Midnight Club GTP-Meetup 3 - Photos

  • Thread starter Turbo Lag
nah thats fine man ill just catch another one, maybe a later time can be sorted soon

im more of an evenin player m8 have fun though
You'll sometimes need to put in a bit of effort to make the time. I'm going out of my way to attend some meetings and organise all this. I'm not asking anyone to go out of the way for this, but since we're organising this quite early I don't want people to tell me at the last moment that they can't show up or something.
8am is not early.:odd: I'm already at work by that time on weekdays, and we're a retail business that's open normal hours. I would not object to an hour later on a weekend night, but the Americans already have it past midnight right?
Well since it's hard to change time zone, what if you guys just join an hour later? Since there's a few of you, some from the first hour might wait too.

The first hour mainly is usually cruising.
Yes. If you don't want to wake up at a normal time in the morning just join an hour later.:rolleyes:
Neither, still hasn't updated. I wish they'd atleast set a known time to update. Eg, every 2 days at a certain time or so.
You can choose between night and day. I usually choose dynamic, so there'll be a bit of both.

Good luck racing, hope to see you in the next meetup. 👍

Oook, I compiled a map of possible meeting points. I'm scrapping the carpark idea, let's see what everyone thinks.

Just post on the thread which colour point you'd like to meet at. Right after though, we'll all be going to the beach.

The blue area on the map is awesome, we should definitely go there.:) Nice wide open car park, easy access to the highway and a nice and decent cruise length to the beach.:)
I'm going to try and get a language going now. I'm going to try and make some signs which mean something (eg, fast light flashes and blaring horn). Give me suggestions everyone.
Yes, because microphones are so clearly audible.:rolleyes: You can make out some words, others are harder.
Microphones are more audible when your using one aswell because you can make it go straight through your ear instead of through the speakers.
List of attendance now on first post. Please tell me if you can show up or not, there's also a few spaces left for more people.
Alrite everyone everything is updated.

I've sent a PM to everyone who has posted in the thread, if you haven't received it post here or PM me and I'll send you a copy of it.
I'm going to try to make it, but I'll be looking after the children, so don't worry if I stop for a while or am not there.
List of attendance now on first post. Please tell me if you can show up or not, there's also a few spaces left for more people.

Why dont you also send PM's to people who were in the first meet that arnt confirmed, you know, just to let them know its on...

Oh, and if you can at some point try to get a mic, would makes things so much easier!

Sorry Leon, I'm afraid I can't join you all for this meet as I got work to do tomorrow. :(
I'd definitely join again for the next meetup! Hope you all having fun! ;)