New Nissan on 10th June? Reveal on 16th

  • Thread starter CanaryMan

Will the new Nissan conform to the shape under the cover?

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I keep on seeing things about this Nissan concept saying that it's a Vision GT car (Topspeed and Wikipedia say that it is a Vision GT Car) but we still don't know if it's a Vision GT Car or not.
Hybrid isnt just a Prius thing.

La Ferrari, Porsche 918, and Mclaren P1 as well as Toyota TS040 is a hybrid and its still awesome and has a smart energy system.
I'm aware of this.
The McLaren P1 and LaFerrari hardly use their hybrid systems at all, they kick in only for a few seconds to help push the car a little bit harder, which is fine as hybrids can give a little bit of extra performance in a super car (even if the extra weight the battery system adds negates a lot of the benefits).
I personally don't like hybrids, I see them as a fad; they have good intentions and come with an 'environmentally-friendly' message, but they can't outperform petrol and diesel cars in any way with our current technology because their electric systems cause far more problems than they solve. Now, we wouldn't want this new Nissan to be raising more publicity for the hybrid movement would we?
Could it be the car under the cover?

Nope :rolleyes:

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Hydrogen cars are still way, way too expensive to produce. It's all very well producing a one off at a cost of several hundred thousand dollars but to actually put them into production ain't going to happen any time soon.
I'm sure petrol powered cars were desperately expensive and impractical when they were first built. We'll get there. Hybrids won't save us as they still require the use of a disappearing resource.
I'm sure petrol powered cars were desperately expensive and impractical when they were first built. We'll get there. Hybrids won't save us as they still require the use of a disappearing resource.

No, because Hybrids are a bridge to the replacement for petrol.
Hydrogen cars are still way, way too expensive to produce. It's all very well producing a one off at a cost of several hundred thousand dollars but to actually put them into production ain't going to happen any time soon.
Not to mention hydrogen on its own doesn't really like staying on the planet. It's best to keep it as water, and hydrocarbon sources of hydrogen are better used as-is, since we can actually effectively recycle carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, or capture it (and use it) at source. Water vapour is also confusing in respect of its effect in climate change feedback cycles, so it's perhaps safest to err on the side of not dumping loads more of it into the atmosphere.

Hybrids are a step towards high-density electric power, anyway, which means much greater efficiency overall (the ultimate aim), depending on the actual point-of-use technology we arrive at (i.e. what "batteries" etc.).
If this thing really is a hybrid, I hope it's in the style of the Hybrercar Triumverate.
Hybrid isnt just a Prius thing.

La Ferrari, Porsche 918, and Mclaren P1 as well as Toyota TS020 is a hybrid and its still awesome and has a smart energy system.
TS020 is what is known as the Toyota GT-One.

TS030 is the hybrid LMP-1.