Need For Speed Heat - General Discussion

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Not sure how many GTP'ers still play this or have picked it up as part of the PS+ free offering but since the leaders of the original GTPL crew ( @rallymorten @Famine ) no longer play, I set up a new crew. Search GTPlanet 2022
We are almost level 39, any help to get us to 50 would be welcome.
I had a few dollars in my Steam wallet so I figured I would give it a shot. I'm pretty sure this will be my first (non-Shift) NFS since Carbon. :eek:
Since i already own the Standard Edition i can not buy it for 3,50€... The only option i have is the Deluxe Edition Upgrade for 9,99€ lulz :banghead:
Not sure how many GTP'ers still play this or have picked it up as part of the PS+ free offering but since the leaders of the original GTPL crew ( @rallymorten @Famine ) no longer play, I set up a new crew. Search GTPlanet 2022
We are almost level 39, any help to get us to 50 would be welcome.
Joined the crew allthough not entirely sure what it does lol.

Since i already own the Standard Edition i can not buy it for 3,50€... The only option i have is the Deluxe Edition Upgrade for 9,99€ lulz :banghead:
Hate it when they do that..

I think Im supposed to do time trials other crews send us?
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Joined the crew allthough not entirely sure what it does lol.

I think Im supposed to do time trials other crews send us?

Now that the crew is level 50 you get 10% bonus cash, rep and heat. You also unlock the ability to purchase the Ferrari FXXK for ~$2M.

Drop me a note of your psn and I will promote you to an admin. This was a randomly generated crew so most members arent GTP'ers

Edit: checked your profile. Promoted
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I doubled dipped for that sweet 60fps on PC, had it on PS4 but I literally can’t (won’t) play racing games at 30fps any more. Also, $3.50 is a steal, it’s a decent game.

I’ll look up the GTPlanet crew tomorrow
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Since i already own the Standard Edition i can not buy it for 3,50€... The only option i have is the Deluxe Edition Upgrade for 9,99€ lulz :banghead:

I bought it on Steam too and turns out the platforms are connected somehow so i got all Deluxe Edition content on my Origin save game so that was nice ^^
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So I just lost over 1 million rep and two volatile parts because an invisible cop spawned literally inside my car, which almost destroyed me (from nearly full health too), it then nearly busted me before it became visible. With critical damage and a stone's throw from a gas station I got the alert that a rhino was coming, managed to lose the cops, hit a low wall between me and the gas station, was spotted by the cops again and gently tapped by the car I was reversing away from. I can't say what I shouted at my Deck when it dumped me back to the garage, but my girlfriend just texted to ask if I hurt myself.
because an invisible cop spawned literally inside my car, which almost destroyed me (from nearly full health too),


csi miami deal with it GIF
I downloaded the game just now, and first impression is that that intro video is really cool, but the music was lacking, too minimalistic.

Might seem like I'm nitpicking but seriously, a cool-ass video like that needs a cool-ass song to go with it. I'd like more effort.

Either way, looking forward to play this, with a wheel, curious to see how it plays with a wheel, since I only have experience with sims on wheel.
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Not sure how many GTP'ers still play this or have picked it up as part of the PS+ free offering but since the leaders of the original GTPL crew ( @rallymorten @Famine ) no longer play, I set up a new crew. Search GTPlanet 2022
We are almost level 39, any help to get us to 50 would be welcome.
Is it a good game overall? I also got it via PS+, honestly wouldn't have thought of it otherwise... Is it worth the 50-ish GBs it occupies?
Is it a good game overall? I also got it via PS+, honestly wouldn't have thought of it otherwise... Is it worth the 50-ish GBs it occupies?
I think it is one of best NFS games in recent years. It is very complete package, loads of cars, huge customization options and nice gameplay. Driving physics can be a little bit wonky, but it's okay (definately better than The Crew 2 physics). This game is great base to build upon it future titles.
I think it is one of best NFS games in recent years. It is very complete package, loads of cars, huge customization options and nice gameplay. Driving physics can be a little bit wonky, but it's okay (definately better than The Crew 2 physics). This game is great base to build upon it future titles.
Yeah i like everything about heat just the driving could be more engaging.

My only downside is i suck when trying to escape from the cops i always get caught fast not even my beloved gtr helps. :(
Yeah i like everything about heat just the driving could be more engaging.

My only downside is i suck when trying to escape from the cops i always get caught fast not even my beloved gtr helps. :(
Welp :D this is just training. My Twin Turbo Aventador SVJ is pure Cop destroyer :D
My only downside is i suck when trying to escape from the cops i always get caught fast not even my beloved gtr helps. :(

If you jump over water the police won't follow you. The jumps over the east-west river to the sea in northeast Bayview Park, the jump over the marina entrance in northeast Downtown, the Long Jump in west Downtown (accessed from a gravel track, you need to be doing 90mph/150kph+ to make it) and the Long Jump in west Port Murphy over the dock entrance are good for this, but there are others. Heat level 5 helicopters will still follow you but at least it gets the cars off your back.
Somebody has this EA account issue?? I changed my password 5 times with no luck... And I'm stuck in the F1's BM Online time trial...

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Coming soon: UNITE Heat 3.4

- We have managed to introduce changes which drastically decreased the LOD issues, meaning the textures should not be as blurry anymore at close and long ranges!

- New stunning night preset which will give you that authentic Florida night feel!


- Eddie's Mantis kit can now be applied onto the regular R34 Skyline!


This makes me curious: is Need for Speed: Heat compatible with the Steam Deck? If not, would the Heat Project UNITE Mod change that?
Not sure how many GTP'ers still play this or have picked it up as part of the PS+ free offering but since the leaders of the original GTPL crew ( @rallymorten @Famine ) no longer play, I set up a new crew. Search GTPlanet 2022
We are almost level 39, any help to get us to 50 would be welcome.
I just send a request to join you.

This option allows you to play UNITE fully optimized for the online experience. Put it under the main mod for it to work.
  • Cop car health bars and icons have been reverted
  • Default damage and wrap quality

  • The Wrap Editor now allows for mirroring on all parts of the car, similar to what has been implemented in UNITE Payback.
  • Lucas got a new stock of tirebombs and brake calipers available on all cars. This may affect some of your current builds, so it may be worth scanning through your garage.
  • Fixed fonts for 4K wraps. Words shouldn't be too tiny anymore.
  • Someone finally figured out how Eddie's kit is molded - it's now available to be equipped on your regular Nissan Skyline GT-R (R34). Does not work while playing online.
  • New smaller wheel sizes if you really want that tire tread.
  • Legend and Hero Edition cars can now be customized (except for paint and wrap - they do not like you touching that).
  • License plates updated. You can now rep Lakeshore in the Palm City streets.
  • Prestige Imports double-checked their stock of Nissan GT-R Nismos and McLaren P1 GTRs and they should no longer have missing brake calipers. This is a vanilla bug, surprisingly enough.
  • Casa Rivera has contacted Red Bull and got them to fix a few issues with their special edition Nissan 370Z. I guess they were busy spending too much time and money for catering.

  • Racer AI tweaked for balance.
  • The Palm City street racing scene has evolved so much, some racers had to go, with some new kids taking their place and their cars. You'll see some new names when racing.
  • To improve performance and loading, several textures have been reverted. You probably won't spot it unless you're actually playing a game of Spot the Difference.
  • Reverted the REP leveling table. This might change your actual REP level, so it may be worth going for a single night run to get that tweaked.

  • Crashes have been fixed.
  • Fixed some lighting issues in cutscenes.

  • Cop AI tweaked for balance.
  • Protocols in PCPD have changed: They now take longer to bust you and Killswitches are lowered.
  • Damage has been adjusted further. There still might be quirks here and there, but that's mostly down to how the game itself calculates damage.

  • Sounds of all Ultimate Forced Induction upgrades have been tweaked and updated.
  • The McLaren F1 and Lamborghini Murcielago SV both got sound updates; now these pairs of V12s are screaming! (And the F1's begging you to not do an RB swap)

  • Slight update to the main speedometer.
  • New night skybox for that extra Florida night flair. The original skybox can be replaced back as an add-on.
  • The skies have cleared and the sun's now shining - a new midday visual preset has been implemented.
  • Visuals and lighting in the garage have been tweaked to help with performance.
  • You sometimes see that NFS icon that indicates you've saved the game? That's swapped out for the short UNITE logo.
  • Honda NSX-Rs have been thoroughly checked by Casa Rivera and they should be properly projecting their headlights at night.
  • Several text strings have been fixed.
  • Axed that floating lens flare that was particularly noticeable at night. It wasn't really a bug, in fact that is how cameras actually work; but it was a visual nuisance for most.
  • The colored lights on the virtual warehouse (the area you see in the start, car select, and dealership screens) have been brought back, much to the approval of Palm City's local neon light makers.
  • Removed rain from the midday and sunset presets. Wouldn't make much sense for an extremely sun-soaked area with minimal clouds to have rain pouring all over the place.
  • Updated a few billboards, some advertisers' contracts have expired.
I bought this game on release years ago so my son could play it. I fired it up today, what a mess ! Default deadzone for controller.. 24 !!. Tricky to drive for sure
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Just installed Heat on my PS5 from my PS4 transfer and dear god it looks and feels like a PS3 game... wished this game had the upscale like other PS4 games.

Definitely a night and day difference between this and Unbound.
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