Mission 26 - Suzuka Honda JGTC NSX

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Sorry to give such lame advice, but for me to be more specific, i'd have to write an entire walkthrough. And i got too many other things to write at the moment.

Well that really is the biggest thing about the driving missions. Becoming familiar with the track and the car that they give you.

Sure some of the early ones you can jump right in and beat, but others there is a learning curve.
Well if you're beaten by just .002, you're almost there. This mission is really hard, most people don't win it by very much. It's as hard as Mission 34, in my opinion....only difference is Suzuka is a smaller track so you don't have quite as many places to err up.
No way. This is much easier than M34, for NTSC users. I can win it first or second try if I don't fall off. Mostly I think it's a question of car and track knowledge, as usual. However, some PAL-ites have indeed claimed this is the hardest one, and I understand that - either the S500 is faster in PAL, or the car handles worse, or something. Or maybe M34 is just so easy for them this seems hard in comparison. :sly:
Dammit, 3 hours trying to be beaten by 0.002. I'll get there, think my problem is spoon. Any tips?

The big gain is after the first right handers going in-to the esses, you can save some time here by getting the line right. Also Become one with the car and track.
Do NOT try to carry too much speed through the turns. Any of them. You'll have to scrub it off late in the turn to make the turn, and then you've lost that momentum all the way to the next brake point. Which is usually quite a ways down the track.
Slow in fast out. This track and Laguna Seca emphasize that more than most.
Finally got that done. By .834. Have no idea what I did different. Oh well, off to pug around paris.

Sorry for the double post. Have been away for a month and forgot the rules. My apologies.
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Finally got that done. By .834. Have no idea what I did different. Oh well, off to pug around paris.

Sorry for the double post. Have been away for a month and forgot the rules. My apologies.

Well good to see you back. 👍
this one was easy too,i think the practice in GT5P @Suzuka has helped alot... only 3 or 4 trys and i did this one... But the physics in GT4 on this event are very arcade i think!? i don´t think that this car is so easy to drive in real life... no understeer no oversteer no spinns it drives like on trainrails (is that right? trainrail?)...
I have an explanation for why PAL drivers think this mission is so hard. It isn't because the AI cars are placed inconveniently, but rather because the car is much twitchier in the PAL version.

In NTSC (My own run, which would rank first on GTRP despite being far from perfect):

In PAL (alhajoth's run; he's a skilled driver and uses a wheel, and yet the car almost spins out a couple of times):

The disparity in the car's handling affects license test S-8, as well: the full-lap test at Tokyo. There as well, PAL drivers complain of the car very easily spinning out.
This particular NSX (the one with the air intake on the roof) Can oversteer very easily if your not careful.

Playing GT4 again for the first time in 2 years, i just failed this because i lifted off the throttle on the fast turn on the big straight. I would have went flat out, but there was a civic infront blocking my line... :scared:

EDIT: Bah just lost again. I got a 5 second penalty for ramming that stupid civic and i lost by .142 :grumpy:

I managed to do it on my 3rd try though :)

Also, i am using PAL, and what Austin said about the PAL version of this test is true, its hard to control compared with the Mobil1 version (which you use on the earlier Motegi overtake mission)
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Oh that was a pain in the 🤬... On the last try I hit the S500 right before the line... luckily it flew off into the wall... I won by only .090 :scared:
Now only 1 more mission to go... 1 more long, time-wasting, practically impossible mission...
Oh that was a pain in the 🤬... On the last try I hit the S500 right before the line... luckily it flew off into the wall... I won by only .090 :scared:
Now only 1 more mission to go... 1 more long, time-wasting, practically impossible mission...

"Impossible. Nothing is impossible." oldmodelt whispers to himself while puffing out his chest as his face beams with pride when he remembers his finest GT4 moment ever. A club he can never get kicked out of.

It may have taken many, many hours and countless imaginative expletives. But it was worth every minute.
I'll join you in that club as well one day. Gotta move house first, then I'll have some time to practice.
After a few tries, the Suzuka 1 Lap Magic test wasn't that hard. When I won it, I remember passing the S500 on th straight to victory. It was fun. Passing the S2000 coming out of the Spoon, grabbing 4th coming into the 130R (at high speed), coming out of the west straight with my newly grabbed third, getting the last two places coming onto the east straight. Who new a license test (at least a pseudo-license test) could be so fun (Don't forget satisfying)?
I can't believe it. This one used to cause me so many problems and I finally beat it on the first try today. I was in 5th gear into the first corner although decided to go coasting into the 2nd section when I braked to 3rd gear. I thought I ran the esses horribly because I did go off at the last one slightly and I hit the first split at -54s to the leader. I must have ran a great 2nd split because I was only 18 seconds back and then at 130R (or right after it) I got by the Civic. I cut the chicane on a straight line and easily sped past 2nd and 1st just feet before the finish line.
Hmmm. I'm re-doing GT4's licenses and missions leading up to 5's release. Wrapped up my S license golds yesterday, and just finished this test. I have an NTSC copy and the NSX definitely has those squirrely handling habits in the S-8 test, but here it's fine. Grippier tires? Comparing corner speeds in this test to the S license test at the same course (in the Motul Z), it's definitely hitting far higher speeds in every turn.

Won by over 3 seconds on my first clean run, a 3:26.9xx. Passed the S2000 on 200R, mid-way through, the ITR just exiting Spoon (on my line so I had to slow down a bit), Civic about a second before 130R, Beat on the second half of Casio, and S500 well before the line.
I barely won this. I finished in 3'30.046.

According to GameFAQs, the AI cars finish in 3'30.100!
Ah, this one...

I have an epic story to tell about it, because in the 130R, I actually went off the track and slammed into the wall, but by complete miracle, I got no penalty because the car's front end didn't take the hit, and the wall bounced my car directly back on the track!

Then I won. :D
I found that if u steer for too long it spins out. The revs aren't so good on this car. I just cut through the first s bend and the chicane and won by 1.5 secs
I hope you have managed to beat it. It took me sometime, and I am now going through this again, as I hate GT5 and 6.
This car is honestly stupid, coming out of 130R drifting finally got straightened up and turned slightly not sharply and spun out. Any tips? Due to the handling mission 34 seems to be a million times easier
This car is honestly stupid, coming out of 130R drifting finally got straightened up and turned slightly not sharply and spun out. Any tips? Due to the handling mission 34 seems to be a million times easier
Try not to be so heavy-handed (okay, heavy-footed) on the throttle. As pointed out earlier, this car is prone to oversteer.