New Bond Film - "Spectre" - October / November 2015

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
So is Craig doing it ? Waltz said he will be back as Blofeld if Craig is doing another. Personally i'd like him playing Bond one last time. The ending in Spectre was meh.
June 2nd is an important date to watch out for. If Sony Pictures doesn't have a new distribution deal in place with MGM, it will be open season for the franchise. (Source) Considering the success of Star Wars Episode VII, Disney is in a position of considerable strength if distribution rights go to auction.
My ideal Bond 25 would probably look something like this:


The pre-titles would take place in Sydney and tie into the overall story. It would no doubt have an action set-piece; I'm thinking of a fight on a window washing platform that jams so one side rises faster than the other. It ultimately malfunctions, causing it to fall and swing out over an empty space; Bond has to leap to safety.


MI6 is contacted by Damien Falco (William Petersen), a CIA agent who reports that Felix Leiter (Jeffrey Wright) has disappeared while on assignment in Africa. As the CIA cannot mount a rescue mission, Bond is sent to locate Leiter. He and M agree that something is very wrong.


While in Africa, Bond attempts to rescue Felix - only to be caught by Anatoly Gogol (Jeremy Irons), a Soviet-era spymaster known as "Krokodil". Gogol takes him to Leiter, who was never kidnapped; while investigating suspicious activities in Africa, he found a connection to a Russian mining oligarch and a known member of Spectre. Realising the implications, they staged Leiter's kidnapping to get Bond to Africa.

The plot centres on colombite, a rare mineral that has shown promise as a near room-temperature semiconductor. Currently, the only reserves are in China (and possibly Australia), but the deposits in Africa are rich enough to end the Chinese monopoly. Leiter's investigation centres on Hugo Vanderdaatje (Michael Fassbender), a South African mercenary whose company provides security to African heads of state. In order to get close to Vanderdaatje, Bond must make contact with Marcelline Chibweza (Lupita Nyong'o), an MSF doctor and the new Minister for Health under the newly-elected president (Chewitiel Ejiofor) who treated a village near the mines for radiation poisoning.


Eventually the trail leads to Malaysia when Bond uncovers a project called "Synecdoche". Vanderdaatje's plan is to fund a private satellite launch in Malaysia. However, the rocket is actually a missile designed to explode shortly after launch, looking like an accident. It will disperse colombite isotopes through the atmosphere, which will interfere with civilian and communication networks. With their monopoly on colombite, the Chinese will be able to develop products that are unaffected by the isotopes, giving them military, economic and technological superiority for generations. Unable to stop the launch, Bond disarms the altimeter that will trigger the rocket's explosion, and "Synecdoche" launches without incident.


Meanwhile, M has been interrogating Blofeld (Christoph Waltz). However, Blofeld engineers his release when the Chinese government claims that he has been acting as a confidential agent. Unwilling to upset Beijing, the Prime Minister orders Blofeld's release. Blofeld demands that Bond hand him over to the Chinese in Paris.

While waiting for the Chinese, Blofeld admits that he is not Franz Oberhauser; rather, he found Oberhauser and impersonated him to get to Bond, and was convincing enough for Bond to believe him. He reveals that he was the son of a Pole and a Greek stationed in Romania. At a young age, his parents were killed and he was granted asylum in Sweden. He was adopted by a German and a Belgian, and sent to school in Switzerland. Blofeld does not identify with any one nation, and so has a vision of a world without borders.

Bond reveals that he sabotaged the rocket, and that the Chinese will not be happy. Blofeld expresses disappointment, as the Chinese still have the colombite and Spectre have other projects for them. He reveals that there is only one person to kill him - Bond, which is why he plans to kill Bond first. As Blofeld is taken away by the Chinese, a Spectre assassin shoots him with a poisoned dart. Blofeld's (and the film's) final words are "It's a shame, James. You were just starting to get interesting".
My ideal Bond 25 would probably look something like this:


The pre-titles would take place in Sydney and tie into the overall story. It would no doubt have an action set-piece; I'm thinking of a fight on a window washing platform that jams so one side rises faster than the other. It ultimately malfunctions, causing it to fall and swing out over an empty space; Bond has to leap to safety.


MI6 is contacted by Damien Falco (William Petersen), a CIA agent who reports that Felix Leiter (Jeffrey Wright) has disappeared while on assignment in Africa. As the CIA cannot mount a rescue mission, Bond is sent to locate Leiter. He and M agree that something is very wrong.


While in Africa, Bond attempts to rescue Felix - only to be caught by Anatoly Gogol (Jeremy Irons), a Soviet-era spymaster known as "Krokodil". Gogol takes him to Leiter, who was never kidnapped; while investigating suspicious activities in Africa, he found a connection to a Russian mining oligarch and a known member of Spectre. Realising the implications, they staged Leiter's kidnapping to get Bond to Africa.

The plot centres on colombite, a rare mineral that has shown promise as a near room-temperature semiconductor. Currently, the only reserves are in China (and possibly Australia), but the deposits in Africa are rich enough to end the Chinese monopoly. Leiter's investigation centres on Hugo Vanderdaatje (Michael Fassbender), a South African mercenary whose company provides security to African heads of state. In order to get close to Vanderdaatje, Bond must make contact with Marcelline Chibweza (Lupita Nyong'o), an MSF doctor and the new Minister for Health under the newly-elected president (Chewitiel Ejiofor) who treated a village near the mines for radiation poisoning.


Eventually the trail leads to Malaysia when Bond uncovers a project called "Synecdoche". Vanderdaatje's plan is to fund a private satellite launch in Malaysia. However, the rocket is actually a missile designed to explode shortly after launch, looking like an accident. It will disperse colombite isotopes through the atmosphere, which will interfere with civilian and communication networks. With their monopoly on colombite, the Chinese will be able to develop products that are unaffected by the isotopes, giving them military, economic and technological superiority for generations. Unable to stop the launch, Bond disarms the altimeter that will trigger the rocket's explosion, and "Synecdoche" launches without incident.


Meanwhile, M has been interrogating Blofeld (Christoph Waltz). However, Blofeld engineers his release when the Chinese government claims that he has been acting as a confidential agent. Unwilling to upset Beijing, the Prime Minister orders Blofeld's release. Blofeld demands that Bond hand him over to the Chinese in Paris.

While waiting for the Chinese, Blofeld admits that he is not Franz Oberhauser; rather, he found Oberhauser and impersonated him to get to Bond, and was convincing enough for Bond to believe him. He reveals that he was the son of a Pole and a Greek stationed in Romania. At a young age, his parents were killed and he was granted asylum in Sweden. He was adopted by a German and a Belgian, and sent to school in Switzerland. Blofeld does not identify with any one nation, and so has a vision of a world without borders.

Bond reveals that he sabotaged the rocket, and that the Chinese will not be happy. Blofeld expresses disappointment, as the Chinese still have the colombite and Spectre have other projects for them. He reveals that there is only one person to kill him - Bond, which is why he plans to kill Bond first. As Blofeld is taken away by the Chinese, a Spectre assassin shoots him with a poisoned dart. Blofeld's (and the film's) final words are "It's a shame, James. You were just starting to get interesting".

....Rejected. :P

Not enough ACTION!!! :lol:

Great casting though. Change Chinese to Russians and you're good to go.
@JKgo - I can think of plenty:

Bond and a villain are fighting in a skyscraper; the fight goes out the window and into a window-washing carriage. One side is damaged so that when the platform is activated, the other side is pulled up. Eventually it jams and breaks under the stress, and the platform collapses, swinging out into dead air twenty storeys above the ground. Bond and the villain both leap off as the pendulum reaches its zenith; Bond crashes through the window of an adjacent skyscraper, while the villain has a parachute and falls to safety.

A horseback chase through the African jungle. The villains chase Bond and even go so far as to bring in an attack helicopter when the horse can go where the trucks and jeeps cannot. The chase concludes with the inexperienced helicopter firing missiles at Bond and accidentally hitting a temporary dam instead; the dam collapses and the wall of water hits the helicopter, knocking it off balance so that it crashes.

Bond infiltrates the presidential palace - a nineteenth-century fort - by spelunking and swimming through a flooded cavern and climbing a rock face.

An ice-yachting sequence (this was originally planned for The Living Daylights, but was dropped in favour of a car chase), which could work if the rocket launch was in the Arctic Circle rather than Malaysia.

A rally chase. Germany or Wales.
Watching this movie again, seems more like Cars 2. Oh, the irony. :sly:
The car segment on Spectre was cringeworthy on modern James Bond standards. The button gag, its too short, and in the end its drowned on a river which kind of punch in the gut.

I think SPECTRE is the worst Daniel Craig starred Janes Bond movie. Not the worst James Bond film though.
in the end its drowned on a river which kind of punch in the gut
James Bond has a history of destroying cars. He drowned the DB10, had the DB5 shot up and blown up, barrel-rolled a DB9 and smashed another one up, had a Z9 cut in half lengthways, drove a 750i off a roof, and activated the self-destruct on a Vantage. In all honesty, the DB10 got off lightly.

I think SPECTRE is the worst Daniel Craig starred Janes Bond movie.
The problem is that it feels like the relationship between Bond and Swann was supposed to be the focus, but then the first half of the film was crammed with more and more content.

The film should have opened with Bond killing Sciarra to dave White, then doing the deal to protect Swann, and spend the rest of the film solving the puzzle of who Blofeld is.
James Bond has a history of destroying cars. He drowned the DB10, had the DB5 shot up and blown up, barrel-rolled a DB9 and smashed another one up, had a Z9 cut in half lengthways, drove a 750i off a roof, and activated the self-destruct on a Vantage. In all honesty, the DB10 got off lightly.

The problem is that it feels like the relationship between Bond and Swann was supposed to be the focus, but then the first half of the film was crammed with more and more content.

The film should have opened with Bond killing Sciarra to dave White, then doing the deal to protect Swann, and spend the rest of the film solving the puzzle of who Blofeld is.
Its just compared to any other cars, DB10 only got so little screentime and action.

I felt that, even from the trailer, the film will be a disjointed mess. And I'm not far off. Except the Mexico opening scene which is probably the only nice thing on the movie.
think SPECTRE is the worst Daniel Craig starred Janes Bond movie

Worse than QoS, really? He might not have been in it enough but at least SPECTRE had a proper, intimidating bad guy with properly bad intentions. Not a goon that wanted to raise the cost of water in Bolivia.
SPECTRE had a proper, intimidating bad guy with properly bad intentions.
I think the issue is that Blofeld is kind of unintentionally ambiguous in the film. The main point of the plot - attempting to hijack the surveillance network - gets lost in the background; Bond never really does anything to address it until he reaches the crater in Morocco.

Not a goon that wanted to raise the cost of water in Bolivia.
I think Greene actually worked pretty well, because he's written very consistently and he does exactly what he was supposed to do: he's an anonymous businessman enacting some scheme that brings about suffering while the rest of the world would ignore if they knew of it.
in the end its drowned on a river which kind of punch in the gut.

007 is famous for destroying Q's cars and gadgets Hence the long running gag of the series "please bring it back in 1 piece" from Q.

I think the only car that actually survived (never got destroyed) iirc are the Lotus Esprit from Spy Who Loved Me, the Z3 from Goldeneye and the DB5.

Despite all the flaws, i still think it's a lot better than QoS. Though the kissing scene in the train was cringeworthy, the climax was meh but overall it feels like an old school bond movie. Skyfall and Casino Royale are tied as the best one imo.
I think the only car that actually survived (never got destroyed) iirc are the Lotus Esprit from Spy Who Loved Me, the Z3 from Goldeneye and the DB5.

Maybe i shouldn't included DB5 as it was destroyed and rebuilt again couple of times.
I'm pretty sure Spectre was the only time a DB5 was destroyed. After its popularity in Goldfinger, it became Bond's unofficial personal car rather than his "company car", as it were.
Has Bond ever driven a Bentley in the films? That's the marque Fleming gave him.
Didn't he crash the DB5 into a brick wall in Goldfinger?
Has Bond ever driven a Bentley in the films? That's the marque Fleming gave him.
I believe he had one as his personal vehicle in one of the early films.
Ah, I think you're right. I know he drives a Sunbeam Tiger Alpine in Dr. No but at the end of the film when he's on a picnic he might be in a big, green Bentley.
He has a Bentley as his personal car at the start of FRWT, when he's at the riverside with Sylvia.


In terms of company car the Bentley got replaced before Goldfinger in the films, story wise. When Q is showing him the DB5 Bond asks what happened to the Bentley, Q tells him it's had it's day.
I'm pretty sure Spectre was the only time a DB5 was destroyed. After its popularity in Goldfinger, it became Bond's unofficial personal car rather than his "company car", as it were.
I think you meant Skyfall ? The DB5 was shot in Skyfall then brought back in Spectre. If i recall, the car were also crashed to the brickwall in Goldfinger so i think of it as been destroyed twice.
the car were also crashed to the brickwall in Goldfinger so i think of it as been destroyed twice
The car in Goldfinger had the registration plate BMT 214A. Every subsequent DB5 has had that plate, so it's largely regarded as the same car.
The rumour mill is already starting up, and it's no surprise that the first rumour is the rumour that just won't quit - Australia to feature in Bond 25. This time, it's been accompanied by talk of Margot Robbie as a Bond Girl.
After its popularity in Goldfinger, it became Bond's unofficial personal car rather than his "company car", as it were.
Not exactly. It became Bond's personal car in Casino Royale. It was Q-branch modified for Skyfall. It wasn't really used as a car after Thunderball.

The rumour mill is already starting up, and it's no surprise that the first rumour is the rumour that just won't quit - Australia to feature in Bond 25. This time, it's been accompanied by talk of Margot Robbie as a Bond Girl.
Wrong thread there. You might be looking for the Bond 25 thread.


I'm pretty sure Spectre was the only time a DB5 was destroyed.

That was a DB10. The DB5 was Skyfall.
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