My custom G27 Project UPDATE #4 Sequential Shifter. Need your help

  • Thread starter iNs3CuRe
Yes thats the way to do it, you need to run 3 wires through the steering column, shift up, shift down and a common ground, which then splits and goes to each paddle shift connection point... Use as thin a wire as you can and allow plenty of slack in the wheel and in the base to allow for rotation

Rather than making a shifter you may want to go down the bmw steptronic shifter route, I did for my dfgt and it will soon be connected to my g27

Feels great and gives a really solid shift

Edit: I dont know how to get a video to display on here....
Yes thats the way to do it, you need to run 3 wires through the steering column, shift up, shift down and a common ground, which then splits and goes to each paddle shift connection point... Use as thin a wire as you can and allow plenty of slack in the wheel and in the base to allow for rotation

Rather than making a shifter you may want to go down the bmw steptronic shifter route, I did for my dfgt and it will soon be connected to my g27

Feels great and gives a really solid shift

Edit: I dont know how to get a video to display on here....
That's exactly how I did it, and your shifter looks very solid and responsive. Did you get the steptronic shifter from a local scrapyard ? And how much did it cost you, if you don't mind me asking :D

EDIT: You use the youtube feature here, when you click you paste in a part of the video link. The part that you paste in is the code after watch?v= For example on your video, that would be the -BiczYE88TQ

That's how it would look, but without the spaces in between the letters..

Without the spaces, tadaaaa here's the video :D
its a bmw e39 steptronic shifter, I got it from ebay, they go for between £30 and £50, then I threaded the inside of the lever, screwed in a short length of m10 threaded bar and screwed on a race gearknob. I got rid of all the crap that comes with the shifter thats not needed (basically there is a unit containing two microswitches that are activated by the lever)

one like this:
That's a great idea with gear selector. Gotto check tomorrow at work if we have two laying around, one for the shifter and one as handbrake.
I opened one of the new shifter that are complete electric, but there the steptronic gate works with a hall sensor.
Thanks for all the info Ravey, that Bmw steptronic ****er is tempting. My dad had a few e39's and I know how it feels. Very solid and responsive. My shifter is 90% done though so I'l finish it off and see how it holds on. If that fails, I'l consider your method 👍 ;)
I cant take credit for the invention of this method, I came across it somewhere and decided to do one myself. I think there are one or two people on here have done one too...
I finished the seq shifter to where its fully functioning. Everything working fine, I'l get some pictures/movies later. 👍
So now you got a full on racing/chill rig.
Congrats bro.👍
I still need to finish the button panel, the hard part... electronics :lol: Wiring and stuff. And tbh my cockpit could do with a lick of paint and some tiding up. It looks poor because most of the time when I make something, I think. How can I make it work, but then I forgot the "looks" part :lol:

Btw, here are some pictures 👍 I also mounted some speakers some time ago, preparing for the button panel when it's finished.










Everything looks very sloppy, but trust me, it works! :lol:

I see everything is coming together ;)
Don't worry about looks, function is priority.
The shifter looks really industrial, but I bet it feels great.
Finsihed part of my mod on the weekend.
Nice job ono, also how do you take out the grill for the g27?
Yo zed, thanks. The grill is cut out using a small dremel. And I installed a little mesh, and secured it with hot glue for looks 👍
I see everything is coming together ;)
Don't worry about looks, function is priority.
The shifter looks really industrial, but I bet it feels great.
Finsihed part of my mod on the weekend.
Thanks Spike, Il try and get a video of all the stuff up to now 👍
Yeah get it working first then tidy it up is the way to go.... As an idea for you, i connected my shifter using a 6.4mm 3pole jack, I bought an extension lead cut it in half, thus getting a male and female part, i then wired the female half to the wheel, and the male half to the shifter, enabling it to be unplugged if needed. Same with the handbrake but use just two of the poles

like this:
Thanks for the help mate^ I think I'l get another DS3 and I will just wire all my buttons there because i want the compatibility for both PC and PS3. 👍

Guys I need your help, I want to wire up my sequential shifter because i got the buttons and Im thinking of a good way to do it. And this is what popped up in my mind. And I wanted to ask if that would work if I would just pull the wire through the wheel and solder it to the existing downshift/upshift buttons, and then solder then other end of the cable to the new buttons. Would that work? I know very little about electronics, and this seems like the easiest way.
And also, if I would go this route, would the cable get pulled while I turn the wheel?

(ignore the red arrows)
Hello iNs3CuRe, I am doing a very similar implementation with a second set of buttons which are mounted on a different wheel. Although I am using push buttons which only have two cables coming from them instead of the three pins both the pre-existing logitech buttons and your replacements have. Do you know what the third pin is? From my understanding on my buttons one is a ground wire and the second is the wire to shift up/down. I have already checked and my buttons are NO and momentary. I am unsure which of the three points on the pcb I should solder to?

Any help from yourself or anyone who knows what I should be soldering would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.