Need Help: Celica XX 2000GT Drift Settings

  • Thread starter Marius
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Now I am a rookie drifter. I started drifting in GT3 shortly before GT4 came out. Up until now I have just used other peoples settings and gotten by with that. But I belive I have gotten as far in drifting as I can using other peoples setups. It is/was time to start making my own. But I am having some problems...

My Celica XX 2000GT drifts... OK. If I swing the thing REALLY hard into a turn it drifts great, but only on Mid speed and length turns. But this kills me on low speed turns and hair pins, it is too hard to swing this car in a intertia style drift (at least to the degree I have to do it) in low speed turns. And on high speed long hair pins it understeers really bad. The only place this car does good with my settings is in mid lengh mid speed turns and hair pins. This is my first atempt at making a drift setup and just need some pointers on where I am going wrong. Any input would be great.

Spring Rate : F 7.0 R 7.0
Ride Height : F 115 R 115
Bound/Rebound : F 7 R 7
Camber : F 3.4 R 5.7
Toe : F 0 R 0
Stab : F 4 R 6

Initial : 48
Accel : 48
Decel : 48

Brakes : F 8 R 20

If anyone can help me out with this I would appreciate it. I realize that these settings are probably very "jacked up"... But agian. This is my first try at making me own.

- Marius
Spring Rate : F 7.0 R 7.0
Ride Height : F 115 R 115
Bound/Rebound : F 7 R 7
Camber : F 3.4 R 5.7
Toe : F 0 R 0
Stab : F 4 R 6

Initial : 48
Accel : 48
Decel : 48

Brakes : F 8 R 20

Here's my generic start from here and tune accordingly setup...
(I've accounted for this car's weight and such)

Spring Rate : F 6.5 R 8.0
Ride Height : F +5mm Above lowest height; R +10mm Above lowest height
Bound/Rebound : F 6 R 6
Camber : F 3.0 R 4.5
Toe : F -2 R -2
Stab : F 4 R 4

Initial : 20
Accel : 25
Decel : 35
(You might want to try a 2-Way LSD instead)

Brakes : F 10 R 15

Hope that helps, because you're gonna need it before the GTP regulars get a hold of this thread :cool:.

Here's my generic start from here and tune accordingly setup...
(I've accounted for this car's weight and such)

Initial : 20
Accel : 25
Decel : 35
(You might want to try a 2-Way LSD instead)

I think the accel was good at first, no changes in that, since he didn't have complaints on speedy corners, I only think decel and maybe initial are some good changes, wich makes this:

Initial: 20-->27
Accel: 45-->50
Decel: 30-->35

I think this is the way I should do it:tup: but I haven't tried it, that's up to you:sly:
Initial: 20-->27

The car simply doesn't need that much torque, it'll suffer from too much throttle control if it's too high because the wheels are spinning so fast.

Accel: 45-->50

Seeing as it's a relatively light car and considering it's power limitations, I don't think it'll need quite so much Accel. otherwise he'll be dealing more with drifting off the track in the lower speed corners because of the slower RPM gains. When the accel. is too high, it takes power from the wheels, despite it's high revs, the car will both loose torque (to some extent) and actual acceleration capabilities. Hope that makes some sense.

Decel: 30-->35

35 is good.

Not to say you're wrong, but just an explanation on why I would start with such settings.:sly:

Hello and welcome. Please direct all your settings suggestions and requests to the drift settings depot... Here

Way to help him out guys. Nicely done....:)

Oh and check This Sticky it will help you in your quest.

Thanks and please enjoy your stay here.

With that I bid you good luck and good day..
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