Monsters INC.

  • Thread starter Magic069
One of the best movies this year!!! I love Pixar Animation Movies!!! I have to admit, I was probably more excited then any other kid in that movie!!!

Have to see it!!! :D

SHHHHHH, if you have seen it, don't ruin it for everyone!!! ;)
Okay, I bet you liked Shrek as well. Am I the only person who does not like those anitmated movies like Shrek and Monsters INC?
Originally posted by ViperConcept
Okay, I bet you liked Shrek as well. Am I the only person who does not like those anitmated movies like Shrek and Monsters INC?

YES!!!! Live a little man... enjoy a not so serious movie... geeez!!!
Viper, I'm going to make a bold statement here and say that you are in your mid-to-late teens, and have not yet learned to not take yourself so seriously. Loosen the sphincter a bit and enjoy life, man! :D
Originally posted by risingson77
Viper, I'm going to make a bold statement here and say that you are in your mid-to-late teens, and have not yet learned to not take yourself so seriously. Loosen the sphincter a bit and enjoy life, man! :D

Well, I do enjoy life and all I just don't like that kinda stuff. If it makes any of you feel better, I totally loved Toy Story 2! :blush:

Sure I'll come with ya man, why not live a little huh? :D
Originally posted by ViperConcept

Well, I do enjoy life and all I just don't like that kinda stuff. If it makes any of you feel better, I totally loved Toy Story 2! :blush:

Sure I'll come with ya man, why not live a little huh? :D loved TS2 but have this weird aversion to Monsters, Inc.... :confused:

Hey, when was the :blush: smiley added?
Originally posted by risingson77 loved TS2 but have this weird aversion to Monsters, Inc.... :confused:

Hey, when was the :blush: smiley added?

I think it was added yesterday or the day before. It is one of the two. ;)
TS2 was a great movie I think. Monsters INC I would choose to see over Shrek any day though. That big green guy is scary. :nervous:
Originally posted by ViperConcept

I think it was added yesterday or the day before. It is one of the two. ;)
TS2 was a great movie I think. Monsters INC I would choose to see over Shrek any day though. That big green guy is scary. :nervous:

Shrek 0wns....there is so much "adult" humor in it, I can only imagine all the explaining the parents have to do afterwards. :lol:
Originally posted by risingson77

Shrek 0wns....there is so much "adult" humor in it, I can only imagine all the explaining the parents have to do afterwards. :lol:

Yeah but the big green guy seems like a petifile or a child malestor. :nervous: He looks so scary. :nervous:
He looks like he wants to eat you though, I still dont wanna see such a movie. :nervous:
Originally posted by ViperConcept

Yeah but the big green guy seems like a petifile or a child malestor. :nervous: He looks so scary. :nervous:
He looks like he wants to eat you though, I still dont wanna see such a movie. :nervous:

i am glad you two are gonna see it... you both should love it...

If you loved TS2, you should love all there movies!!
I liked Monsters Inc. but I din't think it was as good, or as funny as Shrek. It all depends on your tastes though. I thought Monsters Inc had too much slapstick oriented comedy. That generally doesn't grab me. I did think it was a good movie though. And the ending was perfect. Can't have made that part any better. (last 10 seconds):)
Originally posted by Tom McDonnell
I liked Monsters Inc. but I din't think it was as good, or as funny as Shrek. It all depends on your tastes though. I thought Monsters Inc had too much slapstick oriented comedy. That generally doesn't grab me. I did think it was a good movie though. And the ending was perfect. Can't have made that part any better. (last 10 seconds):)

Ok! Every freaking body is talking about how good Shrek is! I just might go out and rent this dang movie. I thought it looked pretty doepy but Ill give it a rent since verybody seems to say it was good. :rolleyes: :cool: :D
My girlfriend and I just came back from Watching Monsters INC. and we both loved it:D . Very good movie, Ill have to get this one when it comes to DVD. :D :D