It was released on Xbox for a few hours so it cant be longer than a month before it comes out can it?

Yeah it shouldnt be too long, I just want to know if we are gettin those 8 cars free (the ones under the south central pack).

Turbo Lag
I might give this thread the lock when I open the next one.

Why lock this thread? Whats the point in that!
