NASCAR Japan SeriesFinished 

  • Thread starter Peelster1

Motegi Speedway: To tune or not to tune? That is the question. See page 4, post 117.

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Eastern USA
Did you know that NASCAR had exhibition races at Suzuka East in 1996 & 1997, that they also had one at Motegi Speedway in 1998 and the West series had a points race in 1999? This series is what it might be like if the NASCAR program succeeded in Japan and there was a series there. For the most part we will be following the NASCAR rulebook from the year 2000.

The GTP Online Racing Rules & Guidelines and The Good Racecraft Guide are expected to be followed. It is expected that you have read the entirety of those and all of these rules before signing up for this series.

NAT Type 1 or 2 are required to race, NAT Type 3 is prohibited. When signing up please include the number of the NASCAR car you will be using, both 2010 and 2011 cars will be allowed, however there may only be one of each number. Drivers will be allowed to switch between their 2010 and 2011 car mid-season. Drivers must keep the same number all season. Also, when signing up, send me a friend request over PSN with the message "GTP NASCAR Japan." If you are already on my friend's list on PSN then you only need to make a post here listing which car you would like to reserve and if you're running the Full Season, Half Season A or Half Season B.

Car Restrictions: 2010 or 2011 NASCAR
HP Restriction: 750 HP at all tracks except Restrictor Plate tracks (for more details see Car Restrictions)
Tire Restrictions: Racing: Hard
Vehicle Tuning: Unrestricted, although a mandatory transmission will be given each week. Downforce must be default for every race.
No Skid Recovery Force
No Active Steering
Driving Line Off

Car Restrictions
Suzuka East: Reset Transmission to Default, set Top Speed to 186 mph.
High Speed Ring: Reset Transmission to Default.
Motegi Speedway: Reset Transmission to Default, set Top Speed to 199 mph.
Clubman Stage Route 5: Reset Transmission to Default, set Top Speed to 180 mph.
Fuji Speedway: Reset Transmission to Default.
Special Stage Route X: 600 HP (Restrictor Plate) Reset Transmission to Default, set Top Speed to 211 mph.
Motegi West: Reset Transmission to Default, set Top Speed to 155 mph.
Motegi East: TBD

Race Settings
Day: Sunday's, beginning November 30th.
Room Open: 5:00pm EST. [Convert to your time.]
Qualifying Start Time: 6:00pm EST. [Convert to your time.]
Race Start Time: Right after qualifying. I expect qualifying to take about half an hour. Plus some time for a drivers meeting 7:00pm EST (estimated)
Boost: Off
Penalties: Set to Off but will be determined by Race Directors
Visible Damage: On
Mechanical Damage: Heavy
Slipstream Strength: Weak
Tire Wear/Fuel Consumption: Normal
Grip Reduction on Wet Track/Track Edge: Real

Points System
1st: 175
2nd: 170
3rd: 165
4th: 160
5th: 155
6th: 150
7th: 146
8th: 142
9th: 138
10th: 134
11th: 130
Lap Led: +5
Most Laps Led: +5

Missing a race, but notifying me ahead of time will result in points equal to one place less then the total number of driver in the race. (Maximum of 11.) If there are 9 drivers in the race, it will result in 10th place points, (10 drivers, 11th place etc.) provided that nobody is using your number. If your car is driven in the race it will get points for wherever it finishes.

Points are assigned to the car, not the driver. The driver that is given credit for all of the points at the end of the Season (and each Half Season) will be the driver that has driven the car the most. The driver that originally reserved the car is the Primary Driver and has the right to be the driver of that car over any other driver unless the other driver has driven the car for 2 more races then the driver who initially reserved the car. In which case, the driver that has been substituting becomes the new Primary Driver. In the event that multiple drivers that have been driving the same car, show up to the same race, the Primary Driver will have the right to drive that car; if the Primary Driver wishes, they may give up that right for that race. If a driver besides the the Primary Driver qualifys the car, and the Primary Driver arrives before qualifying has ended, the Primary Driver will be allowed to requalify the car and the driver who originally qualified the car will need to requalify tin another car toin order to start the race. If the Primary Driver is late, the original driver who qualified the car will start in the car they qualified in.

There will be 2 half season championships (indicated by Half Season A and Half Season B in the schedule) They will have their own separate points standings from the Full Season standings. Fuji Speedway and Special Stage Route X are included in both Half Seasons. This way, if you end up being late to the start of the beginning of the Full Season or don't want to do all 10 weeks, you can still be competitive in one of the Half Seasons.

Qualifying Rules
There will be only 1 car allowed on the track at a time. Drivers will have 1 warm-up lap leaving Pit Road followed by 1 timed lap. The starting order will be determined by fastest lap time. Drivers will be allowed 1 attempt total. A qualifications attempt will not be counted if the driver enters Pit Road before finishing their outbound untimed lap. Once qualifying starts, we will go down the list in lobby order with the person listing the times qualifying last. When it is a driver's turn to qualify that driver should get on track and run their opening lap followed by their timed lap. When it is a driver's turn that driver will have 5 minutes to begin their qualifying run. If a driver does not qualify within that 5 minutes, they will start in the back. If a driver knows ahead of time that they will be unable to qualify when it is their turn they can request to be moved to the end of the qualifying queue. That driver will be skipped and after all drivers have finished their qualifying run, the driver that was skipped will have their turn to qualify. If a driver is not in the lobby before the drivers meeting starts, they will not be allowed to race. Once a driver has finished their qualifying run, they must go to Pit Road and remain there until the end of qualifying.

Special Stage Route X Qualifying Rules
At Special Stage Route X, cars will be released from Pit Road one at a time spread out every 2000m. All drivers will be on the the track at the same time. If a driver exits the track before the end of the qualifying session, they will not be allowed to re-enter the track, and they will start at the rear of the field. Once a driver has finished their qualifying run, which will consist of 1 outbound lap and 1 timed lap, they are to pull over to the right side of the track and remain their until the qualifying session has ended. (Will be declared ended by the Race Director.)

Caution Procedure
A Caution will be called if there is a wreck or 2 or more cars colliding with each other, a high number of cars spinning out at once, (race director discretion), a damaged car causing a hazard, or if there is debris knocked onto the track. From the moment that the Caution is called drivers will race back to the Start/Finish Line. Drivers will hold their position once they cross the Start/Finish Line on the lap after the Leader crosses the Start/Finish Line. After drivers are done racing back to the line, they will coast down to the pace speed of the track, braking normally in any turns that require braking. After crossing the line, do not slam on your brakes to slow down. If you slam on your brakes, and it causes an accident, you will be penalized.

A Caution is called by saying the word "Caution" or by typing "c" into the chat. To make the Caution official, the race director must acknowledge the Caution. When a Caution is called, drivers must acknowledge the Caution by repeating "Caution" and "racing back" over their microphones if able. Drivers without microphones do not need to do anything. When the leader makes it back to the line that must announce "leaders are done" over the microphone if able. Leaders without a microphone may type "LD" or the fact that the leaders are done racing back to the line may be announced by the Safety Car driver or any other officials.

When a Caution is called, the Pit Lane will be immediately closed. Pit Road will be closed until a Race Director announces that it is open.

The Safety Car will come out the lap after the drivers have finished racing back to the Start/Finish Line. On the lap before the Safety Car comes out, the leader will be responsible for maintaining Pace Speed. Once the Safety Car comes out, Pit Road will be opened allowing driver to pit.

During a "Quickie Yellow" all cars may enter Pit Road the first time by when it is opened. During a full Yellow, only Lead Lap cars may pit the first time by Pit Road. The next time by, all cars may pit. Cars may pit as often as they wish at the expense of track position.

Aggressive driving and retaliations will NOT be permitted and drivers will be penalized accordingly. Drivers who hit other cars and cause damage during a Caution will be penalized. The Caution will be extended to allow the driver that was hit to pit again if pit stops have already occurred. That driver will be allowed to regain their position.

If a driver spins out during a Caution, racers will be allowed to pass that driver. (If drivers are already formed up behind the Pace Car, then racers will only be allowed to pass the driver that spun out as long as they do not exceed the pace speed.) Racers will not be allowed to pass the driver that spun out once that driver is back up to pace speed. If the driver that spun out is damaged as a result of their spin out, the Caution WILL NOT be extended. The driver that spun out WILL NOT get their position back.

During a Caution you may signal other drivers to pass you by ghosting your car while going below the pace speed. If you do this, you will only be allowed to take your position back at the call of the Race Director if you were typing something important in the in-game chat.

The field will remain under Caution until everything is set to resume racing under safe and fair conditions.

At the one to go signal, any car that is 1 or more laps down will be moved to the inside lane for the Restart.

Red Flags

In the event of a Red Flag, all cars will come to a stop on track in an area designated by the Race Director. Drivers will give plenty of room to each other and slowly apply the brakes. It is recommended that the lead car count down their speed. All drivers will then hold the brakes and press Start to "ghost" their cars. Cars will remained stopped and ghosted until the Red Flag has been lifted.

Starts will be Double File. The car on the outside of the leader is not allowed to be ahead of the leader until after they have passed the Start/Finish line. If the car outside of the leader is ahead of the leader at the Start/Finish line they will be accused of jumping the start and will have to give the position back immediately or if they do not, go in for a drive-thru penalty. There is to be no changing lanes until after your car has passed the Start/Finish Line. If you're on the inside row and the outside row gets a better jump, you're stuck on the inside row until your car passes the Start/Finish Line and vice-versa. In the event that a driver who qualified is sent to the rear of the field or doesn't start the race. All drivers in the row of that driver, that were qualified behind that driver will move up a row. (For example: 7th qualified, is sent to the rear of the field before the start. 9th and 11th are the only drivers who move up one row.) If a race ever takes the Green Flag, but a Red Flag is called before the completion of the first lap, all cars will return to their original starting positions when it resumed and there will be a Double File Restart like the race had never started.

Restarts will be Single File. Any cars 1 or more laps down will be moved to the inside row in the order of their position on track (not running position). Any lapped down cars which stay ahead of the lead lap cars will start in front of the lead lap cars on the outside lane. Once the Pace Car has pulled onto Pit Road, the leader will have control of the field at Pace Speed. There will be a restart "box" or "line" at a point on the track that will be marked by the Race Director. If it is a "box" of two lines, the leader may accelerate at any time after the first line but before the second line. If it is a "line" the leader must accelerate when the nose of their car touches that line. The leader must be the first car to the start-finish line. Passing is not permitted until the leader of the race crosses the Start/Finish Line. If a Restart is waved off, drivers will revert to the positions they were running in before the Green Flag was called.

Approaching Pit Road there will be a turn off point to enter Pit Road. After a certain point there will be a Commitment Line where drivers will not be able to change their mind and they must enter Pit Road, which will be announced by the Race Director.

Under Caution drivers may pit as many times as they would like. However, the first time by Pit Road will only be open to the lead lap cars. The second time by, everyone may pit.

Network Disconnect Cautions
When a driver has a network disconnect and is forced out from the lounge of an event race, a Disconnect Caution will be waved. NAT Type 1 or 2 are required to race, NAT Type 3 is prohibited. If you wish to retire from the race, enter Pit Road, do not click "OK", or if you do IMMEDIATELY hit Start. This will ensure that you car stays in it's pit stall for the remainder of the race. If you need to leave the room, make sure we know that you are leaving by typing it out, so we know that you haven't been disconnected. You still need to drive yourself to Pit Road before leaving the room.

A. Disconnect Cautions resemble mechanical issues/failures, this MUST be the said driver's first network disconnect of the race.
B. The standing Race Director will call for a Caution when noted that the qualifying driver has left the room.
C. Drivers will race back to the line as usual. Once under Caution, at the call of the Race Director. All drivers will gradually come to a STOP on the track.
D. The disconnected driver will have 5 minutes to get back in the lobby. If they are not back in the lobby within 5 minutes, the race will resume Yellow Flag conditions. If the driver rejoins the room before the race goes Green again, they will be allowed back in. Otherwise, they won't be and the Caution Procedure for a normal Caution Period will be followed in place of the Disconnection Caution Procedure. If a driver gets back online and is able to communicate their attempt to fix their issue, they may be allowed extra time.
E. In the event that the disconnected driver rejoins the room on time, there will be mandatory pit stops. Following that, will be another Red Flag so that the Official's can take a tally and placement of current drivers for the restart. All drivers will exit the track so the host can reset the room. DO NOT LEAVE UNTIL TOLD.
F. The host will set laps to remaining amount. (Additional Pace Laps may be needed if there are lapped cars.)
G. Once the room has been reset, drivers may re-enter the track for competition. (It helps if the host is on everyone's Friends List.)
H. The disconnected driver will restart at the rear of the field on the Pace Lap.
I. If there are lapped cars, the lapped cars will pull over to the side of the track on the backstretch and will rejoin the lead lap cars when they are the correct amount of laps down. (No more than 5.) If they are more than 5 laps down they will not be allowed to go around the track to catch the leader after racing back to the line for a Caution if they beat the leader to the line until there have been enough times where that would have happened, where they would actually be 5 laps down. (Help from Officials will be available if necessary.) The field will remain under Caution until all cars are the laps down they should be before the disconnection occurred.
Ia. If there are lapped cars, before the 1 to go signal, there will be optional pit stop, in which drivers will not lose any track position for pitting.
J. Standard Restart procedure will be followed on the final Pace Lap.
K. Disconnect Cautions will not occur with 10 or less laps to go. (2 laps at Special Stage Route X)
L. If a driver is disconnected a second time, a second Disconnect Caution WILL NOT be granted, the driver will record a DNF, and may remain in the lounge area.
M. Re-entry after 2nd disconnect drivers and lapped down drivers; Drivers will be able to re-enter a race if they are disconnected a second time. When the driver re-enters the room they will not be awarded a Disconnect Caution and the room will not be reset. However, if another Disconnect Caution is called later in the race, and the field is reset along with the room, that driver will be granted re-entry to the race. It is as if their car was taken behind the wall for repairs. See Section I if the driver will be a lapped car. (Highly likely.)

Wreck Avoidance
Cars are allowed to pass other cars when they are "out of bounds". If they are doing so to avoid a wreck that is in progress.

Checkered Flag Procedures
When the leader crosses the the Start/Finish line on the final lap, all cars are to finish the lap they are on. If a driver finishes one or more laps down, they will maintain single file behind the leader without passing any cars as if under Caution.

Cautions: If the Caution comes out on the final lap, the race will continue until the cars cross the finish line. If a Caution is called before the final lap, but there is not enough time to run a Caution period, the race will end under Caution.

Penalty Procedure
To perform a drive-through penalty, enter Pit Road in while going backwards; this will force your car to reset and drive-thru Pit Road without pitting. Running a Pit Stop when you are required to do a Drive-through Penalty will result in another Drive-through penalty when you arrive at Pit Road after going around the track.

The following is a list of NASCAR penalties.

Pit for Heavy Damage
1. Driving a car with heavy damage, to the point where it is difficult to control the car, or with engine damage, will result in the driver having to pit.

End of Line Penalties
2. Having possibly entered your settings after qualifying your car. Please remain on pit road after qualifying.
3. Starting the race with a different driver than whom qualified the car.
4. Pitting when pit road is Closed. This includes drivers pitting when they are a lap down when Pit Road is only open for the Lead Lap Cars as pit road would still be closed for Lapped Cars. If a driver is already on Pit Road when Caution is called out, closing pit road; that driver will not be penalized.
5. Pitting out of order.

Drive-through Penalties (Green Flag) or End of Line Penalties (Caution)
6. Cars must enter pit road in single file. If a driver is out of line, they will be penalized.
7. Speeding while entering Pit Road.
8. A Commitment Line Violation.
9a. Crossing the Pit Entrance Line, when entering Pit Road and/or not being within the Pit Entrance Lines on Pit entry.
9b. Crossing the Pit Exit Blend Line, when exiting Pit Road.

Drive-through Penalties.
10. Accelerating before the Restart Line on a Start or Restart. (AKA Jumping the Green Flag.)
11. Changing lanes before the Start/Finish Line after the leader has entered the Restart Box on a Start or Restart. This includes the lane changes caused by warming your tires.
11a. Being in the incorrect lane on a Start or Restart.
12. Being ahead of the leader at the Restart Box on a Start or Restart, if the offending driver does not give the spot back by the Start/Finish Line.
13. Being ahead of the leader on a Start or Restart at the Start/Finish Line, if the spot isn't given back within a reasonable amount of time.
14. Passing on a Start or Restart before the Start/Finish Line.
15. Not being bunched up with the group on a Start or Restart.
16. Under Caution, passing after the second to last turn on the "One to Go" signal.

One Lap Penalties
17. Not serving a Drive-Through Penalty when required, or, in a more severe case, being removed from the race.
18. Passing the Pace Car.
19. Pulling up to pit; drivers must maintain position in relation to the field under Caution.
20. Passing a car under Caution that is heading to pit until they are on Pit Road.
21. Damaging a car under Caution. A more severe penalty may be induced.

Penalties Under Race Director Discretion
An NJS Official may direct a Competitor to cease competition, to leave the racing lobby or to bring the car to the pits for a specified number of laps, and/or a specified time penalty for the balance of the race - or future races - if it is necessary to do so in order to promote the orderly conduct of the NJS event(s). (Adapted from NASCAR Rulebook Section 9-12)

These can result in a simple restart at the tail of the field, a multiple lap penalty, or disqualification.
22. Disobeying a request from the Race Director.
23a. Request: Do not swerve/weave to warm your tires under Caution until the 1 to go signal has been given.
23b. Do not press Start to "ghost", "put your car on auto drive" under Green Flag unless you're in your pit box. It is allowed under Caution.
24. Intentionally causing a Caution.
24. Verbal abuse to an Official.
25. Disobeying a Black Flag or penalty.
26. Intentionally wrecking another driver.

Time Penalties
27. Driving with more than 2 tires outside track boundaries (also known as corner cutting) will be penalized with a time penalties determined by the severity or the corner cutting, added to the driver's total time at the end of the race, unless the driver obviously loses time.
Minor: 1-2 seconds
Moderate: 3-4 seconds
Major: 5+ seconds
Blatant: Race Director discretion, likely a multiple lap penalty for wreckless driving or even being disqualified. This will likely be applied during the race, rather than post-race.

End of Race
28. If there are not enough laps left in the race for a driver to serve a penalty, then they will be penalized after the race by being dropped to the last position for the current lap that they are on. (Example: If a driver is on the lead lap and he doesn't have enough time to serve the penalty, they will finish as the last car on the lead lap, ahead of any lapped cars.)

Special Stage Route X Boundary Line Rule (Also known as the Yellow Line Rule)
Driving on the right side of the white line on the inside of the track or in the turns driving below the yellow line, as well as driving to the left side of the white line on the outside of the track at Special Stage Route X to advance your position is subject to a drive-through penalty. If the foul occurs on the last lap that car will be regulated to the last car on the lead lap in official race results. In addition, any driver who forces another driver past the line can also be subjected to the same penalty.

Out of Race
30. Failure to comply with a Drive-Through Penalty within 3 laps will result in a disqualification where the driver must go to Pit Road and wait there until the end of the race. Failure to do that will result in the Host leaving the race and kicking the offending driver from the room. The Disconnection Caution procedure will then be followed so that the host may rejoin the race. If a driver does not serve their penalty within 3 laps, but continues to finish the race and is not kicked from the room, the driver's last lap will be 3 laps after they received the order to go the pit road for the drive-thru penalty. This also applies for drivers that do not pit if they are damaged. This only applies if the Race Director saw the penalty during the race and the driver was told about said penalty. Otherwise, in the case of a Drive-through Penalty not being served, drivers will be scored 1 lap down for not serving the Drive-Through Penalty.

Post-race Scoring Note: If a driver was supposed to be scored as 1 lap down and they earn their lap back for scoring, when the game (correctly) shows them as ahead of the leader. That driver will not scored as on the lead lap until the correctly scored leader passes them or they stay ahead of the correctly scored leader for 3 laps. Whichever comes first.

Under certain circumstances a driver may be placed on probation. When a driver is on probation, if they are seen breaking any rules (this includes not following the GTPlanet OLR and/or the Good Racecraft Guide) they may be banned for 1 or more races.

The right is reserved to adjust these rules if needed in order to promote fair racecraft. If there's any disagreement over the rules, "the interpretation and application by the Officials at the Event shall prevail."
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Sunday Weekly Schedule
November 30th, 2014: NASCAR Suzuka Thunder Special 100| Suzuka East Circuit | 2 segments of 50 laps each, 15 minute break between segments|(non-points)
Start of Full Season
Start of Half Season A
December 7th:
High Speed 200 | High Speed Ring Reverse | 80 Laps
December 14th: NASCAR Thunder Special - Suzuka | Suzuka East Circuit | 125 Laps
December 21st: NASCAR Thunder Special Motegi 500km | Twin Ring Motegi Super Speedway | 201 Laps
December 28th: Clubman 300km | Clubman Stage Route 5 | 122 Laps
Start of Half Season B
January 4th, 2015:
Fuji 300km | Fuji Speedway GT | 66 Laps
January 11th: Route X 500km | Special Stage Route X |16.5 Laps
End of Half Season A
January 25th:
Western 200 | Motegi West Course | 200 Laps
February 1st: Motegi 500km | Twin Ring Motegi Super Speedway | 201 Laps
February 8th: Eastern 300km | Motegi East Course | 88 Laps
To Be Determined: Finale 400km | High Speed Ring | 100 Laps
End of Half Season B
End of Full Season

Full Season Standings After 3 of 10 Races
#24 Peelster1 [515 Points]
2nd: #14 carl2448 [496 Points]
3rd: #11 Jayden5536 [495 Points]
4th: #42 trobes29 [491 Points]
5th: #88 braunracing88 [465 Points]
6th: #48 Alan_2134 [402 Points]
7th: #20 NearFear [340 Points]
8th: #18 Dcrimnal [302 Points]
9th: #43 The_Bman24 [146 Points]
10th: #83 BRRT_Angel [138 Points]

Full Season Standings After 2 of 10 Races
#24 Peelster1 [340 Points]
2nd: #42 trobes29 [335 Points]
3rd: #11 Jayden5536 [325 Points]
4th: #14 carl2448 [316 Points]
5th: #88 braunracing88 [305 Points]
6th: #48 Alan_2134 [252 Points]
7th: #20 NearFear [175 Points]
8th: #18 Dcrimnal [155 Points]
9th: #43 The_Bman24 [146 Points]
10th: #83 BRRT_Angel [138 Points]

Full Season Standings After 1 of 10 Races
#24 Peelster1 [175 Points]
2nd: #14 carl2448 [170 Points]
3rd: #11 Jayden5536 [165 Points]
4th: #48 Alan_2134 [155 Points]
5th: #42 trobes29 [150 Points]
6th: #43 The_Bman24 [146 Points]
7th: #88 braunracing88 [140 Points]
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NEXT RACE: Western 200 @ Motegi West Course

Click link for countdown timer. Room will open 1 hour prior. This is the qualifying start time that people need to get in the room by.

Race Info
Laps: 200 Laps (We will turn around and grid up on the backstretch.)
Transmission: Reset to Default, set Top Speed to 155 mph. (249 km/h)
Pace Speed: 40 mph (64km/h)
Start/Restart Line: The only white line that cross the track on the frontstretch.
Pit Entry Rules: Merge through the white line. Stay on the pavement. No pit entry lines, just don't touch the grass.
Commitment Line: Where the yellow striped line begins right in front of the pit entry sign.
Pit Road Speed Limit: 45 mph (72 km/h) 5 mph buffer allowed (8 km/h), strict 50 mph (80 km/h). 51 mph (81 km/h) is a Speeding Penalty.
Pit Exit Rules: Stay between the yellow lines, merging through the dashed white line. Don't touch the grass, don't cross the yellow striped line.
Track Boundaries: 2 tires must be on the track surface at all times. The track surface includes rumble strips. Time penalties will be given out for 3 or more tires off track if it isn't clear that the driver lost time.
Safety Car Stationary Location: On the road that comes from the oval's pit road on the left of the track after the Start/Finish Line.
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Car Registry Primary Driver List
Read Points System for an explanation about what a Primary Driver is.

Safety Car
GTP_Bambi / @Whitetail


#14 - carl2448 / @carl2448 (Full Season)
#24 - Peelster1 / @Peelster1 (Full Season)
#42 - Open
#48 - Alan_2134 / @Alan2134 (Full Season)
#88 - braunracing88 / @braunracing88 (Full Season)

#43 - Open - rcb929 / @rcb929 (Half Season B)
#99 - Open - BRRT_Angel / @BRRT_Angel (Half Season B - Part Time)


#11 - Jayden5536 / @Jayden___5536 (Full Season)
#18 - Dcrimnal / @DcrRaikkonen (Full Season)
#20 - NearFear / @NearCptNitro (Full Season)
#83 - jeff46107 / @jeff46107 (Half Season B)
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I'll most likely be taking a break from any actual racing so I should be able to help officiate your series in the form of a Safety Car driver. Please bear in mind though that I may not be able to attend each and every race however, and I won't bother with the Route X rounds as the track is too large to have a stand alone safety car.

Also, I don't see any the Red Bull Racing car listed. It's 2010/2011, shouldn't it be eligible?
I'll most likely be taking a break from any actual racing so I should be able to help officiate your series in the form of a Safety Car driver. Please bear in mind though that I may not be able to attend each and every race however, and I won't bother with the Route X rounds as the track is too large to have a stand alone safety car.

Also, I don't see any the Red Bull Racing car listed. It's 2010/2011, shouldn't it be eligible?

Thanks man! I wouldn't want an SC at Route X either.

I was grabbing my number listing from a 2013 list. Alan also pointed this out to me via PSN message. Added the 83 to the list.

can I use #48 car plzz and thanks you

Full Season or Half Season?
Do drivers allow do take wave around under caution. If drivers didn't pit and between leaders and pace car. If drivers is lap down.
Do drivers allow do take wave around under caution. If drivers didn't pit and between leaders and pace car. If drivers is lap down.
There will be no wave arounds in this series. The only way to get a lap back is to make sure you beat the Leader to the Start/Finish Line when racing back to the Line on a Caution. Sorry for any confusion in the Network Disconnection Caution section. I forgot to reword that section. It has been fixed.
trobes.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... #14 hopefuly full season
Car Registry

Safety Car


#14 - Open
#24 - Peelster1 (Full Season)
#42 - trobes29 (Full Season)
#48 - Alan_2134 (Full Season)
#88 - braunracing88 (Full Season)

#43 - Open
#99 - Open

#11 - Open
#18 - Open
#20 - Open
#83 - Open

Full Season Standings

Half Season A Standings
Hey guys, I'm glad to see this is taking off. After some testing with carl2448, Alan_2134, BudIsgood024, and braunracing88, (thanks guys!) I've figured out the Transmission settings for Suzuka East and Motegi Speedway. We still need some work with High Speed Ring, but we are close. I'm also thinking about having a rule where downforce must be default. I'd like to know thoughts on that. I've already made up my mind that will definitely be a rule at Motegi Speedway after hearing about the extreme downforce setups people have been using online.

Will join as the #43.
Full Season?
@Peelster1 now that there's more than one Safety Car option I need to ask you (you're effectively my boss for this) which car you want me to use. I'd prefer to drive the new BMW though. :)
@Peelster1 now that there's more than one Safety Car option I need to ask you (you're effectively my boss for this) which car you want me to use. I'd prefer to drive the new BMW though. :)

The Skyline will be the official NASCAR Japan Safety Car because Japanese Series, Japanese Safety Car. I like the new car, but am very sad it can't toggle the lightbar lights. On another note, current software is finally allowing me to post on GTPlanet using my PS3. I was previously unable to.
The Skyline will be the official NASCAR Japan Safety Car because Japanese Series, Japanese Safety Car. I like the new car, but am very sad it can't toggle the lightbar lights. On another note, current software is finally allowing me to post on GTPlanet using my PS3. I was previously unable to.
Was looking forward to using the BMW, but okay. :indiff:
Hey guys, I'm going to get working on our club page for the GT6 community feature this weekend. carl2448 is already making a poster for the "promote your series" thread here on GTP, but I'll need to get another photo myself for creating the club. I'll be hosting a room at 6pm EST on Sunday. People can practice to work on their setups, ask me any questions about the series, participate in practice races (I'll use an image from one of these for the club photo.), and we'll also go over the rules for the series. I would like everybody signed up to attend. Thanks, and see you there!

I've just adjusted the points structure for bonus points. Originally it was +1, it was supposed to be +5 as it is now. I have also added a new paragraph about when the Safety Car is to be deployed. It appears under the Caution Procedure section as the 3rd paragraph.
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lol Alan.

I have updated the car regulations to show the transmissions from Friday's testing session. We now only have 4 tracks left to test! Thanks to everyone that showed up on Friday.

Tonight's testing room is open and will likely be until Midnight EST.

Here's the nice poster carl2448 made to help advertise the series. Thanks!

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Reminder that there will be our opening exhibition race today at 6pm EST. I really would like drivers to show up for practice at 5pm though. If you are unsure of the time, check the timer link in the 3rd post.
I have updated the timer and the track specific rules in post #3 for our Season Opener this Sunday. I deeply regret being unable to attend the exhibition race at Suzuka East due to my poor internet. I have a technician coming on Thursday. Hopefully it will fix the issue. That was the 2nd Sunday in a row from at that time period where my internet suffered until after 8pm EST.

@carl2448 Your message to me about the race got corrupted, could someone tell me what happened? No result spoilers unless absolutely needed if I need to determine a ruling. I asked carl2448 to upload the race, and actually there is a slim chance that the replay was short enough to be exported for at least one of the segments.

@redbullrider20 I like your Bambi the Red-nosed Deer.

Flashback: One year ago I attempted to launch this series on GT5. It failed due to a combination of lack of interest, and due to the upcoming release of GT6 I ended up postponing the series until now.

We hosted the Suzuka East exhibition in which there was a decent amount of people. (somewhere between 7 and 9 I think) trobes29 won the first segment by driving away from the field. I was leading in the second segment when he made a few mistakes. However, there was a late race caution that let to a shootout finish. I ended up being able to drive away from the field that was battle behind me taking the second segment and overall victory.

Here is a video that trobes29 uploaded from the season opener at High Speed Ring Reverse last year. Speeds were a bit higher then I expect for this year's race and attendance was a lot lower, but for those interested, enjoy the full race from trobes29's perspective.

If anyone is interested in other races that have been uploaded to Youtube that I have hosted, please let me know. trobes29 has a portion of the Season Finale of a NASCAR series at a Tokyo Bay short oval (sadly just the first 75 laps of a 300+ lap race) that was hosted in Summer of 2013. In addition, user CharlieFibrosis has 5 races (sadly, low quality footage) from an IndyCar series I hosted before that NASCAR series in 2013, including the Indy Japan 300 at Motegi Speedway, the Indianapolis 500, and Indy Japan : The Final at Motegi Road Course. (Sadly, part 1 of that race was deleted by mistake.) Anyway, if anyone is interested in any of those races, I have playlists set up on my Youtube Channel.
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@redbullrider20 I like your Bambi the Red-nosed Deer.
:lol: Thanks. :embarrassed:

Also about the race, @Alan2134 was warned multiple times about driving standards under caution and had earned himself a pass-through penalty at the restart. Since PD has apparently patched our previous system of pit penalties he was instructed by the race officials to stay next to the pit wall on the front stretch and proceed at 55mph. He disregarded the fact that he was supposed to that only and he was whipping the tail end of his car back and forth and took off before the end of the pit wall as I observed. I don't know exactly what happened after that but he received a black/white cross flag and was told to park it, which he eventually did after much hesitation. The race was recorded to my knowledge with audio.
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