My UCD is not updating itself anymore.

  • Thread starter GT-Davey
I was doing a few races last night and I've been regulary going through the UCD(not the online one) to find the MG T160 but I noticed it has stopped refreshing itself. It's been stuck with the same used cars after about 10 races. I don't have a saved back up file either. Is there anything that can be done?
I'm sure it'll refresh, but I'm not sure how to force it, to do so.

You can try a different race or maybe an online - or seasonal - race. It's worth the try 👍.
Unfortunately I've done this to myself after modding.. The only thing I could do to fix it was to change the game day with garage editor.. I know my option may be held off until its a last resort.. I would wait for other suggestions first!
Did you reach the max. Ingame day? (if there is a max) or maybe try to do a practice run on Tsukuba and then on cape ring and see if that works (or any other random circuits)
I had asked what day the save game was on, but my post had "your" written as "ur" so my post was deleted and I got a 5point infraction.....

So I will re-write my post and spell "your" without txt talk.

What day is your Save Game on?
Did you reach the max. Ingame day? (if there is a max) or maybe try to do a practice run on Tsukuba and then on cape ring and see if that works (or any other random circuits)

Does anyone know? Is there a maximum of game days you can have? For the UCD or anything else?

There is no maximum in-game day I'm aware of. If there is one, the very lowest it's likely to be is 65,535. And the very highest it will be is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

Long wait.
Does anyone know? Is there a maximum of game days you can have? For the UCD or anything else?


There is no maximum in-game day I'm aware of. If there is one, the very lowest it's likely to be is 65,535. And the very highest it will be is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

Long wait.


EDIT: Calculated it: Why 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF?

I get 1.84467440737E+19 as maximum for a 64bit number.
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(2 to the power n-1)-1 is the highest value for a signed n-bit integer (the sign itself taking the last bit).

So for a 64-bit system like the PS3, the highest value is (2^63)-1, or 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

Not that it'd functionally matter whether it was 9.2 hextillion or 18.4 hextillion since it's practically impossible to reach it without hacking.
(2 to the power n-1)-1 is the highest value for a signed n-bit integer (the sign itself taking the last bit).

So for a 64-bit system like the PS3, the highest value is (2^63)-1, or 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

Not that it'd functionally matter whether it was 9.2 hextillion or 18.4 hextillion since it's practically impossible to reach it without hacking.

Lost you there.
The highest number a binary system can display is one less than 2 to the power the number of bits available to it.

So a 4 bit system can display a highest number of 15. This is 2 to the power of 4 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16; less one is 15.

In binary terms this is easy to understand. You have four bits, each of which can display 1 or 0:
0000 = 0
0001 = 1
0010 = 2
0011 = 3
0100 = 4
0101 = 5
0110 = 6
0111 = 7
1000 = 8
1001 = 9
1010 = 10
1011 = 11
1100 = 12
1101 = 13
1110 = 14
1111 = 15

And now you've run out of bits to display numbers

However, these numbers are not signed - signing meaning positive or negative. Since one of the bits becomes the sign, the maximum signed number a binary system can display is one less than 2 to the power of one less than the number of bits available to it.

So a 4 bit system can display a highest signed number of +7. This is 2 to the power of (4-1) = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8; less one is 7. Again, let's speak to the binary:

+000 = 0
+001 = +1
+010 = +2
+011 = +3
+100 = +4
+101 = +5
+110 = +6
+111 = +7

And we've run out again. +8 as a signed integer makes no sense to a 4 bit system and it'll die as a result.

An 8 bit system can thus display up to ((2^8)-1) - 255 - as a valid number and up to ((2^(8-1)-1) - +127 - as a valid signed number. You'll notice we've only doubled the bits available but the integers have increased by a multiple of 16.

Double it again to 16 bits and now it can display ((2^16)-1) - 65,535 - as a valid number and up to ((2^(16-1)-1) - +32,767 - as a valid signed number. Again, all we've done is double the number of bits available, but the integers available have increase by a multiple of 256.

A 32 bit system like PS2 can display up to ((2^32)-1) - 4,294,967,295 - as a valid number and up to ((2^(32-1)-1) - +2,147,483,647 - as a valid signed number. This latter one should be very familiar to Gran Turismo fans as the maximum speed of a wheelie in a Suzuki Escudo in GT3 before the game locked up. And it locked up for precisely this reason - trying to display a number bigger than what it had bits available to make sense to it.

The PS3 is a 64 bit system, so its unsigned and unsigned limits are ((2^64)-1) - 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 - and ((2^(64-1)-1) - +9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

So, assuming the day count in GT5 is a signed integer (if it wasn't it ought to behave quite oddly, progressing from a positive day to a negative day because it didn't know the difference), you'll never be able to reach day 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 because the console would lock up. And it's academic, because even if you could skip a day per second it'd take you 300 BILLION years to get there.

This is at:9,223,372,036,854,775,807


And this one is at: 9,223,372,036,854,775,808

? It appears it just made the whole number negative, maybe it will start counting back up to zero? I'll do one more with a starting integer of 10 to see if it makes it -8,233..etc.

Update: this is at: 10,223,372,036,854,775,808

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Oh, sweet. I love being right :D

That's exactly what it did for GT3 car .ini files - the maximum value was 65,535 ((2^16)-1) and setting it any higher resulted in a negative value of the appropriate magnitude (65,536 = -65,535).

While you're there, do you fancy checking the UCD? :D
Is that for day -8,223,372,036,854,775,809?

It could be an interesting insight for the UCD list creators - with something SO far out of the covered range, it might be possible to determine if there's a loop (and how big it is if there is).
(2 to the power n-1)-1 is the highest value for a signed n-bit integer (the sign itself taking the last bit).

So for a 64-bit system like the PS3, the highest value is (2^63)-1, or 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

Not that it'd functionally matter whether it was 9.2 hextillion or 18.4 hextillion since it's practically impossible to reach it without hacking.
:banghead: Something that every douche learns at school. Damn, I feel how I'm getting old.
Is that for day -8,223,372,036,854,775,809?

It could be an interesting insight for the UCD list creators - with something SO far out of the covered range, it might be possible to determine if there's a loop (and how big it is if there is).

Yes that is correct
the highest number a binary system can display is one less than 2 to the power the number of bits available to it.

So a 4 bit system can display a highest number of 15. This is 2 to the power of 4 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16; less one is 15.

In binary terms this is easy to understand. You have four bits, each of which can display 1 or 0:
0000 = 0
0001 = 1
0010 = 2
0011 = 3
0100 = 4
0101 = 5
0110 = 6
0111 = 7
1000 = 8
1001 = 9
1010 = 10
1011 = 11
1100 = 12
1101 = 13
1110 = 14
1111 = 15

and now you've run out of bits to display numbers

however, these numbers are not signed - signing meaning positive or negative. Since one of the bits becomes the sign, the maximum signed number a binary system can display is one less than 2 to the power of one less than the number of bits available to it.

So a 4 bit system can display a highest signed number of +7. This is 2 to the power of (4-1) = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8; less one is 7. Again, let's speak to the binary:

+000 = 0
+001 = +1
+010 = +2
+011 = +3
+100 = +4
+101 = +5
+110 = +6
+111 = +7

and we've run out again. +8 as a signed integer makes no sense to a 4 bit system and it'll die as a result.

An 8 bit system can thus display up to ((2^8)-1) - 255 - as a valid number and up to ((2^(8-1)-1) - +127 - as a valid signed number. You'll notice we've only doubled the bits available but the integers have increased by a multiple of 16.

Double it again to 16 bits and now it can display ((2^16)-1) - 65,535 - as a valid number and up to ((2^(16-1)-1) - +32,767 - as a valid signed number. Again, all we've done is double the number of bits available, but the integers available have increase by a multiple of 256.

A 32 bit system like ps2 can display up to ((2^32)-1) - 4,294,967,295 - as a valid number and up to ((2^(32-1)-1) - +2,147,483,647 - as a valid signed number. This latter one should be very familiar to gran turismo fans as the maximum speed of a wheelie in a suzuki escudo in gt3 before the game locked up. And it locked up for precisely this reason - trying to display a number bigger than what it had bits available to make sense to it.

The ps3 is a 64 bit system, so its unsigned and unsigned limits are ((2^64)-1) - 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 - and ((2^(64-1)-1) - +9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

So, assuming the day count in gt5 is a signed integer (if it wasn't it ought to behave quite oddly, progressing from a positive day to a negative day because it didn't know the difference), you'll never be able to reach day 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 because the console would lock up. And it's academic, because even if you could skip a day per second it'd take you 300 billion years to get there.

Aaaaah not math!!!!! :)