New prize-car list.. with pics/stats This is Great for the pictures!!

  • Thread starter SmokeAlot
I have a red f090/s just like in that pic, i could have won a white with red on it but i really wanted a toyota gt1 race car and not a 3rd f090/s.
I dont know if this has been said yet, but i won the All Japan GT Championship and i won a Pennziol GT-R not a S-tune. So either it is my game or has that happened to some one else.
Originally posted by ZeroCool85
I dont know if this has been said yet, but i won the All Japan GT Championship and i won a Pennziol GT-R not a S-tune. So either it is my game or has that happened to some one else.

It does make sense, like why win a simple lil s-tune when the rest of the prize cars are race editions.. plus it's in pro league (I'm guessing)
So I'll have to look into it, and confirm.. plus now that my pc is working again properly (kinda), I'll continue redoing that list.. should be done by Friday or so.. hopefully..
:D thanx! I went to you site (really i went to .../smoke.alot/images)and tried to download all the images. Took 'bout a hour, then to my suprise i managed to download half the picture!! :mad::eek: man did that piss me off! i'm downloading it no so i hope it works!

Thanx again!
We all make mistakes dude!
! Its human nature!
Hey AltF8, if you find yourself falling behind qith your site, here's a tip:

Leave the site for about a week, recharge yourself, get all the info you need from RL, then go back in and kick some!
Originally posted by Lancer evo 19
i would of thought :cold: would of been ur fav smilie but u keep using the devil-fire one which i cant find Zero

LOL:fdevil: :cold:
Just wanna thank everyone again for the compliments.
Wish I was able to continue with the redoing of the list but the video capture card that I was using doesn't like my current system setup. Hopefully someday soon, I'll pick up another GF3, and it'll have video-in on it ;)
Anyways, All finished.. I might re-do the look of it sometime.. but for now, it's all good

Wow man, I'm impressed, this is very good. It's also nice to know which races I need to go compete in to get the darn RX-7 LM Race Car, and the 787B (:


Anyways, All finished.. I might re-do the look of it sometime.. but for now, it's all good

Wow man, I'm impressed, this is very good. It's also nice to know which races I need to go compete in to get the darn RX-7 LM Race Car, and the 787B (:


I just realized something ... did you actually get all gold on the S License, or did you get the info somewhere else and the image from the Car Shop? I haven't even gotten a bronze on the S license yet!

Hey smokealot that site is the best i was just woundering are u going to close it down and how do we know if u updated it
u should have on the front page when u updated it so we all know. The offline site u have does not work can u write it down for me again

thanks alot for the site
mario16, the car list shouldn't be shut down as long as I stay with my ISP :)
(although Jordan COULD really host it here.. since no other webpages link to my page) :D

but that ftp site that had the screenshots and videos etc is run off my computer, so it can't be online all the time. I disabled that one login since nobody was logging in anyway though :\
And it hasn't been updated since I put it online. Since I'm not sure that my tv-tuner will work with windowsXP or the other hardware which I have in the system atm. (believe me, I'm having withdrawls) although I could play GT3 on the TV, it aint the same ;)
When it does get updated tho, believe me.. you'll notice the difference.. hehe

and to LoudMusic, those all-gold cars are available from other races as well, so I just used those and put them on that all-gold page. cuz there's NO WAY I can get all golds on S :P
Originally posted by SmokeAlot
mario16, the car list shouldn't be shut down as long as I stay with my ISP :)
(although Jordan COULD really host it here.. since no other webpages link to my page) :D

but that ftp site that had the screenshots and videos etc is run off my computer, so it can't be online all the time. I disabled that one login since nobody was logging in anyway though :\
And it hasn't been updated since I put it online. Since I'm not sure that my tv-tuner will work with windowsXP or the other hardware which I have in the system atm. (believe me, I'm having withdrawls) although I could play GT3 on the TV, it aint the same ;)
When it does get updated tho, believe me.. you'll notice the difference.. hehe

and to LoudMusic, those all-gold cars are available from other races as well, so I just used those and put them on that all-gold page. cuz there's NO WAY I can get all golds on S :P
Hey Smoke, how much webspace does it take up?
How much space does GTPlanet take up?
Exactly 107.85 MB, as of right now. The forums take up 49.3 MB all by themselves. But, of course, it's always growing as new members join and post messages...

SmokeAlot, 4 MB sounds great! Go ahead and zip up the website, and send it in an email to I'll try to get it on GTP soon and I'll send you know the link. :)